Xiancheng Zhang
Grain refinement mechanism of multiple laser shock processing impacts on ANSI 304 stainless steel
JZ Lu, KY Luo, YK Zhang, GF Sun, YY Gu, JZ Zhou, XD Ren, XC Zhang, ...
Acta Materialia 58 (16), 5354-5362, 2010
Improvement of fatigue life of Ti–6Al–4V alloy by laser shock peening
XC Zhang, YK Zhang, JZ Lu, FZ Xuan, ZD Wang, ST Tu
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (15), 3411-3415, 2010
Computational-experimental approaches for fatigue reliability assessment of turbine bladed disks
SP Zhu, Q Liu, W Peng, XC Zhang
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 142, 502-517, 2018
Probabilistic modeling of uncertainties in fatigue reliability analysis of turbine bladed disks
XP Niu, RZ Wang, D Liao, SP Zhu, XC Zhang, B Keshtegar
International Journal of Fatigue 142, 105912, 2021
A modified strain energy density exhaustion model for creep–fatigue life prediction
RZ Wang, XC Zhang, ST Tu, SP Zhu, CC Zhang
International Journal of Fatigue 90, 12-22, 2016
Effects of low-temperature transformation and transformation-induced plasticity on weld residual stresses: Numerical study and neutron diffraction measurement
W Jiang, W Chen, W Woo, ST Tu, XC Zhang, V Em
Materials & Design 147, 65-79, 2018
Porosity, mechanical properties, residual stresses of supersonic plasma-sprayed Ni-based alloy coatings prepared at different powder feed rates
XC Zhang, BS Xu, YX Wu, FZ Xuan, ST Tu
Applied surface science 254 (13), 3879-3889, 2008
Creep-fatigue life prediction and interaction diagram in nickel-based GH4169 superalloy at 650 C based on cycle-by-cycle concept
RZ Wang, XC Zhang, JG Gong, XM Zhu, ST Tu, CC Zhang
International Journal of Fatigue 97, 114-123, 2017
Cyclic hardening/softening behavior of 316L stainless steel at elevated temperature including strain-rate and strain-range dependence: Experimental and damage-coupled …
X Xie, W Jiang, J Chen, X Zhang, ST Tu
International Journal of Plasticity 114, 196-214, 2019
Grain size effect on the small fatigue crack initiation and growth mechanisms of nickel-based superalloy GH4169
GJ Deng, ST Tu, XC Zhang, QQ Wang, CH Qin
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 134, 433-450, 2015
High temperature fatigue and creep-fatigue behaviors in a Ni-based superalloy: Damage mechanisms and life assessment
RZ Wang, SP Zhu, J Wang, XC Zhang, ST Tu, CC Zhang
International Journal of Fatigue 118, 8-21, 2019
A crystal plasticity-based approach for creep-fatigue life prediction and damage evaluation in a nickel-based superalloy
KS Li, RZ Wang, GJ Yuan, SP Zhu, XC Zhang, ST Tu, H Miura
International Journal of Fatigue 143, 106031, 2021
Porosity and effective mechanical properties of plasma-sprayed Ni-based alloy coatings
XC Zhang, BS Xu, FZ Xuan, ST Tu, HD Wang, YX Wu
Applied Surface Science 255 (8), 4362-4371, 2009
Low-cycle fatigue life prediction of a polycrystalline nickel-base superalloy using crystal plasticity modelling approach
GJ Yuan, XC Zhang, B Chen, ST Tu, CC Zhang
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 38, 28-38, 2020
Effect of spraying power on the microstructure and mechanical properties of supersonic plasma-sprayed Ni-based alloy coatings
XC Zhang, BS Xu, ST Tu, FZ Xuan, HD Wang, YX Wu
Applied Surface Science 254 (20), 6318-6326, 2008
Influence of grain size on the small fatigue crack initiation and propagation behaviors of a nickel-based superalloy at 650° C
X Zhu, C Gong, YF Jia, R Wang, C Zhang, Y Fu, ST Tu, XC Zhang
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 35 (8), 1607-1617, 2019
Tensile properties and fracture behavior of laser cladded WC/Ni composite coatings with different contents of WC particle studied by in-situ tensile testing
JS Xu, XC Zhang, FZ Xuan, FQ Tian, ZD Wang, ST Tu
Materials Science and Engineering: A 560, 744-751, 2013
Review of creep–fatigue endurance and life prediction of 316 stainless steels
XL Yan, XC Zhang, ST Tu, SL Mannan, FZ Xuan, YC Lin
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 126, 17-28, 2015
Microstructure and sliding wear resistance of laser cladded WC/Ni composite coatings with different contents of WC particle
JS Xu, XC Zhang, FZ Xuan, ZD Wang, ST Tu
Journal of materials engineering and performance 21, 1904-1911, 2012
Multi-axial creep-fatigue life prediction considering history-dependent damage evolution: A new numerical procedure and experimental validation
RZ Wang, SJ Guo, H Chen, JF Wen, XC Zhang, ST Tu
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 131, 313-336, 2019
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