Jenny Tung
Social determinants of health and survival in humans and other animals
N Snyder-Mackler, JR Burger, L Gaydosh, DW Belsky, GA Noppert, ...
Science 368 (6493), eaax9553, 2020
Social networks predict gut microbiome composition in wild baboons
J Tung, LB Barreiro, MB Burns, JC Grenier, J Lynch, LE Grieneisen, ...
elife 4, e05224, 2015
RNA-seq: impact of RNA degradation on transcript quantification
I Gallego Romero, AA Pai, J Tung, Y Gilad
BMC biology 12, 1-13, 2014
Genetic ancestry and natural selection drive population differences in immune responses to pathogens
Y Nédélec, J Sanz, G Baharian, ZA Szpiech, A Pacis, A Dumaine, ...
Cell 167 (3), 657-669. e21, 2016
Social environment is associated with gene regulatory variation in the rhesus macaque immune system
J Tung, LB Barreiro, ZP Johnson, KD Hansen, V Michopoulos, D Toufexis, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (17), 6490-6495, 2012
Social affiliation matters: both same-sex and opposite-sex relationships predict survival in wild female baboons
EA Archie, J Tung, M Clark, J Altmann, SC Alberts
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281 (1793), 20141261, 2014
Social status alters immune regulation and response to infection in macaques
N Snyder-Mackler, J Sanz, JN Kohn, JF Brinkworth, S Morrow, AO Shaver, ...
Science 354 (6315), 1041-1045, 2016
Bacterial infection remodels the DNA methylation landscape of human dendritic cells
A Pacis, L Tailleux, AM Morin, J Lambourne, JL MacIsaac, V Yotova, ...
Genome research 25 (12), 1801-1811, 2015
Social behavior and the microbiome
EA Archie, J Tung
Current opinion in behavioral sciences 6, 28-34, 2015
Cumulative early life adversity predicts longevity in wild baboons
J Tung, EA Archie, J Altmann, SC Alberts
Nature communications 7 (1), 11181, 2016
Role of grooming in reducing tick load in wild baboons (Papio cynocephalus)
MY Akinyi, J Tung, M Jeneby, NB Patel, J Altmann, SC Alberts
Animal behaviour 85 (3), 559-568, 2013
Megaphages infect Prevotella and variants are widespread in gut microbiomes
AE Devoto, JM Santini, MR Olm, K Anantharaman, P Munk, J Tung, ...
Nature microbiology 4 (4), 693-700, 2019
Gut microbiome heritability is nearly universal but environmentally contingent
L Grieneisen, M Dasari, TJ Gould, JR Björk, JC Grenier, V Yotova, ...
Science 373 (6551), 181-186, 2021
Age at maturity in wild baboons: genetic, environmental and demographic influences
MJE Charpentier, J Tung, J Altmann, SC Alberts
Molecular ecology 17 (8), 2026-2040, 2008
The comparative genomics and complex population history of Papio baboons
J Rogers, M Raveendran, RA Harris, T Mailund, K Leppälä, ...
Science Advances 5 (1), eaau6947, 2019
Genetic evidence reveals temporal change in hybridization patterns in a wild baboon population
J Tung, MJE Charpentier, DA Garfield, J Altmann, SC Alberts
Molecular ecology 17 (8), 1998-2011, 2008
Genes, geology and germs: gut microbiota across a primate hybrid zone are explained by site soil properties, not host species
LE Grieneisen, MJE Charpentier, SC Alberts, R Blekhman, G Bradburd, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1901), 20190431, 2019
Genetic structure in a dynamic baboon hybrid zone corroborates behavioural observations in a hybrid population
MJE Charpentier, MC Fontaine, E Cherel, JP Renoult, T Jenkins, L Benoit, ...
Molecular Ecology, 2011
Developmental plasticity: bridging research in evolution and human health
AJ Lea, J Tung, EA Archie, SC Alberts
Evolution, medicine, and public health 2017 (1), 162-175, 2017
A flexible, efficient binomial mixed model for identifying differential DNA methylation in bisulfite sequencing data
AJ Lea, J Tung, X Zhou
PLoS genetics 11 (11), e1005650, 2015
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