Thibault Latrille
Thibault Latrille
Postdoctoral fellow, Université de Lausanne
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The Red Queen model of recombination hot-spot evolution: a theoretical investigation
T Latrille, L Duret, N Lartillot
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372 …, 2017
Genes and sites under adaptation at the phylogenetic scale also exhibit adaptation at the population-genetic scale
T Latrille, N Rodrigue, N Lartillot
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (11), e2214977120, 2023
Inferring long-term effective population size with mutation–selection models
T Latrille, V Lanore, N Lartillot
Molecular Biology and Evolution 38 (10), 4573-4587, 2021
A Bayesian mutation–selection framework for detecting site-specific adaptive evolution in protein-coding genes
N Rodrigue, T Latrille, N Lartillot
Molecular biology and evolution 38 (3), 1199-1208, 2021
An improved codon modeling approach for accurate estimation of the mutation bias
T Latrille, N Lartillot
Molecular Biology and Evolution 39 (2), msac005, 2022
Estimating the proportion of beneficial mutations that are not adaptive in mammals
T Latrille, J Joseph, DA Hartasánchez, N Salamin
PLoS genetics 20 (12), e1011536, 2024
Bridging time scales in evolutionary biology
DA Hartasánchez, T Latrille, M Brasó-Vives, A Navarro
Multiplicity of Time Scales in Complex Systems: Challenges for Sciences and …, 2022
Quantifying the impact of changes in effective population size and expression level on the rate of coding sequence evolution
T Latrille, N Lartillot
Theoretical Population Biology 142, 57-66, 2021
Toward a semi-supervised learning approach to phylogenetic estimation
D Silvestro, T Latrille, N Salamin
Systematic Biology 73 (5), 789-806, 2024
Detecting diversifying selection for a trait from within and between-species genotypes and phenotypes
T Latrille, M Bastian, T Gaboriau, N Salamin
Journal of evolutionary biology 37 (12), 1538-1550, 2024
An introduction to the special issue: inferring macroevolutionary patterns and processes from microevolutionary mechanisms
M Tsuboi, T Gaboriau, T Latrille
Journal of evolutionary biology 37 (12), 1395-1401, 2024
Widespread selection relaxation in aquatic mammals
BM Farina, T Latrille, N Salamin, D Silvestro, S Faurby
bioRxiv, 2024.09. 18.613479, 2024
Gene expression is the main driver of purifying selection in large penguin populations
E Trucchi, P Massa, F Giannelli, FAN Fernandes, L Ancona, NC Stenseth, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.08. 08.552445, 2023
Modelling the articulation of selective and neutral mechanisms in the evolution of protein-coding DNA sequences
T Latrille
Université de Lyon, 2020
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