Nathan Rossman
Nathan Rossman
HDR, Inc.
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na huskers.unl.edu
Vadose zone lag time and potential 21st century climate change effects on spatially distributed groundwater recharge in the semi-arid Nebraska Sand Hills
NR Rossman, VA Zlotnik, CM Rowe, J Szilagyi
Journal of Hydrology 519, 656-669, 2014
Regional groundwater flow modeling in heavily irrigated basins of selected states in the western United States
NR Rossman, VA Zlotnik
Hydrogeology Journal 21 (6), 1173, 2013
Exploring the role of relational practices in water governance using a game-based approach
P Magnuszewski, K Królikowska, A Koch, M Pająk, C Allen, V Chraibi, ...
Water 10 (3), 346, 2018
Sensitivity of potential groundwater recharge to projected climate change scenarios: A site-specific study in the Nebraska Sand Hills, USA
Z Adane, VA Zlotnik, NR Rossman, T Wang, P Nasta
Water 11 (5), 950, 2019
Simulating lake and wetland areal coverage under future groundwater recharge projections: The Nebraska Sand Hills system
NR Rossman, VA Zlotnik, CM Rowe
Journal of Hydrology 576, 185-196, 2019
Using cumulative potential recharge for selection of GCM projections to force regional groundwater models: A Nebraska Sand Hills example
NR Rossman, VA Zlotnik, CM Rowe
Journal of Hydrology 561, 1105-1114, 2018
An approach to hydrogeological modeling of a large system of groundwater-fed lakes and wetlands in the Nebraska Sand Hills, USA
N Rossman, VA Zlotnik, C Rowe
Entrainment and transport of coarse stream bed material in a fluviokarst watershed, south-central Missouri: a tracer particle study
NR Rossman
University of Missouri-Columbia, 2010
Revue: Modélisation régionale des écoulements souterrains dans des bassins avec une forte irrigation dans des états sélectionnés de l’Ouest des Etats-Unis d’Amérique
NR Rossman, VA Zlotnik
Hydrogeol J 21 (6), 1173-1192, 2013
Simulation of regional groundwater flow and the effects of future climate change on water resources in the Nebraska Sand Hills
NR Rossman
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2015
Uma abordagem para modelagem hidrogeológica de um amplo sistema de lagos e zonas húmidas alimentados por águas subterrâneas em Nebraska Sand Hills, EUA
NR Rossman, VA Zlotnik, CM Rowe
Hydrogeology Journal 26, 881-897, 2018
Un enfoque para la modelización hidrogeológica de un gran sistema de lagos y humedales alimentados por agua subterránea en Nebraska Sand Hills, EE UU
NR Rossman, VA Zlotnik, CM Rowe
Hydrogeology Journal 26 (3), 881-897, 2018
Exploring the Role of Relational Practices in Water Governance Using a Game-Based Approach
J Stefańska, M Sliwinski, P Magnuszewski, I Zlatar, DM Weide, T Taillieu, ...
Water, 2018
An approach to simulation of large lake-aquifer-systems: Semi-arid Nebraska Sandhills, USA
V Zlotnik, N Rossman, C Rowe
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 10830, 2017
Data Considerations and Modeling a Mega-System of Groundwater-Fed Lakes in the Nebraska Sandhills
VA Zlotnik, NR Rossman, CM Rowe
Geological Society of America Abstracts 48, 279738, 2016
Simulating Lake and Wetland Areal Coverage and Numbers under Scenarios of Future Groundwater Recharge: Lake Mega-system of the Nebraska Sand Hills
NR Rossman, VA Zlotnik, CM Rowe
2015 AGU Fall Meeting, 2015
Simulating Lake and Wetland Areal Coverage and Numbers under Scenarios of Future Groundwater Recharge: Lake Mega-system of the Nebraska Sand Hills
VA Zlotnik, NR Rossman, CM Rowe
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, H51I-1514, 2015
Spatial and Temporal Variability of Groundwater Recharge in Changing Semiarid Dune Environments
V Zlotnik, N Rossman, C Rowe, J Szilagyi
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 8601, 2014
Development of an interactive water management role‐playing game as an educational tool representing the central Nebraska Platte River valley social‐economic‐ecological system
V Chraibi, N Rossman, A Giri, N Hart, Z Schell
Effects of Heterogeneous Vadose Zone Thickness on Spatial and Temporal Groundwater Recharge Characteristics in Dune Environments: An Example from the Nebraska Sand Hills
VA Zlotnik, NR Rossman, CM Rowe, J Szilagyi
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013, H11H-1236, 2013
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