Frederick C. Kahimba (PhD, PE)
Frederick C. Kahimba (PhD, PE)
Associate Professor of Soil Water Management and Irrigation Engineering, Sokoine University of
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Framework for participatory food security research in rural food value chains
F Graef, S Sieber, K Mutabazi, F Asch, HK Biesalski, J Bitegeko, ...
Global Food Security 3 (1), 8-15, 2014
Cover crop effects on infiltration, soil temperature, and soil moisture distribution in the Canadian Prairies
FC Kahimba, RS Ranjan, J Froese, M Entz, R Nason
Applied Engineering in Agriculture 24 (3), 321-333, 2008
Adopting the system of rice intensification (SRI) in Tanzania: A review
Z Katambara, FC Kahimba, HF Mahoo, WB Mbungu, F Mhenga, ...
Agricultural Sciences 2013, 2013
Evaluation of the performance of CORDEX regional climate models in simulating present climate conditions of Tanzania
P Luhunga, J Botai, F Kahimba
Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science 66, 32-54, 2016
Adoption and scaling-up of conservation agriculture in Tanzania: Case of Arusha and Dodoma regions
FC Kahimba, KD Mutabazi, SD Tumbo, KF Masuki, WB Mbungu
Scientific Research, 2014
Soil temperature correction of field TDR readings obtained under near freezing conditions
FC Kahimba, RS Ranjan
Canadian Biosystems Engineering 49, 1, 2007
Effectiveness of tropical grass species as sediment filters in the riparian zone of Lake Victoria
J Wanyama, K Herremans, W Maetens, M Isabirye, F Kahimba, D Kimaro, ...
Soil Use and Management 28, 409-418, 2012
The potential of system of rice intensification (SRI) to increase rice water productivity: A case of Mkindo Irrigation scheme in Morogoro region, Tanzania
FC Kahimba, EE Kombe, HF Mahoo
Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences 12 (2), 10-19, 2014
Application of self-organizing maps technique in downscaling GCMs climate change projections for Same, Tanzania
SD Tumbo, E Mpeta, M Tadross, FC Kahimba, BP Mbillinyi, HF Mahoo
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 35 (13-14), 608-617, 2010
A gendered analysis of perception and vulnerability to climate change among smallholder farmers: the case of Same District, Tanzania
TS Mnimbo, J Mbwambo, FC Kahimba, SD Tumbo
Climate and Development 8 (1), 95-104, 2016
Evaluation of a plant-controlled subsurface drip irrigation system
V Nalliah, RS Ranjan, FC Kahimba
Biosystems engineering 102 (3), 313-320, 2009
Expert-based ex-ante assessments of potential social, ecological, and economic impacts of upgrading strategies for improving food security in rural Tanzania using the ScalA-FS …
F Graef, G Uckert, J Schindler, HJ König, HA Mbwana, A Fasse, ...
Food Security 9, 1255-1270, 2017
Climate change and food security in Tanzania: Analysis of current knowledge and research gaps
FC Kahimba, AS Sife, SMS Maliondo, EJ Mpeta, J Olson
Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences 14 (1), 2015
Modeling soil temperature, frost depth, and soil moisture redistribution in seasonally frozen agricultural soils
FC Kahimba, RS Ranjan, DD Mann
Applied engineering in agriculture 25 (6), 871-882, 2009
Influence of Transplanting Age on Paddy Yield under the System of Rice Intensification
P Reuben, Z Katambara, FC Kahimba, HF Mahoo, W Mbungu, F Mhenga, ...
Agricultural Sciences 7 (3), 154-163, 2016
Land cover transition in northern Tanzania
I Ouedraogo, J Barron, SD Tumbo, FC Kahimba
Land Degradation & Development 27 (3), 682–692, 2015
Impact of projected climate change on agricultural production in semi-arid areas of Tanzania: a case of same district
SD Tumbo, FC Kahimba, BP Mbilinyi, FB Rwehumbiza, HF Mahoo, ...
African Crop Science Journal 20, 453-463, 2012
Temporal and spatial variations in hydro-climatic extremes in the Lake Victoria basin
W Mbungu, V Ntegeka, FC Kahimba, M Taye, P Willems
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 50, 24-33, 2012
Optimizing Plant Spacing under the Systems of Rice Intensification (SRI)
P Reuben, FC Kahimba, Z Katambara, HF Mahoo, W Mbungu, F Mhenga, ...
Agricultural Sciences 7 (4), 270-278, 2016
Evaluation of the SolarCalc model for simulating hourly and daily incoming solar radiation in the northern Great Plains of Canada
FC Kahimba, PR Bullock, RS Ranjan, HW Cutforth
CSBE/SCGAB 2008 Annual Conference, CSBE08-143, 2008
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