Bob Zheng
Bob Zheng
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na rice.edu - Domača stran
Narrowband photodetection in the near-infrared with a plasmon-induced hot electron device
A Sobhani, MW Knight, Y Wang, B Zheng, NS King, LV Brown, Z Fang, ...
Nature communications 4, 1643, 2013
Distinguishing between plasmon-induced and photoexcited carriers in a device geometry
BY Zheng, H Zhao, A Manjavacas, M McClain, P Nordlander, NJ Halas
Nature communications 6, 7797, 2015
Embedding Plasmonic Nanostructure Diodes Enhances Hot Electron Emission
MW Knight, Y Wang, AS Urban, A Sobhani, BY Zheng, P Nordlander, ...
Nano letters 13 (4), 1687-1692, 2013
Fan-Shaped Gold Nanoantennas above Reflective Substrates for Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption (SEIRA)
LV Brown, X Yang, K Zhao, BY Zheng, P Nordlander, NJ Halas
Nano letters 15 (2), 1272-1280, 2015
Color‐Selective and CMOS‐Compatible Photodetection Based on Aluminum Plasmonics
BY Zheng, Y Wang, P Nordlander, NJ Halas
Advanced Materials 26 (36), 6318-6323, 2014
High chromaticity aluminum plasmonic pixels for active liquid crystal displays
J Olson, A Manjavacas, T Basu, D Huang, AE Schlather, B Zheng, ...
ACS nano 10 (1), 1108-1117, 2015
A room-temperature mid-infrared photodetector for on-chip molecular vibrational spectroscopy
B Zheng, H Zhao, B Cerjan, S Yazdi, E Ringe, P Nordlander, NJ Halas
Applied Physics Letters 113 (10), 101105, 2018
A high-speed multi-channel readout for SSPM arrays
M Janecek, JP Walder, PJ McVittie, B Zheng, H von der Lippe, M McClish, ...
IEEE transactions on nuclear science 59 (1), 13-18, 2012
High speed, direct detection 1k Frame-Store CCD sensor for synchrotron radiation
D Doering, N Andresen, D Contarato, P Denes, JM Joseph, P McVittie, ...
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 1840-1845, 2011
Work function-driven hot electron extraction in a bimetallic plasmonic MIM device
VRA Holm, BY Zheng, PM Denby, B Holst, NJ Halas, MM Greve
ACS Photonics 5 (4), 1202-1207, 2018
A fast low noise CMOS charge sensitive preamplifier for column parallel CCD readout
JP Walder, P Denes, C Grace, H von der Lippe, B Zheng
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2011 …, 2011
A High-speed Adaptively-biased Current-to-current Front-end for SSPM Arrays
B Zheng, JP Walder, H vonder Lippe, W Moses, M Janecek
Physics Procedia 37, 1473-1479, 2012
Fully integrated CMOS-compatible photodetector with color selectivity and intrinsic gain
BY Zheng, Y Wang, NJ Halas, P Nordlander
US Patent 9,806,217, 2017
A Flexible Front-End Signal Processor for High-Speed Image Sensor Readout
C Grace, D Gnani, JP Walder, B Zheng
Physics Procedia 37, 1674-1689, 2012
Infrared photodetectors
BY Zheng, H Zhao, B Cerjan, M Tanzid, PJ Nordlander, NJ Halas
Infrared photodetectors
B Zheng, H Zhao, B Cerjan, M Tanzid, P Nordlander, NJ Halas
US Patent App. 16/899,759, 2020
Hot Carrier Generation in Metallic Nanostructures: Mechanisms and Novel Devices
B Zheng
Rice University, 2016
Fan-shaped gold nanoantennas above reflective substrates for surface-enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA)(Presentation Recording)
X Yang, LV Brown, K Zhao, BY Zheng, P Nordlander, NJ Halas
Nanoimaging and Nanospectroscopy III 9554, 955412, 2015
Distinguishing between plasmon-induced and photo-excited carriers in a device geometry (Presentation Recording)
H Zhao, BY Zheng, A Manjavacas, MJ McClain, P Nordlander, NJ Halas
Plasmonics: Metallic Nanostructures and Their Optical Properties XIII 9547 …, 2015
Fully Integrated CMOS-Compatible Photodetector with Intrinsic Gain and Red-Green-Blue Color Selectivity
B Zheng
Rice University, 2014
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