Catalog of the native land and freshwater molluscs of the Hawaiian Islands RH Cowie, NL Evenhuis, CC Christensen Backhuys Publ., 1995 | 133 | 1995 |
Extinction in a hyperdiverse endemic Hawaiian land snail family and implications for the underestimation of invertebrate extinction C Régnier, P Bouchet, KA Hayes, NW Yeung, CC Christensen, ... Conservation Biology 29 (6), 1715-1723, 2015 | 74 | 2015 |
Nonmarine mollusks and ecological change at Barbers Point, O ‘ahu, Hawai ‘i CC Christensen, PV Kirch Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 26, 52-80, 1986 | 73 | 1986 |
Nonmarine molluscs from archaeological sites on Tikopia, southeastern Solomon Islands PV Christensen, Carl C, Kirch Pacific Science 35, 75-88, 1981 | 57* | 1981 |
Negative impacts of invasive predators used as biological control agents against the pest snail Lissachatina fulica: the snail Euglandina ‘rosea’and the flatworm Platydemus … J Gerlach, GM Barker, CS Bick, P Bouchet, G Brodie, CC Christensen, ... Biological Invasions 23, 997-1031, 2021 | 50 | 2021 |
Archaeological investigations of the Mudlane-Waimea-Kawaihae road corridor, Island of Hawai'i: an interdisciplinary study of an environmental transect JT Clark, PV Kirch Department of Transportation, State of Hawai'i, 1983 | 50 | 1983 |
Mid-to late Holocene landscape change and anthropogenic transformations on Mo ‘orea, Society Islands: a multi-proxy approach JG Kahn, C Nickelsen, J Stevenson, N Porch, E Dotte-Sarout, ... The Holocene 25 (2), 333-347, 2015 | 44 | 2015 |
Camaenid Land Snail Reproductive Cycle and Growth Patterns in Semiarid Areas of North Western Australia A Solem, CC Christensen Australian journal of zoology 32 (4), 471-491, 1984 | 43 | 1984 |
Conservation status of native terrestrial invertebrates in Hawaii WC Gagne, CC Christensen Hawaii’s Terrestrial Ecosystems: Preservation and Management. University of …, 1985 | 34 | 1985 |
Into the Andes: three new introductions of Lissachatina fulica (Gastropoda, Achatinidae) and its potential distribution in South America FJ Borrero, ASH Breure, C Christensen, M Correoso, VM Ávila Tentacle 17, 6-8, 2009 | 33 | 2009 |
Land Snails from Archaeological Sites in the Marshall Islands, with Remarks on Prehistoric Translocations in Tropical Oceania1 CC Christensen, MI Weisler Pacific Science 67 (1), 81-104, 2013 | 29 | 2013 |
Land Mollusca of Baja California, Mexico. AG Smith, WB Miller, CC Christensen, B Roth | 27 | 1990 |
The unique terrestrial biota of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands S Conant, CC Christensen, P Conant, WC Gagne, ML Goff Proceedings of the second symposium on resource investigations in the …, 1984 | 27 | 1984 |
Are Euglandina and Gonaxis effective agents for biological control of the giant African snail in Hawaii CC Christensen American malacological bulletin 2, 98-99, 1984 | 27 | 1984 |
Subfossil land snails from Easter Island, including Hotumatua anakenana, new genus and species (Pulmonata: Achatinellidae) 1 PV Kirch, CC Christensen, DW Steadman Pacific Science 63 (1), 105-122, 2009 | 20 | 2009 |
First records of Paralaoma servilis (Shuttleworth, 1852)(Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Punctidae) in the Hawaiian Islands CC CHRiSteNSeN, NW YeUNg, KA HAYeS Bishop Museum Occasional Paper 112, 3-7, 2012 | 17 | 2012 |
Analysis of land snails CC Christensen Archaeological Investigations of the Mudlane–Waimea–Kawaihae Road Corridor …, 1983 | 17 | 1983 |
Biological control of pest non-marine molluscs: A pacific perspective on risks to non-target organisms CC Christensen, RH Cowie, NW Yeung, KA Hayes Insects 12 (7), 583, 2021 | 12 | 2021 |
Change of status and name for a Hawaiian freshwater limpet: Ancylus sharpi Sykes, 1900, is the invasive North American Ferrissia californica (Rowell, 1863), formerly known as … CC Christensen Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 118, 5-8, 2016 | 12 | 2016 |
Taxonomy, conservation, and the future of native aquatic snails in the Hawaiian Islands CC Christensen, KA Hayes, NW Yeung Diversity 13 (5), 215, 2021 | 11 | 2021 |