Steffi Ickert-Bond
Intercontinental disjunctions between eastern Asia and western North America in vascular plants highlight the biogeographic importance of the Bering land bridge from late …
J Wen, ZL Nie, SM Ickert‐Bond
Journal of Systematics and Evolution 54 (5), 469-490, 2016
Evolution of the Madrean–Tethyan disjunctions and the North and South American amphitropical disjunctions in plants
Journal of Systematics and Evolution 47 (5), 331-348, 2009
Timing and Modes of Evolution of Eastern Asian - North American Biogeographic Disjunctions in Seed Plants.
J Wen, SM Ickert-Bond, ZL Nie, R Li.
Darwin's Heritage Today - Proceedings of the Darwin 200 Beijing Intern …, 2010
Natural history collections as emerging resources for innovative education
JA Cook, SV Edwards, EA Lacey, RP Guralnick, PS Soltis, DE Soltis, ...
BioScience 64 (8), 725-734, 2014
Collections‐based systematics: Opportunities and outlook for 2050
J Wen, SM Ickert‐Bond, MS Appelhans, LJ Dorr, VA Funk
Journal of Systematics and Evolution 53 (6), 477-488, 2015
Transcriptome sequences resolve deep relationships of the grape family
J Wen, Z Xiong, ZL Nie, L Mao, Y Zhu, XZ Kan, SM Ickert-Bond, J Gerrath, ...
PloS one 8 (9), e74394, 2013
Phylogenetic inferences in Prunus (Rosaceae) using chloroplast ndhF and nuclear ribosomal ITS sequences
WEN Jun, ST Berggren, S ICKERT-BOND, YI Ting-Shuang, YOO Ki-Oug, ...
Journal of systematics and evolution 46 (3), 322, 2008
Phylogeny and character evolution in Medicago (Leguminosae): Evidence from analyses of plastid trnK/matK and nuclear GA3ox1 sequences
KP Steele, SM Ickert‐Bond, S Zarre, MF Wojciechowski
American Journal of Botany 97 (7), 1142-1155, 2010
A new phylogenetic tribal classification of the grape family (Vitaceae)
J Wen, LM Lu, ZL Nie, XQ Liu, N Zhang, S Ickert‐Bond, J Gerrath, ...
Journal of Systematics and Evolution 56 (4), 262-272, 2018
Phylogeny and biogeography of Altingiaceae: evidence from combined analysis of five non-coding chloroplast regions
SM Ickert-Bond, J Wen
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 39 (2), 512-528, 2006
Phylogenetic relationships in Ephedra (Gnetales): evidence from nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequence data
SM Ickert-Bond, MF Wojciechowski
Systematic Botany 29 (4), 834-849, 2004
Phylogeny of the Ampelocissus–Vitis clade in Vitaceae supports the New World origin of the grape genus
XQ Liu, SM Ickert-Bond, ZL Nie, Z Zhou, LQ Chen, J Wen
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 95, 217-228, 2016
A fossil‐calibrated relaxed clock for Ephedra indicates an Oligocene age for the divergence of Asian and New World clades and Miocene dispersal into South …
SM ICKERT‐BOND, C Rydin, SS Renner
Journal of Systematics and Evolution 47 (5), 444-456, 2009
The Gnetales: recent insights on their morphology, reproductive biology, chromosome numbers, biogeography, and divergence times
SM Ickert‐Bond, SS Renner
Journal of Systematics and Evolution 54 (1), 1-16, 2016
Diversification in North American arid lands: Niche conservatism, divergence and expansion of habitat explain speciation in the genus Ephedra
I Loera, V Sosa, SM Ickert-Bond
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 65, 437-450, 2012
Morphology, Structure, and Ontogeny of Trichomes of the Grape Genus (Vitis, Vitaceae)
ZY Ma, J Wen, SM Ickert-Bond, LQ Chen, XQ Liu
Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 704, 2016
Molecular phylogeny of Cissus L. of Vitaceae (the grape family) and evolution of its pantropical intercontinental disjunctions
XQ Liu, SM Ickert-Bond, LQ Chen, J Wen
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 66, 43-53., 2013
Comparative infructescence morphology in Liquidambar (Altingiaceae) and its evolutionary significance
SM Ickert-Bond, KB Pigg, J Wen
American Journal of Botany 92 (8), 1234-1255, 2005
Phylogeographical structure and temporal complexity in American sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua; Altingiaceae)
AB Morris, SM ICKERT‐BOND, DB Brunson, DE Soltis, PS Soltis
Molecular Ecology 17 (17), 3889-3900, 2008
Chloroplast phylogenomics of the New World grape species (Vitis, Vitaceae)
J Wen, AJ Harris, Y Kalburgi, N Zhang, Y Xu, W Zheng, SM Ickert‐Bond, ...
Journal of Systematics and Evolution 56 (4), 297-308, 2018
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