Timothy Duty
Timothy Duty
D-Wave Quantum Inc.
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na dwavesys.com
Observation of the dynamical Casimir effect in a superconducting circuit
CM Wilson, G Johansson, A Pourkabirian, M Simoen, JR Johansson, ...
nature 479 (7373), 376-379, 2011
Microwave determination of the quasiparticle scattering time in YBa 2 Cu 3 O 6.95
DA Bonn, R Liang, TM Riseman, DJ Baar, DC Morgan, K Zhang, ...
Physical Review B 47 (17), 11314, 1993
Neural sources involved in auditory target detection and novelty processing: an event-related fMRI study
KA Kiehl, KR Laurens, TL Duty, BB Forster, PF Liddle
Psychophysiology 38 (1), 133-142, 2001
Tuning the field in a microwave resonator faster than the photon lifetime
M Sandberg, CM Wilson, F Persson, T Bauch, G Johansson, V Shumeiko, ...
Applied Physics Letters 92 (20), 2008
Current measurement by real-time counting of single electrons
J Bylander, T Duty, P Delsing
Nature 434 (7031), 361-364, 2005
Coherent dynamics of a Josephson charge qubit
T Duty, D Gunnarsson, K Bladh, P Delsing
Physical Review B 69 (14), 140503, 2004
Coherence times of dressed states of a superconducting qubit under extreme driving
CM Wilson, T Duty, F Persson, M Sandberg, G Johansson, P Delsing
Physical review letters 98 (25), 257003, 2007
Photon generation in an electromagnetic cavity with a time-dependent boundary
CM Wilson, T Duty, M Sandberg, F Persson, V Shumeiko, P Delsing
Physical review letters 105 (23), 233907, 2010
Observation of quantum capacitance in the Cooper-pair transistor
T Duty, G Johansson, K Bladh, D Gunnarsson, C Wilson, P Delsing
Physical review letters 95 (20), 206807, 2005
Evidence for endohedral muonium in and consequences for electronic structure
RF Kiefl, TL Duty, JW Schneider, A MacFarlane, K Chow, J Elzey, ...
Physical review letters 69 (13), 2005, 1992
Multiphoton Transitions between Energy Levels<? format?> in a Current-Biased Josephson Tunnel Junction
A Wallraff, T Duty, A Lukashenko, AV Ustinov
Physical review letters 90 (3), 037003, 2003
An event-related fMRI study of visual and auditory oddball tasks.
KA Kiehl, KR Laurens, TL Duty, BB Forster, PF Liddle
Journal of Psychophysiology 15 (4), 221, 2001
An ultrasensitive radio-frequency single-electron transistor working up to 4.2 K
H Brenning, S Kafanov, T Duty, S Kubatkin, P Delsing
Journal of Applied Physics 100 (11), 2006
Coherence peak and superconducting energy gap in Rb 3 C 60 observed by muon spin relaxation
RF Kiefl, WA MacFarlane, KH Chow, S Dunsiger, TL Duty, TMS Johnston, ...
Physical review letters 70 (25), 3987, 1993
Dressed relaxation and dephasing in a strongly driven two-level system
CM Wilson, G Johansson, T Duty, F Persson, M Sandberg, P Delsing
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (2), 024520, 2010
Switching current measurements of large area Josephson tunnel junctions
A Wallraff, A Lukashenko, C Coqui, A Kemp, T Duty, AV Ustinov
Review of scientific instruments 74 (8), 3740-3748, 2003
Muon-spin-rotation study of the effect of Zn substitution on magnetism in
P Mendels, H Alloul, JH Brewer, GD Morris, TL Duty, S Johnston, ...
Physical Review B 49 (14), 10035, 1994
High sensitivity, directional DC-squid magnetometer
MHS Amin, T Duty, A Omelyanchouk, G Rose, A Zagoskin, JP Hilton
US Patent 6,627,916, 2003
RL, Lichti, EJ Ansaldo, C
RF Kiefl, JW Schneider, A MacFarlane, K Chow, TL Duty, TL Estle, B Hitti
Schwab, PW Percival, G. Wei, S. Wlodek, K. Kojima, WJ Romanow, JP McCauley …, 1992
W. N Hardy, C. Kallin, and AJ Berlinsky
DA Bonn, R Liang, TM Riseman, DJ Baar, K Zhang, P Dosanjh, TL Duty, ...
Phys. Rev. B 47 (11), 314, 1993
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