Kim Cohen
Kim Cohen
Assistant Professor, Utrecht University
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The ICS international chronostratigraphic chart
KM Cohen, SC Finney, PL Gibbard, JX Fan
Episodes 36 (3), 199-204, 2013
Global chronostratigraphical correlation table for the last 2.7 million years
P Gibbard, KM Cohen
Episodes 31 (2), 243-247, 2008
Digitaal Basisbestand Paleogeografie van de Rijn‐Maas Delta
KM Cohen, E Stouthamer, HJ Pierik, AH Geurts
Dept. Fysische Geografie. Universiteit Utrecht. Digitale Dataset, 2012
Sedimentary architecture of abandoned channel fills
WHJ Toonen, MG Kleinhans, KM Cohen
Earth surface processes and landforms 37 (4), 459-472, 2012
Late Pleistocene evolution of the Rhine-Meuse system in the southern North Sea basin: imprints of climate change, sea-level oscillation and glacio-isostacy
FS Busschers, C Kasse, RT Van Balen, J Vandenberghe, KM Cohen, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (25-28), 3216-3248, 2007
A new approach towards anomalous fading correction for feldspar IRSL dating—tests on samples in field saturation
RH Kars, J Wallinga, KM Cohen
Radiation Measurements 43 (2-6), 786-790, 2008
Global chronostratigraphical correlation table for the last 2.7 million years
KM Cohen, PL Gibbard
IUGS-ICS-SQS: Subcommission on Quaternary Stratigraphy, 2010
Timing and magnitude of the sea-level jump preluding the 8200 yr event
MP Hijma, KM Cohen
Geology 38 (3), 275-278, 2010
Pleistocene Rhine–Thames landscapes: geological background for hominin occupation of the southern North Sea region
MP Hijma, KM Cohen, W Roebroeks, WE Westerhoff, FS Busschers
Journal of Quaternary Science 27 (1), 17-39, 2012
Response of the Rhine–Meuse fluvial system to Saalian ice‐sheet dynamics
FS Busschers, RT Van Balen, KM Cohen, C Kasse, HJT Weerts, ...
Boreas 37 (3), 377-398, 2008
Holocene floodplain sediment storage and hillslope erosion within the Rhine catchment
T Hoffmann, G Erkens, KM Cohen, P Houben, J Seidel, R Dikau
The Holocene 17 (1), 105, 2007
From river valley to estuary: the evolution of the Rhine mouth in the early to middle Holocene (western Netherlands, Rhine-Meuse delta)
MP Hijma, KM Cohen, G Hoffmann, AJF Van der Spek, E Stouthamer
Netherlands journal of geosciences 88 (1), 13-53, 2009
Zand in banen: zanddieptekaarten van het Rivierengebied en het IJsseldal in de provincies Gelderland en Overijssel
KM Cohen, E Stouthamer, WZ Hoek, HJA Berendsen, HFJ Kempen
Provincie Gelderland and Utrecht University, 2009
Holocene transgression of the Rhine river mouth area, The Netherlands/Southern North Sea: palaeogeography and sequence stratigraphy
MP Hijma, KM Cohen
Sedimentology 58 (6), 1453-1485, 2011
Lower Rhine historical flood magnitudes of the last 450 years reproduced from grain-size measurements of flood deposits using End Member Modelling
WHJ Toonen, TG Winkels, KM Cohen, MA Prins, H Middelkoop
Catena 130, 69-81, 2015
Fluvial terrace formation in the northern Upper Rhine Graben during the last 20 000 years as a result of allogenic controls and autogenic evolution
G Erkens, R Dambeck, KP Volleberg, MTIJ Bouman, JAA Bos, KM Cohen, ...
Geomorphology 103 (3), 476-495, 2009
Middle Paleolithic complex technology and a Neandertal tar-backed tool from the Dutch North Sea
MJLT Niekus, PRB Kozowyk, GHJ Langejans, D Ngan-Tillard, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (44), 22081-22087, 2019
Evolution of a bifurcation in a meandering river with adjustable channel widths, Rhine delta apex, The Netherlands
MG Kleinhans, KM Cohen, J Hoekstra, JM IJmker
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 36 (15), 2011-2027, 2011
The earliest occupation of north-west Europe: a coastal perspective
KM Cohen, K MacDonald, JCA Joordens, W Roebroeks, PL Gibbard
Quaternary International 271, 70-83, 2012
North Sea palaeogeographical reconstructions for the last 1 Ma
KM Cohen, PL Gibbard, HJT Weerts
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 93 (1-2), 7-29, 2014
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