Članki z zahtevami za javni dostop - Hassan BevraniVeč o tem
Ni na voljo nikjer: 1
Robust Synchronization of Multiple Converter-Based Weak Microgrids for Smooth Interconnection
M Naderi, Y Khayat, Q Shafiee, F Blaabjerg, H Bevrani
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 39 (2), 2763-2774, 2023
Zahteve: Villum Foundation
Na voljo nekje: 8
On the secondary control architectures of AC microgrids: An overview
Y Khayat, Q Shafiee, R Heydari, M Naderi, T Dragičević, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 35 (6), 6482-6500, 2019
Zahteve: Villum Foundation
Power system frequency control: An updated review of current solutions and new challenges
H Bevrani, H Golpîra, AR Messina, N Hatziargyriou, F Milano, T Ise
Electric Power Systems Research 194, 107114, 2021
Zahteve: Science Foundation Ireland
Interconnected autonomous AC microgrids via back-to-back converters—Part II: Stability analysis
M Naderi, Y Khayat, Q Shafiee, T Dragičević, H Bevrani, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 35 (11), 11801-11812, 2020
Zahteve: Villum Foundation
Decentralized frequency control of AC microgrids: An estimation-based consensus approach
Y Khayat, R Heydari, M Naderi, T Dragicevic, Q Shafiee, M Fathi, ...
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 9 (5 …, 2020
Zahteve: Villum Foundation
Low-frequency small-signal modeling of interconnected AC microgrids
M Naderi, Q Shafiee, H Bevrani, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 36 (4), 2786-2797, 2020
Zahteve: Villum Foundation
DC-link voltage control aided for the inertial support during severe faults in weak grids
Y Khayat, S Golestan, JM Guerrero, JC Vasquez, H Bevrani
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 9 (6 …, 2020
Zahteve: Villum Foundation
Comprehensive small-signal modeling and Prony analysis-based validation of synchronous interconnected microgrids
M Naderi, Y Khayat, Q Shafiee, T Dragicevic, H Bevrani, F Blaabjerg
Energy Reports 7, 6677-6689, 2021
Zahteve: Villum Foundation
Sdre-based primary control of dc microgrids equipped by a fault detection/isolation mechanism
Y Batmani, Y Khayat, A Salimi, H Bevrani, S Mirsaeidi, C Konstantinou
Energy Reports 8, 8215-8224, 2022
Zahteve: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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