Joshua T. Vogelstein
Joshua T. Vogelstein
Dept of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na jhu.edu - Domača stran
Detection and localization of surgically resectable cancers with a multi-analyte blood test
JD Cohen, L Li, Y Wang, C Thoburn, B Afsari, L Danilova, C Douville, ...
Science 359 (6378), 926-930, 2018
Saturated reconstruction of a volume of neocortex
N Kasthuri, KJ Hayworth, DR Berger, RL Schalek, JA Conchello, ...
Cell 162 (3), 648-661, 2015
Differential connectivity and response dynamics of excitatory and inhibitory neurons in visual cortex
SB Hofer, H Ko, B Pichler, J Vogelstein, H Ros, H Zeng, E Lein, NA Lesica, ...
Nature neuroscience 14 (8), 1045-1052, 2011
Fast non-negative deconvolution for spike train inference from population calcium imaging
JT Vogelstein, AM Packer, TA Machado, T Sippy, B Babadi, R Yuste, ...
Journal of Neurophysiology 104 (6), 3691-3704, 2010
Imaging human connectomes at the macroscale
RC Craddock, S Jbabdi, CG Yan, JT Vogelstein, FX Castellanos, ...
Nature methods 10 (6), 524-539, 2013
Whole-brain serial-section electron microscopy in larval zebrafish
DGC Hildebrand, M Cicconet, RM Torres, W Choi, TM Quan, J Moon, ...
Nature 545 (7654), 345-349, 2017
DeltaCon: A Principled Massive-Graph Similarity Function
D Koutra, JT Vogelstein, C Faloutsos
Proceedings of the 2013 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 2013
Spike inference from calcium imaging using sequential Monte Carlo methods
JT Vogelstein, BO Watson, AM Packer, R Yuste, B Jedynak, L Paninski
Biophysical journal 97 (2), 636-655, 2009
Statistical inference on random dot product graphs: a survey
A Athreya, DE Fishkind, M Tang, CE Priebe, Y Park, JT Vogelstein, ...
Journal of Machine Learning Research 18 (226), 1-92, 2018
Towards automated analysis of connectomes: The configurable pipeline for the analysis of connectomes (c-pac)
C Craddock, S Sikka, B Cheung, R Khanuja, SS Ghosh, C Yan, Q Li, ...
Front Neuroinform 42 (10.3389), 2013
FlashGraph: processing billion-node graphs on an array of commodity SSDs
DM Da Zheng, R Burns, J Vogelstein, CE Priebe, AS Szalay
File and Storage Technologies (FAST15), 2015
Different scaling of linear models and deep learning in UKBiobank brain images versus machine-learning datasets
MA Schulz, BTT Yeo, JT Vogelstein, J Mourao-Miranada, JN Kather, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 4238, 2020
Discovery of Brainwide Neural-Behavioral Maps via Multiscale Unsupervised Structure Learning.
JT Vogelstein, Y Park, T Ohyama, R Kerr, JW Truman, CE Priebe, M Zlatic
Science, 2014
Dynamically reconfigurable silicon array of spiking neurons with conductance-based synapses
RJ Vogelstein, U Mallik, JT Vogelstein, G Cauwenberghs
IEEE transactions on neural networks 18 (1), 253-265, 2007
A new look at state-space models for neural data
L Paninski, Y Ahmadian, DG Ferreira, S Koyama, K Rahnama Rad, ...
Journal of computational neuroscience 29, 107-126, 2010
The connectome of an insect brain
M Winding, BD Pedigo, CL Barnes, HG Patsolic, Y Park, T Kazimiers, ...
Science 379 (6636), eadd9330, 2023
Fast Approximate Quadratic Programming for Graph Matching
JT Vogelstein, JM Conroy, LJ Podrazik, SG Kratzer, DE Fishkind, ...
PLoS One 10 (4), 2015
The predictive capacity of personal genome sequencing
NJ Roberts, JT Vogelstein, G Parmigiani, KW Kinzler, B Vogelstein, ...
Science translational medicine 4 (133), 133ra58-133ra58, 2012
Biological underpinnings for lifelong learning machines
D Kudithipudi, M Aguilar-Simon, J Babb, M Bazhenov, D Blackiston, ...
Nature Machine Intelligence 4 (3), 196-210, 2022
Loss of FHIT expression in cervical carcinoma cell lines and primary tumors
DL Greenspan, DC Connolly, R Wu, RY Lei, JTC Vogelstein, YT Kim, ...
Cancer research 57 (21), 4692, 1997
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