Claudio Rossi
Claudio Rossi
LINKS Foundation
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Early detection and information extraction for weather-induced floods using social media streams
C Rossi, FS Acerbo, K Ylinen, I Juga, P Nurmi, A Bosca, F Tarasconi, ...
International journal of disaster risk reduction 30, 145-157, 2018
Transformer neural networks for interpretable flood forecasting
M Castangia, LMM Grajales, A Aliberti, C Rossi, A Macii, E Macii, E Patti
Environmental Modelling & Software 160, 105581, 2023
River segmentation for flood monitoring
L Lopez-Fuentes, C Rossi, H Skinnemoen
2017 IEEE international conference on big data (Big Data), 3746-3749, 2017
SQL versus NoSQL databases for geospatial applications
E Baralis, A Dalla Valle, P Garza, C Rossi, F Scullino
2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 3388-3397, 2017
Mmflood: A multimodal dataset for flood delineation from satellite imagery
F Montello, E Arnaudo, C Rossi
IEEE Access 10, 96774-96787, 2022
3GOL: Power-boosting ADSL using 3G OnLoading
C Rossi, N Vallina-Rodriguez, V Erramilli, Y Grunenberger, L Gyarmati, ...
Proceedings of the ninth ACM conference on Emerging networking experiments …, 2013
A comparative analysis for air quality estimation from traffic and meteorological data
E Arnaudo, A Farasin, C Rossi
Applied Sciences 10 (13), 4587, 2020
Water segmentation with deep learning models for flood detection and monitoring
M Zaffaroni, C Rossi
International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and …, 2020
Filtering informative tweets during emergencies: a machine learning approach
FS Acerbo, C Rossi
Proceedings of the First CoNEXT Workshop on ICT Tools for Emergency Networks …, 2017
Gamified crowdsourcing for disaster risk management
A Frisiello, QN Nguyen, C Rossi
2017 IEEE international conference on big data (big data), 3727-3733, 2017
Coupling early warning services, crowdsourcing, and modelling for improved decision support and wildfire emergency management
C Bielski, V O'Brien, C Whitmore, K Ylinen, I Juga, P Nurmi, J Kilpinen, ...
2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 3705-3712, 2017
AURORA: an energy efficient public lighting IoT system for smart cities
C Rossi, M Gaetani, A Defina
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 44 (2), 76-81, 2016
A cloud-based approach to GNSS augmentation for navigation services
A Favenza, C Rossi, M Pasin, F Dominici
2014 IEEE/ACM 7th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing …, 2014
A service oriented cloud‐based architecture for mobile geolocated emergency services
C Rossi, MH Heyi, F Scullino
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 29 (11), e4051, 2017
Machine learning approach to the safety assessment of a prestressed concrete railway bridge
G Marasco, F Oldani, B Chiaia, G Ventura, F Dominici, C Rossi, F Iacobini, ...
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 20 (4), 566-580, 2024
A contrastive distillation approach for incremental semantic segmentation in aerial images
E Arnaudo, F Cermelli, A Tavera, C Rossi, B Caputo
International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, 742-754, 2022
Coupling crowdsourcing, earth observations, and e-gnss in a novel flood emergency service in the cloud
C Rossi, W Stemberger, C Bielski, G Zeug, N Costa, D Poletto, E Spaltro, ...
2015 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS …, 2015
Multilingual text classification from twitter during emergencies
S Piscitelli, E Arnaudo, C Rossi
2021 IEEE international conference on consumer electronics (ICCE), 1-6, 2021
Sentinel-1 Flood Delineation with Supervised Machine Learning.
G Palomba, A Farasin, C Rossi
ISCRAM, 1072-1083, 2020
Online clustering and classification for real-time event detection in Twitter.
F Angaramo, C Rossi
ISCRAM, 2018
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