Brandon Wilson
Brandon Wilson
Utah State University
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na lanl.gov
A method for automatic estimation of instantaneous local uncertainty in particle image velocimetry measurements
BH Timmins, BW Wilson, BL Smith, PP Vlachos
Experiments in fluids 53, 1133-1147, 2012
Uncertainty on PIV mean and fluctuating velocity due to bias and random errors
BM Wilson, BL Smith
Measurement Science and Technology 24 (3), 035302, 2013
Taylor-series and Monte-Carlo-method uncertainty estimation of the width of a probability distribution based on varying bias and random error
BM Wilson, BL Smith
Measurement Science and Technology 24 (3), 035301, 2013
Design of a fast diaphragmless shock tube driver
R Mejia-Alvarez, B Wilson, MC Leftwich, AA Martinez, KP Prestridge
Shock Waves 25, 635-650, 2015
Particle image velocimetry analysis with simultaneous uncertainty quantification using Bayesian neural networks
MC Morrell, K Hickmann, BM Wilson
Measurement Science and Technology 32 (10), 104003, 2021
Exploring sensitivity of ICF outputs to design parameters in experiments using machine learning
JB Nakhleh, MG Fernández-Godino, MJ Grosskopf, BM Wilson, J Kline, ...
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 49 (7), 2238-2246, 2021
Investigation of relative importance of some error sources in particle image velocimetry
J Harris, BL Smith, B Wilson
Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 44762, 1-11, 2012
Identifying entangled physics relationships through sparse matrix decomposition to inform plasma fusion design
MG Fernández-Godino, MJ Grosskopf, JB Nakhleh, BM Wilson, JL Kline, ...
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 49 (8), 2410-2419, 2021
Single-interface Richtmyer–Meshkov turbulent mixing at the los alamos vertical shock tube
BM Wilson, R Mejia-Alvarez, KP Prestridge
Journal of Fluids Engineering 138 (7), 070901, 2016
Assessment of model confidence of a laser source model in xRAGE using Omega direct-drive implosion experiments
BM Wilson, A Koskelo
Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification 3 (4), 041003, 2018
Examples of unsteady CFD validation system response quantities in a cylinder array
BM Wilson, BL Smith, RE Spall
Nuclear engineering and design 243, 153-167, 2012
Variational bayesian calibration of a PTW material strength model for OFHC copper
SA Andrews, BM Wilson
Verification and Validation 86748, V001T08A002, 2023
Validation of unsteady cfd in a confined row of cylinders
B Wilson, J Harris, BL Smith, R Spall
Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 49484, 2265-2278, 2010
A Practical Validation Assessment Workflow
BM Wilson, A Koskelo
Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification 5 (1), 011004, 2020
Simultaneous PIV and PLIF measurements of Mach number effects on single-interface Richtmyer-Meshkov mixing
BM Wilson, R Mejia-Alvarez, K Prestridge
29th International Symposium on Shock Waves 2: Volume 2, 1125-1130, 2015
Errors in Mean and Fluctuating Velocity Due to PIV Bias and Precision Uncertainties
B Wilson, B Smith
The 14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics …, 2011
Chest X-ray remains a vital component prior to tube thoracostomy
C Moore, B Wilson, J Oury, N Denne, K Quedado, W Fang, JM Bardes
The American Surgeon™ 90 (1), 23-27, 2024
Simultaneous PIV/PLIF Measurements of Multi-mode Perturbed Initial Conditions of Single-Interface Richtmyer-Meshkov Mixing
R Mejia-Alvarez, B Wilson, K Prestridge
29th International Symposium on Shock Waves 2: Volume 2, 1155-1160, 2015
A Three-Dimensional, Time-Dependent Circulation Model of Utah Lake
RE Spall, B Wilson, E Callister
Heat Transfer Summer Conference 43581, 833-841, 2009
Demonstration of a completely described swirling jet experiment used for numerical validation
BM Wilson
Utah State University, 2009
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