Carol Mutch
Carol Mutch
University of Auckland, University of Canterbury, Education Review Office, Christchurch College of
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na auckland.ac.nz
Doing educational research. A practitioner’s guide to getting started (2nd ed.).
C Mutch
Wellington: NZCER Press., 2013
Leadership in times of crisis: Dispositional, relational and contextual factors influencing school principals’ actions
C Mutch
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 14, 186-194, 2015
The role of schools in disaster preparedness, response and recovery: what can we learn from the literature?
C Mutch
Pastoral Care in Education 32 (1), 5-22, 2014
Partners in Learning: Schools' Engagement With Parents, Families, and Communities in New Zealand.
C Mutch, S Collins
School Community Journal 22 (1), 167-187, 2012
The role of schools in disaster settings: Learning from the 2010–2011 New Zealand earthquakes
C Mutch
International Journal of Educational Development 41, 283-291, 2015
Research with, by, for and about children: Lessons from disaster contexts
L Gibbs, C Mutch, P O'Connor, C MacDougall
Global Studies of Childhood 3 (2), 129-141, 2013
Towards a customizable immersive virtual reality serious game for earthquake emergency training
Z Feng, VA González, C Mutch, R Amor, A Rahouti, A Baghouz, N Li, ...
Advanced Engineering Informatics 46, 101134, 2020
The New Zealand earthquakes and the role of schools in engaging children in emotional processing of disaster experiences
C Mutch, E Gawith
Pastoral Care in Education 32 (1), 54-67, 2014
Adapting Bourdieu’s field theory to explain decision-making processes in educational policy
C Mutch
Theoretical frameworks in qualitative research 1, 155-174, 2006
Perspectives on education, children and young people in disaster risk reduction
J Tatebe, C Mutch
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 14, 108-114, 2015
“Sailing through a river of emotions”: capturing children's earthquake stories
C Mutch
Disaster Prevention and Management 22 (5), 445-455, 2013
Instructional mechanisms in immersive virtual reality serious games: Earthquake emergency training for children
Z Feng, VA González, C Mutch, R Amor, G Cabrera‐Guerrero
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 37 (2), 542-556, 2021
The role of schools in helping communities cope with earthquake disasters: The case of the 2010-2011 New Zealand earthquakes
C Mutch
Environmental Hazards, 2018
Curriculum change and teacher resistance
C Mutch
Curriculum Matters 8, 1-8, 2012
How might research on schools’ responses to earlier crises help us in the COVID-19 recovery process
C Mutch
Set: Research Information for Teachers 2 (June), 3-10, 2020
COVID-19 and the Exacerbation of Educational Inequalities in New Zealand.
CA Mutch
Perspectives in Education 39 (1), 2021
Quiet heroes: Teachers and the Canterbury, New Zealand, earthquakes
C Mutch
Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies 19 (2), 77-86, 2015
Assessment for, of and as Learning: Developing a Sustainable Assessment Culture in New Zealand Schools
C Mutch
Policy Futures in Education 10 (4), 374-385, 2012
From collusion to collective compassion: putting heart back into the neoliberal university
C Mutch, J Tatebe
Pastoral Care in Education 35 (3), 221-234, 2017
Progressive education in New Zealand: A revered past, a contested present and an uncertain future
C Mutch
International Journal of Progressive Education 9 (2), 98-116, 2013
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