Senthil Prakash
Senthil Prakash
VIT, Chennai Campus
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na vit.ac.in
Grey wolf based feature reduction for intrusion detection in WSN using LSTM
S Karthic, S Manoj Kumar, PN Senthil Prakash
International Journal of Information Technology 14 (7), 3719-3724, 2022
Improved local fisher discriminant analysis based dimensionality reduction for cancer disease prediction
PNS Prakash, N Rajkumar
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 12 (7), 1-16, 2020
ABSO: an energy-efficient multi-objective VM consolidation using adaptive beetle swarm optimization on cloud environment
B Hariharan, R Siva, S Kaliraj, PNS Prakash
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1-13, 2021
A Hybridized Artificial Neural Network for Automated Software Test Oracle.
K Kamaraj, B Lanitha, S Karthic, PN Prakash, R Mahaveerakannan
Computer Systems Science & Engineering 45 (2), 2023
Hybrid deep convolutional generative adversarial networks (DCGANS) and style generative adversarial network (STYLEGANS) algorithms to improve image quality
B Hariharan, S Karthic, E Nalina, PNS Prakash
2022 3rd International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable …, 2022
HSVNN: an efficient medical data classification using dimensionality reduction combined with hybrid support vector neural network
PNS Prakash, N Rajkumar
The Journal of Supercomputing, 2022
WITHDRAWN: The impact of various policy factors implemented for controlling the spread of COVID-19
PNS Prakash, B Hariharan, S Kaliraj, R Siva, D Vivek
Materials Today: Proceedings, 2021
Dimensionality reduction based medical data classification using hybrid linear discriminant analysis
B Hariharan, PNS Prakash, CG Anupama, R Siva, S Kaliraj, WB NR
2022 3rd International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable …, 2022
Prediction of COVID-19 Infected Cases using ARIMA: A Case Study
PN Senthil Prakash, Hariharan
GEDRAG & ORGANISATIE 33 (03), 758-767, 2020
Dataset Reduction Using Improved Fish Swarm Algorithm
M Manjuprianka, GS Shree, D Suganya, PNS Prakash
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing 6 (4), 3997-4000, 2016
Doppler shift with archimedes optimization algorithm for localizing unknown nodes in underwater sensor networks
S Kaliraj, B Hariharan, V Sivakumar, FJ JS, R Siva, SP PN
International Journal of Communication Systems 17 (36), n/a-n/a, 2023
Public Safety Management in Smart Society 5.0: A Blockchain‐Based Approach
PNS Prakash, S Karthic, M Saravanan
Networked Sensing Systems, 273-295, 2025
Securing Electronics Gadgets using Blockchain based Framework
PNS Prakash, B Lanitha, K Sundaram
2024 International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science …, 2024
Dynamic Convolutional Attention for Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy
S Bharathraj, S Sudharson, R Annamalai, PNS Prakash
2023 IEEE 7th Conference on Information and Communication Technology (CICT), 1-6, 2023
A Hybrid SVM-LDA based Heuristic Method for Dimensionality Reduction in Cancer Detection using Genetic Algorithms
S Karthic, PNS Prakash, B Hariharan, K Kamaraj, R Siva
Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology 25 (4), 4410-4419, 2021
Comparison of Dimensionality Reduction Techniques using Chronic Kidney Disease Dataset
S Prakash, N Rajkumar
International Conference on Green, Intelligent Computing and Communication …, 2020
RST based Dataset Reduction using Decision Tree
S Prakash, M Kumar, M Kumar
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software …, 2015
Clustering of Big Data Using a Novel Method in K-Means and K-Medoids Clustering Algorithms
K Subhashree, PS Prakash
3 rd International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC 2022) 17-19, August 2022
SK Sunori, A Mittal, VS Bisht, N Joshi, P Garia, P Juneja, S Ashadevi, ...
Simulation 122, 23, 0
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