Jia Guo
Jia Guo
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Comparative Physiological and Metabolic Analysis Reveals a Complex Mechanism Involved in Drought Tolerance in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Induced by …
N Khan, A Bano, MA Rahman, J Guo, Z Kang, MA Babar
Scientific reports 9 (1), 2097, 2019
Comparative metabolomic profiling in the roots and leaves in contrasting genotypes reveals complex mechanisms involved in post-anthesis drought tolerance in wheat
Z Kang, MA Babar, N Khan, J Guo, J Khan, S Islam, S Shrestha, D Shahi
PLoS One 14 (3), e0213502, 2019
Stress-tolerant feedstocks for sustainable bioenergy production on marginal land
LD Quinn, KC Straker, J Guo, S Kim, S Thapa, G Kling, DK Lee, TB Voigt
BioEnergy Research 8, 1081-1100, 2015
Nitrogen Fertilization Effects on Biomass Production and Yield Components of Miscanthus ×giganteus
MS Lee, A Wycislo, J Guo, DK Lee, T Voigt
Frontiers in plant science 8, 544, 2017
Understanding the genetic basis of spike fertility to improve grain number, harvest index, and grain yield in wheat under high temperature stress environments
S Pradhan, MA Babar, K Robbins, G Bai, RE Mason, J Khan, D Shahi, ...
Frontiers in plant science 10, 1481, 2019
Evaluation of genomic selection methods for predicting fiber quality traits in Upland cotton
MS Islam, DD Fang, JN Jenkins, J Guo, JC McCarty, DC Jones
Molecular Genetics and Genomics 295, 67-79, 2020
Switchgrass as a bioenergy crop in the Loess Plateau, China: Potential lignocellulosic feedstock production and environmental conservation
D Cooney, H Kim, L Quinn, MS Lee, J Guo, S Chen, B Xu, DK Lee
Journal of Integrative Agriculture 16 (6), 1211-1226, 2017
Multi-trait genomic prediction of yield-related traits in US soft wheat under variable water regimes
J Guo, J Khan, S Pradhan, D Shahi, N Khan, M Avci, J Mcbreen, ...
Genes 11 (11), 1270, 2020
Using UAV-based hyperspectral imaging and functional regression to assist in predicting grain yield and related traits in wheat under heat-related stress environments for the …
L Costa, J McBreen, Y Ampatzidis, J Guo, MR Gahrooei, MA Babar
Precision Agriculture 23 (2), 622-642, 2022
Increased prediction accuracy using combined genomic information and physiological traits in a soft wheat panel evaluated in multi-environments
J Guo, S Pradhan, D Shahi, J Khan, J Mcbreen, G Bai, JP Murphy, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 7023, 2020
Phenotypic and Biomass Yield Variations in Natural Populations of Prairie Cordgrass (Spartina pectinata Link) in the USA
J Guo, S Thapa, T Voigt, AL Rayburn, A Boe, DK Lee
BioEnergy Research 8, 1371-1383, 2015
Genetic dissection of heat-responsive physiological traits to improve adaptation and increase yield potential in soft winter wheat
S Pradhan, MA Babar, G Bai, J Khan, D Shahi, M Avci, J Guo, J McBreen, ...
BMC genomics 21, 1-15, 2020
Growth responses and accumulation of cadmium in switchgrass (Panicumvirgatum L.) and prairie cordgrass (Spartinapectinata Link)
C Zhang, J Guo, DK Lee, E Anderson, H Huang
Rsc Advances 5 (102), 83700-83706, 2015
Multi-trait genomic prediction using in-season physiological parameters increases prediction accuracy of complex traits in US wheat
D Shahi, J Guo, S Pradhan, J Khan, M Avci, N Khan, J McBreen, G Bai, ...
BMC genomics 23 (1), 298, 2022
Evaluation of edamame genotypes suitable for growing in Florida
J Guo, A Rahman, MJ Mulvaney, MM Hossain, K Basso, R Fethiere, ...
Agronomy Journal 112 (2), 693-707, 2020
Biomass yield and feedstock quality of prairie cordgrass in response to seeding rate, row spacing, and nitrogen fertilization
J Guo, S Thapa, T Voigt, V Owens, A Boe, DK Lee
Agronomy Journal 109 (6), 2474-2485, 2017
Impact of warm‐season grass management on feedstock production on marginal farmland in Central Illinois
C Zumpf, MS Lee, S Thapa, J Guo, R Mitchell, JJ Volenec, DK Lee
GCB Bioenergy 11 (10), 1202-1214, 2019
Effects of genetic variation and growing condition of prairie cordgrass on feedstock composition and ethanol yield
SM Kim, J Guo, S Kwak, YS Jin, DK Lee, V Singh
Bioresource Technology 183, 70-77, 2015
Genetics and partitioning for biomass of prairie cordgrass compared to switchgrass on marginal cropland
A Boe, PJ Johnson, V Owens, DK Lee, J Guo, JL Gonzalez-Hernandez
BioEnergy Research 10, 864-875, 2017
Genomic variation shaped by environmental and geographical factors in prairie cordgrass natural populations collected across its native range in the USA
J Guo, PJ Brown, AL Rayburn, CJ Butts-Wilmsmeyer, A Boe, DK Lee
Genes 12 (8), 1240, 2021
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