Ir. Dr. Rizauddin Ramli
Ir. Dr. Rizauddin Ramli
Dept. of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, UKM
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na ukm.edu.my - Domača stran
Disassemblability of end-of-life vehicle: a critical review of evaluation methods
TF Go, DA Wahab, MNA Rahman, R Ramli, CH Azhari
Journal of Cleaner Production 19 (13), 1536-1546, 2011
Design and development of lower limb exoskeletons: A survey
N Aliman, R Ramli, SM Haris
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 95, 102-116, 2017
A review on recent development of minimum quantity lubrication for sustainable machining
NNN Hamran, JA Ghani, R Ramli, CHC Haron
Journal of Cleaner Production 268, 122165, 2020
An inventory model of supply chain disruption recovery with safety stock and carbon emission consideration
NA Darom, H Hishamuddin, R Ramli, ZM Nopiah
Journal of cleaner production 197, 1011-1021, 2018
Genetically optimised disassembly sequence for automotive component reuse
TF Go, DA Wahab, MNA Rahman, R Ramli, A Hussain
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (5), 5409-5417, 2012
Optimization of operation sequence in CNC machine tools using genetic algorithm
JA Qudeiri, H Yamamoto, R Ramli
Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing 1 (2), 272-282, 2007
Hybrid design of PID controller for four DoF lower limb exoskeleton
MS Amiri, R Ramli, MF Ibrahim
Applied Mathematical Modelling 72, 17-27, 2019
Electrical conductivity behaviour of chemical functionalized MWCNTs epoxy nanocomposites
AB Sulong, N Muhamad, J Sahari, R Ramli, BM Deros, J Park
European Journal of Scientific Research 29 (1), 13-21, 2009
Modelling and optimisation of upgradability in the design of multiple life cycle products: a critical review
NA Aziz, DA Wahab, R Ramli, CH Azhari
Journal of Cleaner Production 112, 282-290, 2016
A back propagation neural networks for grading Jatropha curcas Fruits Maturitiy
Z Effendi, R Ramli, JA Ghani, MNA Rahman
American Journal of Applied Sciences 7 (3), 390, 2010
A genetic algorithm for optimizing defective goods supply chain costs using JIT logistics and each-cycle lengths
SA Ghasimi, R Ramli, N Saibani
Applied Mathematical Modelling 38 (4), 1534-1547, 2014
Optimal parameter estimation for a DC motor using genetic algorithm
MS Amiri, MF Ibrahim, R Ramli
Int. J. Power Electron. Drive Syst 11 (2), 1047-1054, 2020
Genetic algorithm for buffer size and work station capacity in serial-parallel production lines
J Abu Qudeiri, H Yamamoto, R Ramli, A Jamali
Artificial Life and Robotics 12, 102-106, 2008
Adaptive particle swarm optimization of pid gain tuning for lower-limb human exoskeleton in virtual environment
M Soleimani Amiri, R Ramli, MF Ibrahim, D Abd Wahab, N Aliman
Mathematics 8 (11), 2040, 2020
Initialized model reference adaptive control for lower limb exoskeleton
MS Amiri, R Ramli, MF Ibrahim
IEEE Access 7, 167210-167220, 2019
A robust adaptive-fuzzy-proportional-derivative controller for a rehabilitation lower limb exoskeleton
N Aliman, R Ramli, SM Haris, MS Amiri, M Van
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 35, 101097, 2022
Factors related to supply chain network members in SMEs
A Awheda, MN Ab Rahman, R Ramli, H Arshad
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 27 (2), 312-335, 2016
Tool path length optimisation of contour parallel milling based on modified ant colony optimisation
H Abdullah, R Ramli, DA Wahab
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 92, 1263-1276, 2017
Adaptive decentralized coordinated control of multiple robot arms
H Kawasaki, S Ito, RB Ramli
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 36 (17), 387-392, 2003
Integrated Set Parts Supply system in a mixed-model assembly line
SM Jainury, R Ramli, MN Ab Rahman, A Omar
Computers & Industrial Engineering 75, 266-273, 2014
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