Joel Roskin יואל רסקין  يوإل راسقين
Joel Roskin יואל רסקין يوإل راسقين
Dept of Environment, Planning and Sustainability, Bar-Ilan University, ISRAEL
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Age, origin and climatic controls on vegetated linear dunes in the northwestern Negev Desert (Israel)
J Roskin, N Porat, H Tsoar, DG Blumberg, AM Zander
Quaternary Science Reviews 30 (13-14), 1649-1674, 2011
Ancient trash mounds unravel urban collapse a century before the end of Byzantine hegemony in the southern Levant
G Bar-Oz, L Weissbrod, T Erickson-Gini, Y Tepper, D Malkinson, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (17), 8239-8248, 2019
Palaeoclimate interpretations of Late Pleistocene vegetated linear dune mobilization episodes: evidence from the northwestern Negev dunefield, Israel
J Roskin, H Tsoar, N Porat, DG Blumberg
Quaternary Science Reviews 30 (23-24), 3364-3380, 2011
The INQUA dunes atlas chronologic database
N Lancaster, S Wolfe, D Thomas, C Bristow, O Bubenzer, S Burrough, ...
Quaternary International 410, 3-10, 2016
Origin of the Sinai–Negev erg, Egypt and Israel: mineralogical and geochemical evidence for the importance of the Nile and sea level history
DR Muhs, J Roskin, H Tsoar, G Skipp, JR Budahn, A Sneh, N Porat, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 69, 28-48, 2013
Particle-size fractionation of eolian sand along the Sinai–Negev erg of Egypt and Israel
J Roskin, I Katra, DG Blumberg
Bulletin 126 (1-2), 47-65, 2014
The first Neanderthal remains from an open-air Middle Palaeolithic site in the Levant
E Been, E Hovers, R Ekshtain, A Malinski-Buller, N Agha, A Barash, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 2958, 2017
Do dune sands redden with age? The case of the northwestern Negev dunefield, Israel
J Roskin, DG Blumberg, N Porat, H Tsoar, O Rozenstein
Aeolian Research 5, 63-75, 2012
Natural and human controls of the Holocene evolution of the beach, aeolian sand and dunes of Caesarea (Israel)
J Roskin, D Sivan, G Shtienberg, E Roskin, N Porat, R Bookman
Aeolian Research 19, 65-85, 2015
Rapid anthropogenic response to short-term aeolian-fluvial palaeoenvironmental changes during the Late Pleistocene–Holocene transition in the northern Negev Desert, Israel
J Roskin, I Katra, N Agha, AN Goring-Morris, N Porat, O Barzilai
Quaternary Science Reviews 99, 176-192, 2014
Late Holocene dune mobilizations in the northwestern Negev dunefield, Israel: A response to combined anthropogenic activity and short-term intensified windiness
J Roskin, I Katra, DG Blumberg
Quaternary International 303, 10-23, 2013
New perspectives on coastal landscape reconstruction during the Late Quaternary: A test case from central Israel
G Shtienberg, JK Dix, J Roskin, N Waldmann, R Bookman, OM Bialik, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 468, 503-519, 2017
A unique assemblage of engraved plaquettes from Ein Qashish South, Jezreel Valley, Israel: figurative and non-figurative symbols of Late Pleistocene hunters-gatherers in the Levant
A Yaroshevich, O Bar-Yosef, E Boaretto, V Caracuta, N Greenbaum, ...
PloS one 11 (8), e0160687, 2016
An Early Islamic inter-settlement agroecosystem in the coastal sand of the Yavneh dunefield, Israel
I Taxel, D Sivan, R Bookman, J Roskin
Journal of Field Archaeology 43 (7), 551-569, 2018
Neolithic voyages to Cyprus: Wind patterns, routes, and mechanisms
DE Bar-Yosef Mayer, Y Kahanov, J Roskin, H Gildor
The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 10 (3), 412-435, 2015
Evolution of Middle to Late Pleistocene sandy calcareous paleosols underlying the northwestern Negev Desert Dunefield (Israel)
J Roskin, I Katra, N Porat, E Zilberman
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 387, 134-152, 2013
A late Pleistocene linear dune dam record of aeolian-fluvial dynamics at the fringes of the northwestern Negev dunefield
J Roskin, R Bookman, DE Friesem, J Vardi
Sedimentary Geology 353, 76-95, 2017
Flint workshop affiliation: Chronology, technology and site-formation processes at Giv'at Rabbi East, Lower Galilee, Israel
A Yaroshevich, M Shemer, N Porat, J Roskin
Quaternary International 464, 58-80, 2018
High-resolution portable-OSL analysis of Vegetated Linear Dune construction in the margins of the northwestern Negev dunefield (Israel) during the late Quaternary
L Robins, N Greenbaum, LP Yu, R Bookman, J Roskin
Aeolian Research 50, 100680, 2021
Character, rates, and environmental significance of Holocene Dust accumulation in archaeological Hilltop Ruins in the southern Levant
B Lucke, J Roskin, KA Vanselow, HJ Bruins, N Abu-Jaber, K Deckers, ...
Geosciences 9 (4), 190, 2019
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