Rene Noel
Development of software that supports the improvement of the empathy in children with autism spectrum disorder
R Muñoz, T Barcelos, R Noël, S Kreisel
2012 31st International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society …, 2012
Exploring collaborative writing of user stories with multimodal learning analytics: A case study on a software engineering course
R Noel, F Riquelme, R Mac Lean, E Merino, C Cechinel, TS Barcelos, ...
IEEE Access 6, 67783-67798, 2018
A multimodal real-time feedback platform based on spoken interactions for remote active learning support
H Cornide-Reyes, F Riquelme, D Monsalves, R Noel, C Cechinel, ...
Sensors 20 (21), 6337, 2020
Introducing low-cost sensors into the classroom settings: Improving the assessment in agile practices with multimodal learning analytics
H Cornide-Reyes, R Noël, F Riquelme, M Gajardo, C Cechinel, ...
Sensors 19 (15), 3291, 2019
Where are you? Exploring micro-location in indoor learning environments
F Riquelme, R Noel, H Cornide-Reyes, G Geldes, C Cechinel, D Miranda, ...
IEEE Access 8, 125776-125785, 2020
Uso de Scratch y Lego Mindstorms como apoyo a la docencia en Fundamentos de programación
R Muñoz, TS Barcelos, R Villarroel, M Barría, C Becerra, R Noel, ...
Actas de las XXI Jornadas de la Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática …, 2015
Determinando las dificultades en el aprendizaje de la primera asignatura de programación en estudiantes de ingeniería civil informática
R Muñoz, M Barría, R Nöel, E Providel, P Quiroz
Conferencia presentada en Congreso Internacional de Informática Educativa 17 …, 2012
Proyect@ matemáticas: A learning object for supporting the practitioners in autism spectrum disorders
R Munoz-Soto, C Becerra, R Noël, T Barcelos, R Villarroel, S Kreisel, ...
2016 XI Latin American Conference on Learning Objects and Technology (LACLO …, 2016
Proyect@ Emociones: software para estimular el desarrollo de la empatía en niños y niñas con trastornos del espectro autista
R Muñoz, R Nöel, S Kreisel, F Mancilla
Nuevas ideas en informática educativa, TISE, 59-64, 2012
Visualizing collaboration in teamwork: A multimodal learning analytics platform for non-verbal communication
R Noël, D Miranda, C Cechinel, F Riquelme, TT Primo, R Munoz
Applied Sciences 12 (15), 7499, 2022
A learning analytics framework to analyze corporal postures in students presentations
F Vieira, C Cechinel, V Ramos, F Riquelme, R Noel, R Villarroel, ...
Sensors 21 (4), 1525, 2021
Standards, processes and instruments for assessing usability of health mobile apps: a systematic literature review.
F Vera, R Noël, C Taramasco
MedInfo, 1797-1798, 2019
Software development initiatives to identify and mitigate security threats-two systematic mapping studies
P Silva, R Noël, S Matalonga, H Astudillo, D Gatica, G Marquez
CLEI Electronic Journal 19 (3), 5: 1-5: 20, 2016
Standards, processes, and tools used to evaluate the quality of health information systems: systematic literature review
R Noël, C Taramasco, G Márquez
Journal of medical Internet research 24 (3), e26577, 2022
Construindo jogabilidade: como a percepção dos jogadores afeta o desenvolvimento de jogos em um contexto escolar
G Costa, TS Barcelos, C Oliveira, R Muñoz, R Nöel, I Silveira
XII SBGames, 16-18, 2013
Identifying emerging security concepts using software artifacts through an experimental case
G Márquez, P Silva, R Noel, S Matalonga, H Astudillo
2015 34th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society …, 2015
An exploratory comparison of security patterns and tactics to harden systems
R Noel, G Pedraza-García, H Astudillo, EB Fernández
17th Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, CIBSE 2014, 378-391, 2014
Socio-Technical Modelling for GDPR Principles: an Extension for the STS-ml
C Negri-Ribalta, R Noel, N Herbaut, O Pastor, C Salinesi
2022 IEEE 30th international requirements engineering conference workshops …, 2022
Challenges for model-driven development of strategically aligned information systems
R Noel, JI Panach, O Pastor
IEEE Access 10, 38237-38253, 2022
Key skills to work with agile frameworks in software engineering: Chilean perspectives
H Cornide-Reyes, F Riquelme, R Noel, R Villarroel, C Cechinel, P Letelier, ...
Ieee Access 9, 84724-84738, 2021
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