Alejandro Tena
Alejandro Tena
Insituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na ivia.es
Neonicotinoids in excretion product of phloem-feeding insects kill beneficial insects
M Calvo-Agudo, J González-Cabrera, Y Picó, P Calatayud-Vernich, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (34), 16817-16822, 2019
The impact of adult diet on parasitoid reproductive performance
G Benelli, G Giunti, A Tena, N Desneux, A Caselli, A Canale
Journal of Pest Science 90, 807-823, 2017
Lethal and sublethal effects of spirotetramat on the mealybug destroyer, Cryptolaemus montrouzieri
L Planes, J Catalán, A Tena, JL Porcuna, JA Jacas, J Izquierdo, ...
Journal of Pest Science 86, 321-327, 2013
Nonreproductive effects of insect parasitoids on their hosts
PK Abram, J Brodeur, A Urbaneja, A Tena
Annual Review of Entomology 64 (1), 259-276, 2019
A review on Trioza erytreae (African citrus psyllid), now in mainland Europe, and its potential risk as vector of huanglongbing (HLB) in citrus
GEM Cocuzza, U Alberto, E Hernández-Suárez, F Siverio, S Di Silvestro, ...
Journal of pest science 90, 1-17, 2017
MA Jervis, A Tena, GE Heimpel
Jervis's Insects as Natural Enemies: Practical Perspectives, 669-704, 2023
Parasitoid nutritional ecology in a community context: the importance of honeydew and implications for biological control
A Tena, FL Wäckers, GE Heimpel, A Urbaneja, A Pekas
Current opinion in insect science 14, 100-104, 2016
Sugar provisioning maximizes the biocontrol service of parasitoids
A Tena, A Pekas, D Cano, FL Wäckers, A Urbaneja
Journal of Applied Ecology 52 (3), 795-804, 2015
Energy reserves of parasitoids depend on honeydew from non‐hosts
A Tena, A Pekas, FL Wäckers, A Urbaneja
Ecological Entomology 38 (3), 278-289, 2013
Acute toxicity in laboratory tests of fresh and aged residues of pesticides used in citrus on the parasitoid Aphytis melinus
P Vanaclocha, C Vidal-Quist, S Oheix, H Montón, L Planes, J Catalán, ...
Journal of Pest Science 86, 329-336, 2013
Spatio‐temporal patterns and interactions with honeydew‐producing Hemiptera of ants in a Mediterranean citrus orchard
A Pekas, A Tena, A Aguilar, F Garcia‐Marí
Agricultural and Forest Entomology 13 (1), 89, 2011
Sugar as nutritional supplement for the zoophytophagous predator Nesidiocoris tenuis
P Urbaneja-Bernat, M Alonso, A Tena, K Bolckmans, A Urbaneja
BioControl 58, 57-64, 2013
Current situation of citrus pests and diseases in the Mediterranean basin
A Tena, F Garcia-Marí
IOBC Bull 62, 365-368, 2011
Untangling the aphid-parasitoid food web in citrus: Can hyperparasitoids disrupt biological control?
F Gómez-Marco, A Urbaneja, JA Jaques, PF Rugman-Jones, ...
Biological Control 81, 111-121, 2015
Hyperparasitoids as new targets in biological control in a global change context
K Tougeron, A Tena
Biological Control 130, 164-171, 2019
Competition between honeydew producers in an ant–hemipteran interaction may enhance biological control of an invasive pest
A Tena, CD Hoddle, MS Hoddle
Bulletin of entomological research 103 (6), 714-723, 2013
The effects of ants on pest control: a meta-analysis
DV Anjos, A Tena, AB Viana-Junior, RL Carvalho, H Torezan-Silingardi, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289 (1981), 20221316, 2022
Host discrimination, superparasitism and infanticide by a gregarious endoparasitoid
A Tena, A Kapranas, F Garcia-Marí, RF Luck
Animal Behaviour 76 (3), 789-799, 2008
Parasitoid complex of black scale Saissetia oleae on citrus and olives: parasitoid species composition and seasonal trend
A Tena, A Soto, F Garcia-Marí
BioControl 53, 473-487, 2008
Encyrtid parasitoids of soft scale insects: Biology, behavior, and their use in biological control
A Kapranas, A Tena
Annual Review of Entomology 60 (1), 195-211, 2015
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