Colin Graham Attwood
Colin Graham Attwood
Biological Sciences Department
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na uct.ac.za
Evidence for recovery of a surf-zone fish assemblage following the establishment of a marine reserve on the southern coast of South Africa.
BA Bennett, CG Attwood
Marine ecology progress series. Oldendorf 75 (2), 173-181, 1991
Marine protected area improves yield without disadvantaging fishers
SE Kerwath, H Winker, A Götz, CG Attwood
Nature communications 4 (1), 2347, 2013
Variation in dispersal of galjoen (Coracinus capensis)(Teleostei: Coracinidae) from a marine reserve
CG Attwood, BA Bennett
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51 (6), 1247-1257, 1994
National Biodiversity Assessment 2011: Technical Report. Volume 4: Marine and Coastal Component. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria.
KJ Sink, S Holness, L Harris, PA Majiedt, L Atkinson, T Robinson, ...
Modelling the effect of marine reserves on the recreational shore-fishery of the south-western Cape, South Africa
CG Attwood, BA Bennett
South African Journal of Marine Science 16 (1), 227-240, 1995
International experience of marine protected areas and their relevance to South Africa
CG Attwood, JM Harris, AJ Williams
African Journal of Marine Science 18, 1997
Review of the state of marine protected areas in South Africa
CG Attwood, BQ Mann, JM Harris
African Journal of Marine Science 18, 1997
Comparison of two approaches to standardize catch-per-unit-effort for targeting behaviour in a multispecies hand-line fishery
H Winker, SE Kerwath, CG Attwood
Fisheries Research 139, 118-131, 2013
Shore-angling catches in the De Hoop Nature Reserve, South Africa, and further evidence for the protective value of marine reserves
BA Bennett, CG Attwood
South African Journal of Marine Science 13 (1), 213-222, 1993
A procedure for setting daily bag limits on the recreational shore-fishery of the South-Western Cape, South Africa
CG Attwood, BA Bennett
South African Journal of Marine Science 15 (1), 241-251, 1995
The role of MPAs in reconciling fisheries management with conservation of biological diversity
J Rice, E Moksness, C Attwood, SK Brown, G Dahle, KM Gjerde, ...
Ocean & coastal management 69, 217-230, 2012
Effects of fishing on population structure and life history of roman Chrysoblephus laticeps (Sparidae)
A Götz, SE Kerwath, CG Attwood, WHH Sauer
Marine Ecology Progress Series 362, 245-259, 2008
Collapse of linefish stocks between cape hangklip and Walker Bay, South Africa
CG Attwood, M Farquhar
South African Journal of Marine Science 21 (1), 415-432, 1999
Crossing invisible boundaries: the effectiveness of the Langebaan Lagoon Marine Protected Area as a harvest refuge for a migratory fish species in South Africa
SE Kerwath, EB Thorstad, TF Næsje, PD Cowley, F Økland, C Wilke, ...
Conservation Biology 23 (3), 653-661, 2009
Bycatch in South Africa's inshore trawl fishery as determined from observer records
CG Attwood, SL Petersen, SE Kerwath
ICES Journal of Marine Science 68 (10), 2163-2174, 2011
New management protocol for the South African linefishery
MH Griffiths, CG Attwood, R Thomson
Proceedings of the third southern African marine linefish symposium 27, 145-156, 1999
Proof of concept for a novel procedure to standardize multispecies catch and effort data
H Winker, SE Kerwath, CG Attwood
Fisheries Research 155, 149-159, 2014
Teleost catches by three shore-angling clubs in the South-western Cape, with an assessment of the effect of restrictions applied in 1985
BA Bennett, CG Attwood, JD Mantel
South African Journal of Marine Science 14 (1), 11-18, 1994
Quantifying the degree of protection afforded by a no-take marine reserve on an exploited shark
C Da Silva, SE Kerwath, CG Attwood, EB Thorstad, PD Cowley, F Økland, ...
African Journal of Marine Science 35 (1), 57-66, 2013
Movement pattern and home range of Roman Chrysoblephus laticeps
SE Kerwath, A Götz, CG Attwood, PD Cowley, WHH Sauer
African Journal of marine Science 29 (1), 93-103, 2007
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