Arne Anderberg
Arne Anderberg
Professor i botanik, Swedish Museum of Natural History Naturhistoriska riksmuseet
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An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG IV
Angiosperm Phylogeny Group, MW Chase, MJM Christenhusz, MF Fay, ...
Botanical journal of the Linnean Society 181 (1), 1-20, 2016
An ordinal classification for the families of flowering plants
The Angiosperm Phylogeny Group
Annals of the Missouri botanical Garden, 531-553, 1998
Phylogenetics of asterids based on 3 coding and 3 non-coding chloroplast DNA markers and the utility of non-coding DNA at higher taxonomic levels
B Bremer, KA Bremer, N Heidari, P Erixon, RG Olmstead, AA Anderberg, ...
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 24 (2), 274-301, 2002
Phylogenetic classification of Ericaceae: molecular and morphological evidence
KA Kron, WS Judd, PF Stevens, DM Crayn, AA Anderberg, PA Gadek, ...
The Botanical Review 68 (3), 335-423, 2002
Taxonomy and phylogeny of the tribe Gnaphalieae (Asteraceae)
AA Anderberg
Opera botanica 104, 1-195, 1991
Phylogenetic relationships in the order Ericales sl: analyses of molecular data from five genes from the plastid and mitochondrial genomes
AA Anderberg, C Rydin, M Källersjö
American Journal of Botany 89 (4), 677-687, 2002
Phylogeny, character evolution, and classification of Sapotaceae (Ericales)
U Swenson, AA Anderberg
Cladistics 21 (2), 101-130, 2005
Generic realignment in primuloid families of the Ericales sl: a phylogenetic analysis based on DNA sequences from three chloroplast genes and morphology
M Källersjö, G Bergqvist, AA Anderberg
American Journal of Botany 87 (9), 1325-1341, 2000
Compositae: Compositae Adans., Fam. Pl. 2: 103 (1763), nom. alt. et cons. Asteraceae Martynov, Tekhno-Bot. Slovar: 55 (1820), nom. cons.
AA Anderberg, BG Baldwin, RG Bayer, J Breitwieser, C Jeffrey, MO Dillon, ...
Flowering Plants· Eudicots: Asterales, 61-588, 2007
Taxonomy and phylogeny of the tribeInuleae (Asteraceae)
AA Anderberg
Plant Systematics and Evolution 176, 75-123, 1991
Molecular phylogenetics and patterns of floral evolution in the Ericales
J Schönenberger, AA Anderberg, KJ Sytsma
International Journal of Plant Sciences 166 (2), 265-288, 2005
Phylogeny and reclassification of the tribe Inuleae (Asteraceae)
AA Anderberg
Canadian journal of botany 67 (8), 2277-2296, 1989
Phylogenetic relationships among New Caledonian Sapotaceae (Ericales): molecular evidence for generic polyphyly and repeated dispersal
IV Bartish, U Swenson, J Munzinger, AA Anderberg
American Journal of Botany 92 (4), 667-673, 2005
Phylogenetic interrelationships in the order Primulales, with special emphasis on the family circumscriptions
AA Anderberg, B Ståhl
Canadian Journal of Botany 73 (11), 1699-1730, 1995
Evolution of Lecythidaceae with an emphasis on the circumscription of neotropical genera: information from combined ndhF and trnL‐F sequence data
SA Mori, CH Tsou, CC Wu, B Cronholm, AA Anderberg
American Journal of Botany 94 (3), 289-301, 2007
Evolutionary Lineages in Sapotaceae (Ericales): A Cladistic Analysis Based on ndhF Sequence Data
AA Anderberg, U Swenson
International Journal of Plant Sciences 164 (5), 763-773, 2003
Cladistic interrelationships and major clades of theEricales
AA Anderberg
Plant Systematics and Evolution 184, 207-231, 1993
Evolutionary relationships in the Asteraceae tribe Inuleae (incl. Plucheeae) evidenced by DNA sequences of ndhF; with notes on the systematic positions of some aberrant genera
AA Anderberg, P Eldenäs, RJ Bayer, M Englund
Organisms Diversity & Evolution 5 (2), 135-146, 2005
Compositae metatrees: the next generation
VA Funk, AA Anderberg, BG Baldwin, RJ Bayer, JM Bonifacino, ...
Systematics, evolution, and biogeography of Compositae, 2009
The circumscription of the Ericales, and their cladistic relationships to other families of" higher" dicotyledons
AA Anderberg
Systematic Botany, 660-675, 1992
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