Matthew Janiga
Matthew Janiga
Processes and Diagnostics Section Head at Naval Research Laboratory Marine Meteorology Division
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na us.navy.mil
The “Year” of Tropical Convection (May 2008 to April 2010): Climate Variability and Weather Highlights
DE Waliser, M Moncrieff, D Burrridge, AH Fink, D Gochis, BN Goswami, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2011
Atlantic tropical cyclogenesis: A three-way interaction between an African easterly wave, diurnally varying convection, and a convectively coupled atmospheric Kelvin wave
MJ Ventrice, CD Thorncroft, MA Janiga
Monthly weather review 140 (4), 1108-1124, 2012
Contributions of convectively coupled equatorial Rossby waves and Kelvin waves to the real-time multivariate MJO indices
PE Roundy, CJ Schreck III, MA Janiga
Monthly Weather Review 137 (1), 469-478, 2009
MJO propagation processes and mean biases in the SubX and S2S reforecasts
H Kim, MA Janiga, K Pegion
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 124 (16), 9314-9331, 2019
Advances in the subseasonal prediction of extreme events: Relevant case studies across the globe
DIV Domeisen, CJ White, H Afargan-Gerstman, ÁG Muñoz, MA Janiga, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 103 (6), E1473-E1501, 2022
Subseasonal forecasts of convectively coupled equatorial waves and the MJO: Activity and predictive skill
MA Janiga, C J. Schreck III, JA Ridout, M Flatau, NP Barton, EJ Metzger, ...
Monthly Weather Review 146 (8), 2337-2360, 2018
Regional differences in the kinematic and thermodynamic structure of African easterly waves
MA Janiga, CD Thorncroft
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2012
The Navy's Earth System Prediction Capability: A new global coupled atmosphere‐ocean‐sea ice prediction system designed for daily to subseasonal forecasting
N Barton, EJ Metzger, CA Reynolds, B Ruston, C Rowley, OM Smedstad, ...
Earth and Space science 8 (4), e2020EA001199, 2021
The influence of African easterly waves on convection over tropical Africa and the east Atlantic
MA Janiga, CD Thorncroft
Monthly Weather Review 144 (1), 171-192, 2016
Convection over tropical Africa and the east Atlantic during the West African monsoon: Regional and diurnal variability
MA Janiga, CD Thorncroft
Journal of Climate 27 (11), 4159-4188, 2014
MJO moisture budget during DYNAMO in a cloud-resolving model
MA Janiga, C Zhang
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 73 (6), 2257-2278, 2016
Synoptic‐scale dust emissions over the Sahara Desert initiated by a moist convective cold pool in early August 2006
D Bou Karam, E Williams, M Janiga, C Flamant, M McGraw‐Herdeg, ...
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 140 (685), 2591-2607, 2014
Revisiting the relationship between Atlantic dust and tropical cyclone activity using aerosol optical depth reanalyses: 2003–2018
P Xian, PJ Klotzbach, JP Dunion, MA Janiga, JS Reid, PR Colarco, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 2020, 1-43, 2020
Analysis of vertically propagating convectively coupled equatorial waves using observations and a non‐hydrostatic Boussinesq model on the equatorial beta‐plane
PE Roundy, MA Janiga
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 138 (665), 1004-1017, 2012
Sources of tropical subseasonal skill in the CFSv2
CJ Schreck, MA Janiga, S Baxter
Monthly Weather Review 148 (4), 1553-1565, 2020
Evolution of precipitation structure during the November DYNAMO MJO event: Cloud‐resolving model intercomparison and cross validation using radar observations
X Li, MA Janiga, S Wang, WK Tao, A Rowe, W Xu, C Liu, T Matsui, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 123 (7), 3530-3555, 2018
Ocean heat content and the intraseasonal oscillation
AV Rydbeck, TG Jensen, TA Smith, MK Flatau, MA Janiga, CA Reynolds, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (24), 14558-14566, 2019
The impact of mean-state moisture biases on MJO skill in the Navy ESPC
SS Rushley, MA Janiga, JA Ridout, CA Reynolds
Monthly Weather Review 150 (7), 1725-1745, 2022
Advances in tropical cyclone prediction on subseasonal time scales during 2019–2022
CJ Schreck III, F Vitart, SJ Camargo, J Camp, J Darlow, R Elsberry, ...
Tropical Cyclone Research and Review 12 (2), 136-150, 2023
Analysis of integrated vapor transport biases
CA Reynolds, W Crawford, A Huang, N Barton, MA Janiga, J McLay, ...
Monthly Weather Review 150 (5), 1097-1113, 2022
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