Annemarie Schneider
MODIS Collection 5 global land cover: Algorithm refinements and characterization of new datasets
MA Friedl, D Sulla-Menashe, B Tan, A Schneider, N Ramankutty, A Sibley, ...
Remote sensing of Environment 114 (1), 168-182, 2010
Global land cover mapping from MODIS: algorithms and early results
MA Friedl, DK McIver, JCF Hodges, XY Zhang, D Muchoney, AH Strahler, ...
Remote sensing of Environment 83 (1-2), 287-302, 2002
Compact, dispersed, fragmented, extensive? A comparison of urban growth in twenty-five global cities using remotely sensed data, pattern metrics and census information
A Schneider, CE Woodcock
Urban studies 45 (3), 659-692, 2008
A new map of global urban extent from MODIS satellite data
A Schneider, MA Friedl, D Potere
Environmental research letters 4 (4), 044003, 2009
Mapping global urban areas using MODIS 500-m data: New methods and datasets based on ‘urban ecoregions’
A Schneider, MA Friedl, D Potere
Remote sensing of environment 114 (8), 1733-1746, 2010
Monitoring land cover change in urban and peri-urban areas using dense time stacks of Landsat satellite data and a data mining approach
A Schneider
Remote Sensing of Environment 124, 689-704, 2012
Bringing an ecological view of change to Landsat‐based remote sensing
RE Kennedy, S Andréfouët, WB Cohen, C Gómez, P Griffiths, M Hais, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 12 (6), 339-346, 2014
Climate response to rapid urban growth: Evidence of a human-induced precipitation deficit
RK Kaufmann, KC Seto, A Schneider, Z Liu, L Zhou, W Wang
Journal of Climate 20 (10), 2299-2306, 2007
The footprint of urban climates on vegetation phenology
X Zhang, MA Friedl, CB Schaaf, AH Strahler, A Schneider
Geophysical research letters 31 (12), 2004
Mapping urban areas on a global scale: which of the eight maps now available is more accurate?
D Potere, A Schneider, S Angel, DL Civco
International Journal of Remote Sensing 30 (24), 6531-6558, 2009
A critical look at representations of urban areas in global maps
D Potere, A Schneider
GeoJournal 69 (1), 55-80, 2007
Expansion and growth in Chinese cities, 1978–2010
A Schneider, CM Mertes
Environmental Research Letters 9 (2), 024008, 2014
Mapping rice paddy extent and intensification in the Vietnamese Mekong River Delta with dense time stacks of Landsat data
C Kontgis, A Schneider, M Ozdogan
Remote Sensing of Environment 169, 255-269, 2015
Mapping urban areas by fusing multiple sources of coarse resolution remotely sensed data
A Schneider, MA Friedl, DK McIver, CE Woodcock
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 69 (12), 1377-1386, 2003
Detecting change in urban areas at continental scales with MODIS data
CM Mertes, A Schneider, D Sulla-Menashe, AJ Tatem, B Tan
Remote Sensing of Environment 158, 331-347, 2015
Urban growth in Chengdu, Western China: application of remote sensing to assess planning and policy outcomes
A Schneider, KC Seto, DR Webster
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 32 (3), 323-345, 2005
A new urban landscape in East–Southeast Asia, 2000–2010
A Schneider, CM Mertes, AJ Tatem, B Tan, D Sulla-Menashe, SJ Graves, ...
Environmental Research Letters 10 (3-3), 034002, 2015
Monitoring peri-urbanization in the greater Ho Chi Minh City metropolitan area
C Kontgis, A Schneider, J Fox, S Saksena, JH Spencer, M Castrence
Applied Geography 53, 377-388, 2014
Mapping sub-pixel urban expansion in China using MODIS and DMSP/OLS nighttime lights
X Huang, A Schneider, MA Friedl
Remote Sensing of Environment 175, 92-108, 2016
Climate change impacts on rice productivity in the Mekong River Delta
C Kontgis, A Schneider, M Ozdogan, C Kucharik, NH Duc, J Schatz
Applied Geography 102, 71-83, 2019
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