How agricultural research systems shape a technological regime that develops genetic engineering but locks out agroecological innovations 1 G Vanloqueren, PV Baret Research Policy 38, 971-983, 2009 | 912* | 2009 |
Efflux-mediated antifungal drug resistance RD Cannon, E Lamping, AR Holmes, K Niimi, PV Baret, MV Keniya, ... Clinical microbiology reviews 22 (2), 291-321, 2009 | 754 | 2009 |
Sustainability indicators for livestock farming. A review T Lebacq, PV Baret, D Stilmant Agronomy for sustainable development 33, 311-327, 2013 | 464 | 2013 |
Comparative genomics of protoploid Saccharomycetaceae JL Souciet, B Dujon, C Gaillardin, M Johnston, PV Baret, P Cliften, ... Genome research 19 (10), 1696-1709, 2009 | 252 | 2009 |
Why are ecological, low-input, multi-resistant wheat cultivars slow to develop commercially? A Belgian agricultural ‘lock-in’case study G Vanloqueren, PV Baret Ecological economics 66 (2-3), 436-446, 2008 | 250 | 2008 |
Estimating smallholder crops production at village level from Sentinel-2 time series in Mali's cotton belt MJ Lambert, PCS Traoré, X Blaes, P Baret, P Defourny Remote Sensing of Environment 216, 647-657, 2018 | 221 | 2018 |
L’agroécologie: trajectoire et potentiel. Pour une transition vers des systèmes alimentaires durables PM Stassart, P Baret, JC Grégoire, T Hance, M Mormont, D Reheul, ... Agroéocologie, entre pratiques et sciences sociales, 25-51, 2012 | 218 | 2012 |
Quantitative trait loci for resistance against yellow rust in two wheat-derived recombinant inbred line populations N Boukhatem, PV Baret, D Mingeot, JM Jacquemin Theoretical and Applied Genetics 104, 111-118, 2002 | 181 | 2002 |
Clarifying the socioeconomic dimensions of agroecology: between principles and practices AM Dumont, G Vanloqueren, PM Stassart, PV Baret Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 40 (1), 24-47, 2016 | 177 | 2016 |
Fungal PDR transporters: phylogeny, topology, motifs and function E Lamping, PV Baret, AR Holmes, BC Monk, A Goffeau, RD Cannon Fungal Genetics and Biology 47 (2), 127-142, 2010 | 173 | 2010 |
Why working conditions are a key issue of sustainability in agriculture? A comparison between agroecological, organic and conventional vegetable systems AM Dumont, PV Baret Journal of Rural Studies 56, 53-64, 2017 | 125 | 2017 |
Pichia sorbitophila, an Interspecies Yeast Hybrid, Reveals Early Steps of Genome Resolution After Polyploidization VL Louis, L Despons, A Friedrich, T Martin, P Durrens, S Casaregola, ... G3: Genes| Genomes| Genetics 2 (2), 299-311, 2012 | 118 | 2012 |
Glyphosate use in the European agricultural sector and a framework for its further monitoring C Antier, P Kudsk, X Reboud, L Ulber, PV Baret, A Messéan Sustainability 12 (14), 5682, 2020 | 116 | 2020 |
Development of a broadened cognitive mapping approach for analysing systems of practices in social–ecological systems FM Vanwindekens, D Stilmant, PV Baret Ecological modelling 250, 352-362, 2013 | 116 | 2013 |
Innovating within or outside dominant food systems? Different challenges for contrasting crop diversification strategies in Europe K Morel, E Revoyron, M San Cristobal, PV Baret PloS one 15 (3), e0229910, 2020 | 107 | 2020 |
Multiple introductions boosted genetic diversity in the invasive range of black cherry (Prunus serotina; Rosaceae) M Pairon, B Petitpierre, M Campbell, A Guisan, O Broennimann, PV Baret, ... Annals of Botany 105 (6), 881-890, 2010 | 98 | 2010 |
Linkage disequilibrium in the domesticated pig J Nsengimana, P Baret, CS Haley, PM Visscher Genetics 166 (3), 1395-1404, 2004 | 96 | 2004 |
Mapping QTL involved in adult plant resistance to powdery mildew in the winter wheat line RE714 in two susceptible genetic backgrounds D Mingeot, N Chantret, PV Baret, A Dekeyser, N Boukhatem, P Sourdille, ... Plant Breeding 121 (2), 133-140, 2002 | 96 | 2002 |
A genome scan for quantitative trait loci affecting the Salmonella carrier-state in the chicken P Tilquin, PA Barrow, J Marly, F Pitel, F Plisson-Petit, P Velge, A Vignal, ... Genetics Selection Evolution 37, 1-23, 2005 | 90 | 2005 |
Detection and mapping of quantitative trait loci in farm animals H Bovenhuis, JAM Van Arendonk, G Davis, JM Elsen, CS Haley, WG Hill, ... Livestock Production Science 52 (2), 135-144, 1997 | 80 | 1997 |