Christopher Tuck
Christopher Tuck
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na nottingham.ac.uk - Domača stran
Reducing porosity in AlSi10Mg parts processed by selective laser melting
NT Aboulkhair, NM Everitt, I Ashcroft, C Tuck
Additive manufacturing 1, 77-86, 2014
3D printing of Aluminium alloys: Additive Manufacturing of Aluminium alloys using selective laser melting
NT Aboulkhair, M Simonelli, L Parry, I Ashcroft, C Tuck, R Hague
Progress in materials science 106, 100578, 2019
Effect of the build orientation on the mechanical properties and fracture modes of SLM Ti–6Al–4V
M Simonelli, YY Tse, C Tuck
Materials Science and Engineering: A 616, 1-11, 2014
Laser sintering of polyamides and other polymers
RD Goodridge, CJ Tuck, RJM Hague
Progress in Materials science 57 (2), 229-267, 2012
The cost of additive manufacturing: machine productivity, economies of scale and technology-push
M Baumers, P Dickens, C Tuck, R Hague
Technological forecasting and social change 102, 193-201, 2016
The microstructure and mechanical properties of selectively laser melted AlSi10Mg: The effect of a conventional T6-like heat treatment
NT Aboulkhair, I Maskery, C Tuck, I Ashcroft, NM Everitt
Materials Science and Engineering: A 667, 139-146, 2016
A mechanical property evaluation of graded density Al-Si10-Mg lattice structures manufactured by selective laser melting
I Maskery, NT Aboulkhair, AO Aremu, CJ Tuck, IA Ashcroft, RD Wildman, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 670, 264-274, 2016
Additive manufacturing of advanced ceramic materials
Y Lakhdar, C Tuck, J Binner, A Terry, R Goodridge
Progress in Materials Science 116, 100736, 2021
Insights into the mechanical properties of several triply periodic minimal surface lattice structures made by polymer additive manufacturing
I Maskery, L Sturm, AO Aremu, A Panesar, CB Williams, CJ Tuck, ...
Polymer 152, 62-71, 2018
Compressive failure modes and energy absorption in additively manufactured double gyroid lattices
I Maskery, NT Aboulkhair, AO Aremu, CJ Tuck, IA Ashcroft
Additive Manufacturing 16, 24-29, 2017
Cost estimation for rapid manufacturing-laser sintering production for low to medium volumes
M Ruffo, C Tuck, R Hague
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of …, 2006
A study on the laser spatter and the oxidation reactions during selective laser melting of 316L stainless steel, Al-Si10-Mg, and Ti-6Al-4V
M Simonelli, C Tuck, NT Aboulkhair, I Maskery, I Ashcroft, RD Wildman, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 46, 3842-3851, 2015
Additive manufacturing of metamaterials: A review
M Askari, DA Hutchins, PJ Thomas, L Astolfi, RL Watson, M Abdi, M Ricci, ...
Additive Manufacturing 36, 101562, 2020
Effective design and simulation of surface-based lattice structures featuring volume fraction and cell type grading
I Maskery, AO Aremu, L Parry, RD Wildman, CJ Tuck, IA Ashcroft
Materials & Design 155, 220-232, 2018
On the formation of AlSi10Mg single tracks and layers in selective laser melting: Microstructure and nano-mechanical properties
NT Aboulkhair, I Maskery, C Tuck, I Ashcroft, NM Everitt
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 230, 88-98, 2016
On the texture formation of selective laser melted Ti-6Al-4V
M Simonelli, YY Tse, C Tuck
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45, 2863-2872, 2014
Improving the fatigue behaviour of a selectively laser melted aluminium alloy: Influence of heat treatment and surface quality
NT Aboulkhair, I Maskery, C Tuck, I Ashcroft, NM Everitt
Materials & Design 104, 174-182, 2016
Quantification and characterisation of porosity in selectively laser melted Al–Si10–Mg using X-ray computed tomography
I Maskery, NT Aboulkhair, MR Corfield, C Tuck, AT Clare, RK Leach, ...
Materials Characterization 111, 193-204, 2016
An investigation into reinforced and functionally graded lattice structures
I Maskery, A Hussey, A Panesar, A Aremu, C Tuck, I Ashcroft, R Hague
Journal of Cellular Plastics 53 (2), 151-165, 2017
Investigation the effect of particle size distribution on processing parameters optimisation in selective laser melting process
B Liu, R Wildman, C Tuck, I Ashcroft, R Hague
University of Texas at Austin, 2011
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