Mohammad Modarres
Compensation of Nonlinearity of Voltage and Current Instrument Transformers
A Cataliotti, V Cosentino, G Crotti, AD Femine, DD Cara, D Gallo, ...
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 68 (5), 1322 - 1332, 2019
Frequency Response of MV Voltage Transformer Under Actual Waveforms
G Crotti, D Gallo, D Giordano, C Landi, M Luiso, M Modarres
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 1-9, 2017
Frequency compliance of MV voltage sensors for smart grid application
G Crotti, D Gallo, D Giordano, C Landi, M Luiso, M Modarres, M Zucca
IEEE Sensors Journal 17 (23), 7621-7629, 2017
Metrological performances of voltage and current instrument transformers in harmonics measurements
A Cataliotti, V Cosentino, G Crotti, D Giordano, M Modarres, D Di Cara, ...
2018 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology …, 2018
Design of Novel Axial Flux Dual Stator Doubly Fed Reluctance Machine
S Khaliq, M Modarres, T Lipo, B Kwon
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 51 (11), 2015
Accurate Numerical Modelling of MV and HV Resistive Dividers
M Zucca, M Modarres, D Giordano, G Crotti
IEEE transaction on Power delivery, 2015
Calibration of MV voltage instrument transformer in a wide frequency range
G Crotti, D Gallo, D Giordano, C Landi, M Luiso, M Modarres
2017 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology …, 2017
1 kV Wideband Voltage Transducer, a Novel Method for Calibration and a Voltage Measurement Chain
M Zucca, M Modarres, U Pogliano, D Serazio
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2019
Study on axial flux hysteresis motors considering airgap variation
M Modarres, A Vahedi, M Ghazanchaei
Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications 2010, 2010
Frequency calibration of voltage transformers by digital capacitance bridge
G Crotti, D Giordano, M Modarres, D Gallo, C Landi, M Luiso
2015 IEEE International Workshop on Applied Measurements for Power Systems …, 2015
Rotor design to improve dynamic performance of axial flux hysteresis motors
M Modarres, BI Kwon
IET Electric Power Applications 9 (1), 44-49, 2015
Design and implementation of a resistive MV voltage divider
M Modarres, D Giordano, M Zucca, G Crotti
International Review of Electrical Engineering 12 (1), 26, 2017
Frequency calibration of MV voltage transformer under actual waveforms
gabriella Crotti, D Gallo, D Giordano, C Landi, M Luiso, M Modarres
2016 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2016), 1-2, 2016
A Voltage Calibration Chain for Meters Used in Measurements of EV Inductive Power Charging
M Zucca, U Pogliano, M Modarres, D Giordano, G Crotti, D Serazio
IEEE Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2018), 2018
Effect of Air gap variation on characteristics of an Axial flux hysteresis motor
M Modarres, A Vahedi, M Ghazanchaei
2010 1st Power Electronic & Drive Systems & Technologies Conference (PEDSTC …, 2010
New topology of a slotted disk type hysteresis motor
M Modarres, A Vahedi, MR Ghazanchaei
proceedings of International Conference on Coil Winding, Insulations …, 2009
Characteristic analysis of double excited 3-DOF actuator by using nonlinear equivalent magnetic circuit
HU Shin, M Modarres, BI Kwon
39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON …, 2013
Investigation on dynamic and steady state performance of axial flux hysteresis motors considering rotor configuration
M Modarres, A Vahedi, MR Ghazanchaei
International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE) 5 (1), 155-159, 2010
Analysis on a novel Axial Flux Doubly Fed Reluctance Machine
M Modarres, TA Lipo, B Kwon
대한전기학회 학술대회 논문집, 3-5, 2013
Dual Rotor Structure with Modified Performance for Circumferential Hysteresis Synchronous Motors
M Modarres, A Vahedi, MR Ghazanchaei
International Review on Modelling and Simulations 3 (5), 833-839, 2010
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