Adrian Couvent
Adrian Couvent
PhD Student at IRSTEA
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na irstea.fr
Path tracking of a four-wheel steering mobile robot: A robust off-road parallel steering strategy
M Deremetz, R Lenain, A Couvent, C Cariou, B Thuilot
2017 European conference on mobile robots (ECMR), 1-7, 2017
A Generic Control Framework for Mobile Robots Edge Following.
M Deremetz, A Couvent, R Lenain, B Thuilot, C Cariou
ICINCO (2), 104-113, 2019
LambdAgrIoT: a new architecture for agricultural autonomous robots’ scheduling: from design to experiments
G André, B Bachelet, P Battistoni, A Belhassena, S Bimonte, C Cariou, ...
Cluster Computing 26 (5), 2993-3015, 2023
Data-centric UML profile for agroecology applications: Agricultural autonomous robots monitoring case study
S Bimonte, H Badir, P Battistoni, H Bazza, A Belhassena, C Cariou, ...
Computer Science and Information Systems 20 (1), 459-489, 2023
Impact of Machine’s Robotisation on the Activity of an Operator in Picking Tasks
A Couvent, M Dridi, N Tricot, C Debain, M Almasri, G De Sousa, ...
Human Systems Engineering and Design: Proceedings of the 1st International …, 2019
Human-robot cooperation: Link between acceptance and modes of cooperation chosen by operator with a robot
A Couvent, C Debain, N Tricot, F Coutarel
Human Systems Engineering and Design II: Proceedings of the 2nd …, 2020
Prise en compte des compétences d’un opérateur dans l’ajustement du degré d’autonomie d’un système technique
A Couvent
Université Clermont Auvergne, 2022
Approach to Estimate the Skills of an Operator During Human-Robot Cooperation
A Couvent, C Debain, N Tricot
International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies, 282-288, 2021
Impact de la robotisation des machines sur l'activité d'un opérateur
A Couvent, N Tricot, C Debain
Sciences Eaux & Territoires, 68-73, 2019
From acceptability assessment during design process to acceptance in real world
M Dridi, A Couvent, M Almasri, G Chalhoub, G de Sousa, M Izaute, ...
1st International Conference on Human Systems Engineering and Design: Future …, 2018
Dispositifs de rétroaction pour la sécurité active d’engins tout terrain. Application à la sécurité des automoteurs
A Couvent, R Lenain
Sistem trenutno ne more izvesti postopka. Poskusite znova pozneje.
Članki 1–11