Peng Zhang
Peng Zhang
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na szu.edu.cn
A survey on cyber-security of connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs)
X Sun, FR Yu, P Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (7), 6240-6259, 2021
A survey on zero-knowledge proof in blockchain
X Sun, FR Yu, P Zhang, Z Sun, W Xie, X Peng
IEEE network 35 (4), 198-205, 2021
An efficient access control scheme with outsourcing capability and attribute update for fog computing
P Zhang, Z Chen, JK Liu, K Liang, H Liu
Future Generation Computer Systems 78, 753-762, 2018
Private machine learning classification based on fully homomorphic encryption
X Sun, P Zhang, JK Liu, J Yu, W Xie
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 8 (2), 352-364, 2018
A survey on access control in fog computing
P Zhang, JK Liu, FR Yu, M Sookhak, MH Au, X Luo
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (2), 144-149, 2018
Time-based direct revocable ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption with short revocation list
JK Liu, TH Yuen, P Zhang, K Liang
Applied Cryptography and Network Security: 16th International Conference …, 2018
A new blockchain-based value-added tax system
DA Wijaya, JK Liu, DA Suwarsono, P Zhang
Provable Security: 11th International Conference, ProvSec 2017, Xi'an, China …, 2017
Efficient attribute-based encryption from R-LWE
W Zhu, J Yu, T Wang, P Zhang, W Xie
Chinese Journal of Electronics 23 (4), 778-782, 2014
Secure and efficient multi-signature schemes for fabric: An enterprise blockchain platform
Y Xiao, P Zhang, Y Liu
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 16, 1782-1794, 2020
A cloud-based access control scheme with user revocation and attribute update
P Zhang, Z Chen, K Liang, S Wang, T Wang
Information Security and Privacy: 21st Australasian Conference, ACISP 2016 …, 2016
Dynamic data operations with deduplication in privacy-preserving public auditing for secure cloud storage
Y Wu, ZL Jiang, X Wang, SM Yiu, P Zhang
2017 IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering …, 2017
Research on the hash function structures and its application
Y Yang, F Chen, X Zhang, J Yu, P Zhang
Wireless Personal Communications 94, 2969-2985, 2017
Verifiable keyword search for secure big data-based mobile healthcare networks with fine-grained authorization control
Z Chen, F Zhang, P Zhang, JK Liu, J Huang, H Zhao, J Shen
Future Generation Computer Systems 87, 712-724, 2018
A homomorphic aggregate signature scheme based on lattice
P Zhang, Y Jianping, W Ting
Chinese Journal of Electronics 21 (4), 701-704, 2012
Building a dynamic searchable encrypted medical database for multi-client
L Xu, C Xu, JK Liu, C Zuo, P Zhang
Information Sciences 527, 394-405, 2020
Utilizing fully homomorphic encryption to implement secure medical computation in smart cities
X Sun, P Zhang, M Sookhak, J Yu, W Xie
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 21, 831-839, 2017
Public data integrity verification for secure cloud storage
H Liu, P Zhang, J Liu
Journal of networks 8 (2), 373, 2013
Privacy-preserving and outsourced multi-party k-means clustering based on multi-key fully homomorphic encryption
P Zhang, T Huang, X Sun, W Zhao, H Liu, S Lai, JK Liu
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 20 (3), 2348-2359, 2022
Ciphertext policy attribute-based encryption supporting unbounded attribute space from R-LWE
Z Chen, P Zhang, F Zhang, J Huang
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS) 11 (4), 2292-2309, 2017
A survey on secure computation based on homomorphic encryption in vehicular ad hoc networks
X Sun, FR Yu, P Zhang, W Xie, X Peng
Sensors 20 (15), 4253, 2020
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