Marina Gerea
Marina Gerea
INIBIOMA (Universidad Nacional del Comahue-CONICET)
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na comahue-conicet.gob.ar
Characterisation and reactivity continuum of dissolved organic matter in forested headwater catchments of Andean Patagonia
RD Garcia, MC Diéguez, M Gerea, PE Garcia, M Reissig
Freshwater Biology 63 (9), 1049-1062, 2018
Interplay between climate and hydrogeomorphic features and their effect on the seasonal variation of dissolved organic matter in shallow temperate lakes of the Southern Andes …
C Soto Cardenas, M Gerea, PE Garcia, GL Pérez, MC Diéguez, ...
Ecohydrology 10 (7), e1872, 2017
Linking landscape heterogeneity with lake dissolved organic matter properties assessed through absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopy: spatial and seasonal patterns in …
C Queimaliños, M Reissig, GL Pérez, CS Cárdenas, M Gerea, PE Garcia, ...
Science of the Total Environment 686, 223-235, 2019
CDOM and the underwater light climate in two shallow North Patagonian lakes: evaluating the effects on nano and microphytoplankton community structure
M Gerea, GL Pérez, F Unrein, C Soto Cárdenas, D Morris, C Queimaliños
Aquatic Sciences, 2016
Grazing impact and prey selectivity of picoplanktonic cells by mixotrophic flagellates in oligotrophic lakes
M Gerea, C Queimaliños, F Unrein
Hydrobiologia 831, 5-21, 2019
In situ prey selection of mixotrophic and heterotrophic flagellates in Antarctic oligotrophic lakes: an analysis of the digestive vacuole content
M Gerea, C Queimaliños, MR Schiaffino, I Izaguirre, I Forn, R Massana, ...
Journal of plankton research 35 (1), 201-212, 2013
Presence, abundance and bacterivory of the mixotrophic algae Pseudopedinella (Dictyochophyceae) in freshwater environments
M Gerea, JF Saad, I Izaguirre, C Queimaliños, JM Gasol, F Unrein
Aquatic Microbial Ecology 76 (3), 219-232, 2016
Distribution patterns of the abundance of major bacterial and archaeal groups in Patagonian lakes
MR Schiaffino, ML Sánchez, M Gerea, F Unrein, V Balagué, JM Gasol, ...
Journal of Plankton Research 38 (1), 64-82, 2016
Using CDOM spectral shape information to improve the estimation of DOC concentration in inland waters: A case study of Andean Patagonian Lakes
LG De Stefano, AS Valdivia, D Gianello, M Gerea, M Reissig, PE Garcia, ...
Science of the Total Environment 824, 153752, 2022
Inorganic mercury (Hg2+) accumulation in autotrophic and mixotrophic planktonic protists: implications for Hg trophodynamics in ultraoligotrophic Andean Patagonian lakes
CS Cárdenas, M Gerea, C Queimalinos, SR Guevara, MC Diéguez
Chemosphere 199, 223-231, 2018
Fluorescence components of natural dissolved organic matter (DOM) from aquatic systems of an Andean Patagonian catchment: applying different data restriction criteria for …
PE Garcia, RD García, CS Cárdenas, M Gerea, M Reissig, GL Pérez, ...
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 229, 117957, 2020
Source characterization of dissolved organic matter in the eastern Beagle Channel from a spring situation
A Malits, C Monforte, C Iachetti, M Gerea, M Latorre
Journal of Marine Systems 240, 103863, 2023
Natural levels of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in deep clear South temperate lakes: Field and laboratory evidence of photo-and biotic production
PE Garcia, M Gerea, MC Diéguez
Science of The Total Environment 727, 138641, 2020
Variability of phytoplankton light absorption in stratified waters of the NW Mediterranean Sea: The interplay between pigment composition and the packaging effect
GL Pérez, M Galí, SJ Royer, M Gerea, E Ortega-Retuerta, JM Gasol, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 169, 103460, 2021
The dynamics of primary growth in woody species from rain and transitional forests of Argentinean north Patagonia
M Salgado, CD Torres, NA Magnin, M Gerea, JE Grosfeld, JG Puntieri, ...
Universidad Austral de Chile, 2020
The microbial mercury link in oligotrophic lakes: bioaccumulation by picocyanobacteria in natural gradients of dissolved organic matter
CS Cárdenas, C Queimaliños, SR Guevara, M Gerea, MC Diéguez
Chemosphere 230, 360-368, 2019
Contrasting dissolved organic matter biodegradation and bacterial cytometric features in oligotrophic and ultraoligotrophic Patagonian lakes
M Gerea, C Soto Cárdenas, PE Garcia, MV Quiroga, C Queimaliños
Journal of Plankton Research 45 (5), 716-731, 2023
La implicancia de las algas mixotróficas en la trama trófica microbiana de lagos someros oligotróficos de Patagonia Norte y de la Península Antártica
M Gerea
Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche, 2017
Inorganic mercury (Hg2+) uptake by different plankton fractions of Andean Patagonian lakes (Argentina)
MC Dieguez, C Soto Cárdenas, S Ribeiro Guevara, MM Dipasquale, ...
EDP Sciences, 2013
Characterizing Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter Spatio-Temporal Variability in North Andean Patagonian Lakes Using Remote Sensing Information and Environmental Analysis
A Sánchez Valdivia, LG De Stefano, G Ferraro, D Gianello, A Ferral, ...
Remote Sensing 16 (21), 4063, 2024
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