Studies on Holocene mangrove ecosystem dynamics of the Bragança Peninsula in north-eastern Pará, Brazil H Behling, MCL Cohen, RJ Lara Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 167 (3-4), 225-242, 2001 | 244 | 2001 |
Postpsychotic depression and negative symptoms: an investigation of syndromal overlap. SG Siris, F Adan, M Cohen, J Mandeli, A Aronson, E Casey The American journal of psychiatry 145 (12), 1532-1537, 1988 | 212 | 1988 |
Temporal changes of mangrove vegetation boundaries in Amazonia: application of GIS and remote sensing techniques MCL Cohen, RJ Lara Wetlands Ecology and Management 11, 223-231, 2003 | 192 | 2003 |
A model of Holocene mangrove development and relative sea-level changes on the Bragança Peninsula (northern Brazil) MCL Cohen, PWMS Filho, RJ Lara, H Behling, RJ Angulo Wetlands Ecology and management 13, 433-443, 2005 | 158 | 2005 |
The subsiding macrotidal barrier estuarine system of the eastern Amazon coast, Northern Brazil SR Dillenburg, PA Hesp, PWM Souza-Filho, GC Lessa, MCL Cohen, ... Geology and geomorphology of Holocene coastal barriers of Brazil, 347-375, 2009 | 143 | 2009 |
Amazonian mangrove dynamics during the last millennium: the relative sea-level and the Little Ice Age MCL Cohen, H Behling, RJ Lara Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 136 (1-2), 93-108, 2005 | 129 | 2005 |
Sediment porewater salinity, inundation frequency and mangrove vegetation height in Bragança, North Brazil: an ecohydrology-based empirical model RJ Lara, MCL Cohen Wetlands Ecology and Management 14, 349-358, 2006 | 101 | 2006 |
Factors influencing the variability of Mg, Ca and K in waters of a mangrove creek in Bragança, North Brazil MCL Cohen, RJ Lara, JFF Ramos, T Dittmar Mangroves and Salt Marshes 3, 9-15, 1999 | 92 | 1999 |
Holocene palaeoenvironmental history of the Amazonian mangrove belt MCL Cohen, LCR Pessenda, H Behling, D de Fátima Rossetti, MC França, ... Quaternary Science Reviews 55, 50-58, 2012 | 88 | 2012 |
Mid-Late Pleistocene OSL chronology in western Amazonia and implications for the transcontinental Amazon pathway DF Rossetti, MCL Cohen, SH Tatumi, AO Sawakuchi, ÉH Cremon, ... Sedimentary Geology 330, 1-15, 2015 | 82 | 2015 |
Late Quaternary vegetation and coastal environmental changes at Ilha do Cardoso mangrove, southeastern Brazil LCR Pessenda, E Vidotto, PE De Oliveira, AA Buso Jr, MCL Cohen, ... Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 363, 57-68, 2012 | 82 | 2012 |
Late Holocene mangrove dynamics of Marajo island in Amazonia, northern Brazil H Behling, MCL Cohen, RJ Lara Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 13, 73-80, 2004 | 79 | 2004 |
Impact of sea-level and climatic changes on the Amazon coastal wetlands during the late Holocene MCL Cohen, H Behling, RJ Lara, CB Smith, HRS Matos, V Vedel Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 18, 425-439, 2009 | 77 | 2009 |
Holocene coastal evolution and facies model of the Bragança macrotidal flat on the Amazon Mangrove Coast, Northern Brazil PWMS Filho, MCL Cohen, RJ Lara, GC Lessa, B Koch, H Behling Journal of Coastal Research, 306-310, 2006 | 77 | 2006 |
OpenGL: uma abordagem prática e objetiva M Cohen, IH Manssour Novatec editora, 2006 | 75 | 2006 |
Late Pleistocene–Holocene evolution of the Doce River delta, southeastern Brazil: implications for the understanding of wave-influenced deltas D de Fátima Rossetti, SP Polizel, MCL Cohen, LCR Pessenda Marine Geology 367, 171-190, 2015 | 74 | 2015 |
Wetland dynamics of Marajó Island, northern Brazil, during the last 1000 years MCL Cohen, RJ Lara, CB Smith, RS Angélica, BS Dias, T Pequeno Catena 76 (1), 70-77, 2008 | 74 | 2008 |
Landscape evolution during the late Quaternary at the Doce River mouth, Espírito Santo State, southeastern Brazil MCL Cohen, MC França, D de Fátima Rossetti, LCR Pessenda, ... Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 415, 48-58, 2014 | 70 | 2014 |
A multi-proxy evidence for the transition from estuarine mangroves to deltaic freshwater marshes, Southeastern Brazil, due to climatic and sea-level changes during the late … MC França, ICC Alves, DF Castro, MCL Cohen, DF Rossetti, ... Catena 128, 155-166, 2015 | 68 | 2015 |
The last mangroves of Marajó Island—Eastern Amazon: impact of climate and/or relative sea-level changes MC França, MI Francisquini, MCL Cohen, LCR Pessenda, DF Rossetti, ... Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 187, 50-65, 2012 | 66 | 2012 |