Christopher J. Wood
Christopher J. Wood
Google Quantum AI
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Qiskit: An open-source framework for quantum computing
G Aleksandrowicz, T Alexander, P Barkoutsos, L Bello, Y Ben-Haim, ...
Accessed on: Mar 16, 61, 2019
Efficient gates for quantum computing
DC McKay, CJ Wood, S Sheldon, JM Chow, JM Gambetta
Physical Review A 96 (2), 022330, 2017
Demonstration of quantum volume 64 on a superconducting quantum computing system
P Jurcevic, A Javadi-Abhari, LS Bishop, I Lauer, DF Bogorin, M Brink, ...
Quantum Science and Technology 6 (2), 025020, 2021
The lesson of causal discovery algorithms for quantum correlations: causal explanations of Bell-inequality violations require fine-tuning
CJ Wood, RW Spekkens
New Journal of Physics 17 (3), 033002, 2015
Quantum computing with Qiskit
A Javadi-Abhari, M Treinish, K Krsulich, CJ Wood, J Lishman, J Gacon, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.08810, 2024
Qiskit pulse: programming quantum computers through the cloud with pulses
T Alexander, N Kanazawa, DJ Egger, L Capelluto, CJ Wood, ...
Quantum Science and Technology 5 (4), 044006, 2020
Tensor networks and graphical calculus for open quantum systems
CJ Wood, JD Biamonte, DG Cory
arXiv preprint arXiv:1111.6950, 2011
Quantification and characterization of leakage errors
CJ Wood, JM Gambetta
Physical Review A 97 (3), 032306, 2018
Scalable error mitigation for noisy quantum circuits produces competitive expectation values
Y Kim, CJ Wood, TJ Yoder, ST Merkel, JM Gambetta, K Temme, ...
Nature Physics 19 (5), 752-759, 2023
Qiskit backend specifications for openqasm and openpulse experiments
DC McKay, T Alexander, L Bello, MJ Biercuk, L Bishop, J Chen, JM Chow, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.03452, 2018
Quantum process tomography with unsupervised learning and tensor networks
G Torlai, CJ Wood, A Acharya, G Carleo, J Carrasquilla, L Aolita
Nature Communications 14 (1), 2858, 2023
Characterizing quantum dynamics with initial system-environment correlations
M Ringbauer, CJ Wood, K Modi, A Gilchrist, AG White, A Fedrizzi
Physical review letters 114 (9), 090402, 2015
Encoding a magic state with beyond break-even fidelity
RS Gupta, N Sundaresan, T Alexander, CJ Wood, ST Merkel, MB Healy, ...
Nature 625 (7994), 259-263, 2024
Measurement error mitigation for variational quantum algorithms
GS Barron, CJ Wood
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.08520, 2020
Vectorization of quantum operations and its use
A Gilchrist, DR Terno, CJ Wood
arXiv preprint arXiv:0911.2539, 2009
Qiskit experiments: A python package to characterize and calibrate quantum computers
N Kanazawa, DJ Egger, Y Ben-Haim, H Zhang, WE Shanks, ...
Journal of Open Source Software 8 (84), 5329, 2023
Correlated randomized benchmarking
DC McKay, AW Cross, CJ Wood, JM Gambetta
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.02354, 2020
Experimental implementation of non-Clifford interleaved randomized benchmarking with a controlled- gate
S Garion, N Kanazawa, H Landa, DC McKay, S Sheldon, AW Cross, ...
Physical Review Research 3 (1), 013204, 2021
Cavity cooling of an ensemble spin system
CJ Wood, TW Borneman, DG Cory
Physical review letters 112 (5), 050501, 2014
Spin-orbit states of neutron wave packets
J Nsofini, D Sarenac, CJ Wood, DG Cory, M Arif, CW Clark, MG Huber, ...
Physical Review A 94 (1), 013605, 2016
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