Oleg Lebedev
Oleg Lebedev
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na ensicaen.fr
Classification and control of the origin of photoluminescence from Si nanocrystals
S Godefroo, M Hayne, M Jivanescu, A Stesmans, M Zacharias, ...
Nature nanotechnology 3 (3), 174-178, 2008
First direct imaging of giant pores of the metal− organic framework MIL-101
OI Lebedev, F Millange, C Serre, G Van Tendeloo, G Férey
Chemistry of materials 17 (26), 6525-6527, 2005
Ruthenium Nanoparticles inside Porous [Zn4O(bdc)3] by Hydrogenolysis of Adsorbed [Ru(cod)(cot)]: A Solid-State Reference System for Surfactant-Stabilized …
F Schröder, D Esken, M Cokoja, MWE Van Den Berg, OI Lebedev, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (19), 6119-6130, 2008
Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of nanorods of various titanates and titanium dioxide
YV Kolen'ko, KA Kovnir, AI Gavrilov, AV Garshev, J Frantti, OI Lebedev, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110 (9), 4030-4038, 2006
An effective morphology control of hydroxyapatite crystals via hydrothermal synthesis
IS Neira, YV Kolen’ko, OI Lebedev, G Van Tendeloo, HS Gupta, F Guitián, ...
crystal growth and design 9 (1), 466-474, 2009
A new active Li–Mn–O compound for high energy density Li-ion batteries
M Freire, NV Kosova, C Jordy, D Chateigner, OI Lebedev, A Maignan, ...
Nature materials 15 (2), 173-177, 2016
Au@ ZIFs: stabilization and encapsulation of cavity-size matching gold clusters inside functionalized zeolite imidazolate frameworks, ZIFs
D Esken, S Turner, OI Lebedev, G Van Tendeloo, RA Fischer
Chemistry of Materials 22 (23), 6393-6401, 2010
Molecular-sized fluorescent nanodiamonds
II Vlasov, AA Shiryaev, T Rendler, S Steinert, SY Lee, D Antonov, M Vörös, ...
Nature nanotechnology 9 (1), 54-58, 2014
Stable polyoxometalate insertion within the mesoporous metal organic framework MIL-100 (Fe)
R Canioni, C Roch-Marchal, F Sécheresse, P Horcajada, C Serre, ...
Journal of materials chemistry 21 (4), 1226-1233, 2011
Large-Scale Synthesis of Colloidal Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Exhibiting High Heating Efficiency in Magnetic Hyperthermia
YV Kolen’ko, M Bañobre-López, C Rodríguez-Abreu, E Carbó-Argibay, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (16), 8691-8701, 2014
Structural phase transition at the percolation threshold in epitaxial (La0.7Ca0.3MnO3)1–x:(MgO)x nanocomposite films
V Moshnyaga, B Damaschke, O Shapoval, A Belenchuk, J Faupel, ...
Nature materials 2 (4), 247-252, 2003
F-Doped Co3O4 Photocatalysts for Sustainable H2 Generation from Water/Ethanol
A Gasparotto, D Barreca, D Bekermann, A Devi, RA Fischer, P Fornasiero, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (48), 19362-19365, 2011
The influence of the alcohol concentration on the structural ordering of mesoporous silica: cosurfactant versus cosolvent
S Liu, P Cool, O Collart, P Van Der Voort, EF Vansant, OI Lebedev, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107 (38), 10405-10411, 2003
Enhanced Hydrogen Production by Photoreforming of Renewable Oxygenates Through Nanostructured Fe2O3 Polymorphs
G Carraro, C Maccato, A Gasparotto, T Montini, S Turner, OI Lebedev, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 24 (3), 372-378, 2014
Direct imaging of loaded metal− organic framework materials (Metal@ MOF-5)
S Turner, OI Lebedev, F Schröder, D Esken, RA Fischer, GV Tendeloo
Chemistry of Materials 20 (17), 5622-5627, 2008
Structural stability of the synthetic thermoelectric ternary and nickel-substituted tetrahedrite phases
T Barbier, P Lemoine, S Gascoin, OI Lebedev, A Kaltzoglou, P Vaqueiro, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 634, 253-262, 2015
Interfacial spin glass state and exchange bias in manganite bilayers with competing magnetic orders
JF Ding, OI Lebedev, S Turner, YF Tian, WJ Hu, JW Seo, C Panagopoulos, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (5), 054428, 2013
Structure and microstructure of La 1− x Ca x MnO 3− δ thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition
OI Lebedev, G Van Tendeloo, S Amelinckx, B Leibold, HU Habermeier
Physical Review B 58 (12), 8065, 1998
Nanodiamond photoemitters based on strong narrow-band luminescence from silicon-vacancy defects
II Vlasov, AS Barnard, VG Ralchenko, OI Lebedev, MV Kanzyuba, ...
Adv. Mater 21 (7), 808-812, 2009
From graphene oxide towards aminated graphene: Facile synthesis, its structure and electronic properties
MK Rabchinskii, SA Ryzhkov, DA Kirilenko, NV Ulin, MV Baidakova, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 6902, 2020
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