Seyed Ehsan Zahed, Ph.D., P.E.
Lifecycle Benefit-Cost Analysis of Underground Freight Transportation Systems
SE Zahed, SM Shahandashti, M Najafi
Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice 9 (2), 04018003, 2018
Integrating Underground Freight Transportation into Existing Intermodal Systems, Chapter 5: Financial Means
M Najafi, S Ardekani, M Shahandashti, SE Zahed
http://library.ctr.utexas.edu/hostedpdfs/uta/0-6870-1.pdf 1 (0-6870-1), 129-160, 2016
Integrating underground freight transportation into existing intermodal systems
M Najafi, S Ardekani, SM Shahandashti
Financing Underground Freight Transportation Systems in Texas: Identification of Funding Sources and Assessment of Enabling Legislation
SE Zahed, SM Shahandashti, M Najafi
Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice 9 (2), 06018001, 2018
Investment Valuation of an Underground Freight Transportation (UFT) System in Texas
SE Zahed, SM Shahandasht, M Najafi
Pipelines 2017, 192-201, 2017
Application of underground short-haul freight pipelines to large airports
S Shahooei, F Farooghi, SE Zahedzahedani, M Shahandashti, ...
Journal of Air Transport Management 71, 64-72, 2018
Life-cycle cost analysis of a short-haul underground freight transportation system for the DFW Airport
SE Zahed, S Shahooei, F Farooghi, M Shahandashti, S Ardekani
Built Environment Project and Asset Management 9 (3), 440-456, 2019
Early stage multi-criteria decision support system for recommending slope repair methods
I Adhikari, A Baral, E Zahed, B Abediniangerabi, M Shahandashti
Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems 38 (2), 127-144, 2021
Investment valuation of underground freight transportation systems under uncertainty
SE Zahed, SM Shahandashti, JD Diltz
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 26 (3), 04020029, 2020
Synthesis on Rapid Repair Methods for Embankment Slope Failure
M Shahandashti, S Hossain, G Khankarli, SE Zahedzahedani, ...
Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), Federal Highway Administration …, 2019
Similarity of scour evolution downstream of stilling basin with an end sill
SE Zahed, J Farhoudi, M Javan
New Aspects of Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer and Environment, 45-49, 2010
Construction analytics: Forecasting and investment valuation
M Shahandashti, B Abediniangerabi, E Zahed, S Kim
Springer, 2023
An Optimal Investment Timing Framework to Develop UFT Systems Using a Calibrated Real Options Approach
S Ehsan Zahed, M Shahandashti
International Conference on Transportation and Development 2021, 122-132, 2021
Investment Valuation of UFT Systems under Construction Cost Uncertainties
S Ehsan Zahed, M Shahandashti
International Conference on Transportation and Development 2020, 319-331, 2020
Construction Time Series Forecasting Using Multivariate Time Series Models
M Shahandashti, B Abediniangerabi, E Zahed, S Kim
Construction Analytics: Forecasting and Investment Valuation, 63-74, 2023
Introduction to Construction Analytics
M Shahandashti, B Abediniangerabi, E Zahed, S Kim
Construction Analytics: Forecasting and Investment Valuation, 1-6, 2023
Construction Forecasting Using Time Series Volatility Models
M Shahandashti, B Abediniangerabi, E Zahed, S Kim
Construction Analytics: Forecasting and Investment Valuation, 45-62, 2023
Construction Time Series Forecasting Using Univariate Time Series Models
M Shahandashti, B Abediniangerabi, E Zahed, S Kim
Construction Analytics: Forecasting and Investment Valuation, 7-43, 2023
Investment Valuation of Construction Projects Under Uncertainty
M Shahandashti, B Abediniangerabi, E Zahed, S Kim
Construction Analytics: Forecasting and Investment Valuation, 95-124, 2023
Construction Forecasting Using Recurrent Neural Networks
M Shahandashti, B Abediniangerabi, E Zahed, S Kim
Construction Analytics: Forecasting and Investment Valuation, 75-94, 2023
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