Vadim Makarov
Vadim Makarov
Russian Quantum Center
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Hacking commercial quantum cryptography systems by tailored bright illumination
L Lydersen, C Wiechers, C Wittmann, D Elser, J Skaar, V Makarov
Nature photonics 4 (10), 686-689, 2010
Quantum teleportation over 143 kilometres using active feed-forward
XS Ma, T Herbst, T Scheidl, D Wang, S Kropatschek, W Naylor, ...
Nature 489 (7415), 269-273, 2012
Full-field implementation of a perfect eavesdropper on a quantum cryptography system
I Gerhardt, Q Liu, A Lamas-Linares, J Skaar, C Kurtsiefer, V Makarov
Nature communications 2 (1), 349, 2011
Effects of detector efficiency mismatch on security of quantum cryptosystems
V Makarov, A Anisimov, J Skaar
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 74 (2), 022313, 2006
Controlling passively quenched single photon detectors by bright light
V Makarov
New Journal of Physics 11 (6), 065003, 2009
Device calibration impacts security of quantum key distribution
N Jain, C Wittmann, L Lydersen, C Wiechers, D Elser, C Marquardt, ...
Physical Review Letters 107 (11), 110501, 2011
Faked states attack on quantum cryptosystems
V Makarov*, DR Hjelme
Journal of Modern Optics 52 (5), 691-705, 2005
Large pulse attack as a method of conventional optical eavesdropping in quantum cryptography
A Vakhitov, V Makarov, DR Hjelme
Journal of modern optics 48 (13), 2023-2038, 2001
After-gate attack on a quantum cryptosystem
C Wiechers, L Lydersen, C Wittmann, D Elser, J Skaar, C Marquardt, ...
New Journal of Physics 13 (1), 013043, 2011
Trojan-horse attacks threaten the security of practical quantum cryptography
N Jain, E Anisimova, I Khan, V Makarov, C Marquardt, G Leuchs
New Journal of Physics 16 (12), 123030, 2014
Experimentally faking the violation of Bell’s inequalities
I Gerhardt, Q Liu, A Lamas-Linares, J Skaar, V Scarani, V Makarov, ...
Physical Review Letters 107 (17), 170404, 2011
Thermal blinding of gated detectors in quantum cryptography
L Lydersen, C Wiechers, C Wittmann, D Elser, J Skaar, V Makarov
Optics express 18 (26), 27938-27954, 2010
Airborne demonstration of a quantum key distribution receiver payload
CJ Pugh, S Kaiser, JP Bourgoin, J Jin, N Sultana, S Agne, E Anisimova, ...
Quantum Science and Technology 2 (2), 024009, 2017
Laser damage helps the eavesdropper in quantum cryptography
AN Bugge, S Sauge, AMM Ghazali, J Skaar, L Lydersen, V Makarov
Physical review letters 112 (7), 070503, 2014
Risk analysis of Trojan-horse attacks on practical quantum key distribution systems
N Jain, B Stiller, I Khan, V Makarov, C Marquardt, G Leuchs
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 21 (3), 168-177, 2014
Controlling a superconducting nanowire single-photon detector using tailored bright illumination
L Lydersen, MK Akhlaghi, AH Majedi, J Skaar, V Makarov
New Journal of Physics 13 (11), 113042, 2011
Faked states attack using detector efficiency mismatch on SARG04, phase-time, DPSK, and Ekert protocols
V Makarov, J Skaar
arXiv preprint quant-ph/0702262, 2007
Controlling an actively-quenched single photon detector with bright light
S Sauge, L Lydersen, A Anisimov, J Skaar, V Makarov
Optics Express 19 (23), 23590-23600, 2011
Security loophole in free-space quantum key distribution due to spatial-mode detector-efficiency mismatch
S Sajeed, P Chaiwongkhot, JP Bourgoin, T Jennewein, N Lütkenhaus, ...
Physical Review A 91 (6), 062301, 2015
Experimental quantum key distribution with source flaws
F Xu, K Wei, S Sajeed, S Kaiser, S Sun, Z Tang, L Qian, V Makarov, HK Lo
Physical Review A 92 (3), 032305, 2015
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