R. Quinn Thomas
R. Quinn Thomas
Professor, Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation & Biological Sciences, Virginia Tech
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The Community Land Model version 5: Description of new features, benchmarking, and impact of forcing uncertainty
DM Lawrence, RA Fisher, CD Koven, KW Oleson, SC Swenson, G Bonan, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 11, 4245-4287, 2019
Increased tree carbon storage in response to nitrogen deposition in the US
RQ Thomas, CD Canham, KC Weathers, CL Goodale
Nature Geoscience 3 (1), 13-17, 2010
A meta-analysis of 1,119 manipulative experiments on terrestrial carbon-cycling responses to global change
J Song, S Wan, S Piao, AK Knapp, AT Classen, S Vicca, P Ciais, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 3 (9), 1309 - 1320, 2019
Global patterns and substrate‐based mechanisms of the terrestrial nitrogen cycle
S Niu, AT Classen, JS Dukes, P Kardol, L Liu, Y Luo, L Rustad, J Sun, ...
Ecology Letters 19, 697–709, 2016
Clustered disturbances lead to bias in large‐scale estimates based on forest sample plots
JI Fisher, GC Hurtt, RQ Thomas, JQ Chambers
Ecology letters 11 (6), 554-563, 2008
Physics-guided architecture (pga) of neural networks for quantifying uncertainty in lake temperature modeling
A Daw, RQ Thomas, CC Carey, JS Read, AP Appling, A Karpatne
Proceedings of the 2020 siam international conference on data mining, 532-540, 2020
Nitrogen limitation on land: how can it occur in Earth system models?
RQ Thomas, ENJ Brookshire, S Gerber
Global Change Biology 21 (5), 1777-1793, 2015
Global patterns of nitrogen limitation: confronting two global biogeochemical models with observations
RQ Thomas, S Zaehle, PH Templer, CL Goodale
Global Change Biology 19, 2986–2998, 2013
Constraining estimates of global soil respiration by quantifying sources of variability
J Jian, MK Steele, RQ Thomas, SD Day, SC Hodges
Global Change Biology 24, 4143-4159, 2018
Recovery from Disturbance Requires Resynchronization of Ecosystem Nutrient Cycles
EB Rastetter, RD Yanai, RQ Thomas, M Vadeboncoeur, TJ Fahey, ...
Ecological Applications 23 (3), 621-642, 2013
Linking models and data on vegetation structure
GC Hurtt, J Fisk, RQ Thomas, R Dubayah, PR Moorcroft, HH Shugart
Journal of Geophysical Research 115, G00E10, 2010
Beyond static benchmarking: Using experimental manipulations to evaluate land model assumptions
WR Wieder, DM Lawrence, RA Fisher, GB Bonan, SJ Cheng, CL Goodale, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 33 (10), 1289-1309, 2019
Occurrence and toxicity of the cyanobacterium Gloeotrichia echinulata in low-nutrient lakes in the northeastern United States
CC Carey, HA Ewing, KL Cottingham, KC Weathers, RQ Thomas, ...
Aquatic Ecology 46 (4), 395–409, 2012
Using lidar data and a height-structured ecosystem model to estimate forest carbon stocks and fluxes over mountainous terrain
RQ Thomas, GC Hurtt, R Dubayah, MH Schilz
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 34 (sup2), S351-S363, 2008
Frequency, not relative abundance, of temperate tree species varies along climate gradients in eastern North America
CD Canham, RQ Thomas
Ecology 91 (12), 3433-3440, 2010
Insights into mechanisms governing forest carbon response to nitrogen deposition: a model-data comparison using observed responses to nitrogen addition
RQ Thomas, GB Bonan, CL Goodale
Biogeosciences 10 (1), 3869–3887, 2013
Growth and survival relationships of 71 tree species with nitrogen and sulfur deposition across the conterminous U.S.
KJ Horn, RQ Thomas, CM Clark, LH Pardo, GB Fenn, Mark E., Lawrence, ...
PLoS ONE 13 (10), e0205296., 2018
Terrestrial and Marine Perspectives on Modeling Organic Matter Degradation Pathways and Controls
AB Burd, S Frey, A Cabre, T Ito, NM Levine, C Lønborg, M Long, ...
Global Change Biology 22, 121-136, 2016
Advancing lake and reservoir water quality management with near-term, iterative ecological forecasting
CC Carey, WM Woelmer, ME Lofton, RJ Figueiredo, BJ Bookout, ...
Inland Waters 12, 107-120, 2022
A near-term iterative forecasting system successfully predicts reservoir hydrodynamics and partitions uncertainty in real time
RQ Thomas, RJ Figueiredo, V Daneshmand, BJ Bookout, LK Puckett, ...
Water Resources Research 56, e2019WR026138, 2020
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