Chui-Zhen Chen
Chui-Zhen Chen
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na suda.edu.cn
Higher-order topological insulators in quasicrystals
R Chen, CZ Chen, JH Gao, B Zhou, DH Xu
Physical review letters 124 (3), 036803, 2020
Disorder and metal-insulator transitions in Weyl semimetals
CZ Chen, J Song, H Jiang, Q Sun, Z Wang, XC Xie
Physical Review Letters 115 (24), 246603, 2015
Evidence of higher-order topology in multilayer WTe2 from Josephson coupling through anisotropic hinge states
YB Choi, Y Xie, CZ Chen, J Park, SB Song, J Yoon, BJ Kim, T Taniguchi, ...
Nature Materials 19 (9), 974-979, 2020
Asymmetric Josephson Effect in Inversion Symmetry Breaking Topological Materials
CZ Chen, JJ He, M Ali, G Lee, KC Fong, KT Law
Physical Review B 98, 075430, 2018
Quasi-one-dimensional quantum anomalous Hall systems as new platforms for scalable topological quantum computation
KTL Chui-Zhen Chen, Ying-Ming Xie, Jie Liu, Patrick A Lee
Physical Review B 97 (10), 104504, 2018
Topological transitions induced by antiferromagnetism in a thin-film topological insulator
QL He, G Yin, L Yu, AJ Grutter, L Pan, CZ Chen, X Che, G Yu, B Zhang, ...
Physical review letters 121 (9), 096802, 2018
Finite-size effects in non-Hermitian topological systems
R Chen, CZ Chen, B Zhou, DH Xu
Physical Review B 99 (15), 155431, 2019
Coexistence of Quantum Hall and Quantum Anomalous Hall Phases in Disordered
H Li, CZ Chen, H Jiang, XC Xie
Physical Review Letters 127 (23), 236402, 2021
Spectroscopic fingerprint of chiral Majorana modes at the edge of a quantum anomalous Hall insulator/superconductor heterostructure
J Shen, J Lyu, JZ Gao, YM Xie, CZ Chen, C Cho, O Atanov, Z Chen, K Liu, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (1), 238-242, 2020
Effects of domain walls in quantum anomalous Hall insulator/superconductor heterostructures
CZ Chen, JJ He, DH Xu, KT Law
Physical Review B 96 (4), 041118, 2017
Direct visualization of edge state in even-layer MnBi2Te4 at zero magnetic field
W Lin, Y Feng, Y Wang, J Zhu, Z Lian, H Zhang, H Li, Y Wu, C Liu, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 7714, 2022
Scaling behavior of the quantum phase transition from a quantum-anomalous-Hall insulator to an axion insulator
X Wu, D Xiao, CZ Chen, J Sun, L Zhang, MHW Chan, N Samarth, XC Xie, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 4532, 2020
Detection of spinons via spin transport
CZ Chen, Q Sun, F Wang, XC Xie
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (4), 041405, 2013
Effects of random domains on the zero Hall plateau in the quantum anomalous Hall effect
CZ Chen, H Liu, XC Xie
Physical Review Letters 122 (2), 026601, 2019
Critical behavior and universal signature of an axion insulator state
H Li, H Jiang, CZ Chen, XC Xie
Physical Review Letters 126 (15), 156601, 2021
Tunable Anderson metal-insulator transition in quantum spin-Hall insulators
CZ Chen, H Liu, H Jiang, Q Sun, Z Wang, XC Xie
Physical Review B 91 (21), 214202, 2015
Positive magnetoconductivity of Weyl semimetals in the ultraquantum limit
CZ Chen, H Liu, H Jiang, XC Xie
Physical Review B 93 (16), 165420, 2016
Disorder and phase diagrams of higher-order topological insulators
YS Hu, YR Ding, J Zhang, ZQ Zhang, CZ Chen
Physical Review B 104 (9), 094201, 2021
Global phase diagram of disordered higher-order Weyl semimetals
ZQ Zhang, BL Wu, CZ Chen, H Jiang
Physical Review B 104 (1), 014203, 2021
Topological excitonic corner states and nodal phase in bilayer quantum spin Hall insulators
ZR Liu, LH Hu, CZ Chen, B Zhou, DH Xu
Physical Review B 103 (20), L201115, 2021
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