Angela Balzano
Angela Balzano
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na bf.uni-lj.si - Domača stran
Tyloses and gums: a review of structure, function and occurrence of vessel occlusions
V De Micco, A Balzano, EA Wheeler, P Baas
IAWA journal 37 (2), 186-205, 2016
Xylogenesis reveals the genesis and ecological signal of IADFs in Pinus pinea L. and Arbutus unedo L.
A Balzano, K Čufar, G Battipaglia, M Merela, P Prislan, G Aronne, ...
Annals of botany 121 (6), 1231-1242, 2018
Timing of False Ring Formation in Pinus halepensis and Arbutus unedo in Southern Italy: Outlook from an Analysis of Xylogenesis and Tree-Ring Chronologies
V De Micco, A Balzano, K Čufar, G Aronne, J Gričar, M Merela, ...
Frontiers in plant science 7, 705, 2016
Improving fungal decay resistance of less durable sapwood by impregnation with scots pine knotwood and black locust heartwood hydrophilic extractives with antifungal or …
V Vek, A Balzano, I Poljanšek, M Humar, P Oven
Forests 11 (9), 1024, 2020
Are wood fibres as sensitive to environmental conditions as vessels in tree rings with intra-annual density fluctuations (IADFs) in Mediterranean species?
V De Micco, G Battipaglia, A Balzano, P Cherubini, G Aronne
Trees 30, 971-983, 2016
Fire influence on Pinus halepensis: wood responses close and far from the scars
V De Micco, E Zalloni, A Balzano, G Battipaglia
IAWA Journal 34 (4), 446-458, 2013
Wood-trait analysis to understand climatic factors triggering intra-annual density-fluctuations in co-occurring Mediterranean trees
A Balzano, G Battipaglia, V De Micco
IAWA Journal 40 (2), 241-258, 2019
Combining dendrometer series and xylogenesis imagery—DevX, a simple visualization tool to explore plant secondary growth phenology
R Cruz-García, A Balzano, K Čufar, T Scharnweber, M Smiljanić, ...
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 2, 60, 2019
Morpho-anatomical and physiological traits of two Bougainvillea genotypes trained to two shapes under deficit irrigation
C Cirillo, V De Micco, Y Rouphael, A Balzano, R Caputo, S De Pascale
Trees 31, 173-187, 2017
Effects of different energy intensities of microwave treatment on heartwood and sapwood microstructures in Norway spruce
S Ganguly, A Balzano, M Petrič, D Kržišnik, S Tripathi, J Žigon, M Merela
Forests 12 (5), 598, 2021
Dust accumulation due to anthropogenic impact induces anatomical and photochemical changes in leaves of Centranthus ruber growing on the slope of the …
V De Micco, C Amitrano, A Stinca, LG Izzo, E Zalloni, A Balzano, R Barile, ...
Plant Biology 22, 93-102, 2020
Optimal Surface Preparation for Wood Anatomy Research of Invasive Species by Scanning Electron Microscopy.
M Merela, N Thaler, A Balzano, D Plavčak
Wood Industry/Drvna Industrija 71 (2), 2020
Xylem Plasticity in Pinus pinaster and Quercus ilex Growing at Sites with Different Water Availability in the Mediterranean Region: Relations between Intra-Annual …
A Balzano, G Battipaglia, P Cherubini, V De Micco
Forests 11 (4), 379, 2020
Alien wood species as a resource for wood-plastic composites
S Medved, DK Tomec, A Balzano, M Merela
Applied sciences 11 (1), 44, 2020
Scanning electron microscopy protocol for studying anatomy of highly degraded waterlogged archaeological wood
A Balzano, M Merela, K Čufar
Forests 13 (2), 161, 2022
Xylem and Phloem Formation Dynamics in Quercus ilex L. at a Dry Site in Southern Italy
A Balzano, K Čufar, V De Micco
Forests 12 (2), 188, 2021
Assessment of wooden foundation piles after 125 years of service
M Humar, A Balzano, D Kržišnik, B Lesar
Forests 12 (2), 143, 2021
Cell-wall fluorescence highlights the phases of xylogenesis
A Balzano, K Čufar, V De Micco
IAWA Journal 43 (1-2), 80-91, 2021
Intra-seasonal trends in phloem traits in Pinus spp. from drought-prone environments
A Balzano, V De Micco, K Čufar, M De Luis, J Gričar
IAWA Journal 41 (2), 219-235, 2020
Application of confocal laser scanning microscopy in dendrochronology: Uporaba konfokalne laserske vrstične mikroskopije v dendrokronologiji
A Balzano, K Novak, M Humar, K Čufar
Les/Wood 68 (2), 5-17, 2019
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