Artan Hysa
Artan Hysa
MSCA Alumni [Technical Univeversity of Munich] | Research Associate
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Identifying barriers for nature-based solutions in flood risk management: An interdisciplinary overview using expert community approach
P Raška, N Bezak, CSS Ferreira, Z Kalantari, K Banasik, M Bertola, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 310, 114725, 2022
Geodetic and UAV monitoring in the sustainable management of shallow landslides and erosion of a susceptible urban environment
P Sestras, Ș Bilașco, S Roșca, B Dudic, A Hysa, V Spalević
Remote Sensing 13 (3), 385, 2021
Multidimensional aspects of floods: nature-based mitigation measures from basin to river reach scale
A Kuriqi, A Hysa
Nature-based solutions for flood mitigation: environmental and socio …, 2021
Assessing burned areas in wildfires and prescribed fires with spectral indices and SAR images in the Margalla Hills of Pakistan
A Tariq, H Shu, AS Gagnon, Q Li, F Mumtaz, A Hysa, MA Siddique, I Munir
Forests 12 (10), 1371, 2021
Introducing Transversal Connectivity Index (TCI) as a method to evaluate the effectiveness of the blue-green infrastructure at metropolitan scale
A Hysa
Ecological Indicators 124, 107432, 2021
Multi-instrumental approach to slope failure monitoring in a landslide susceptible newly built-up area: Topo-Geodetic survey, UAV 3D modelling and ground-penetrating radar
P Sestras, Ș Bilașco, S Roșca, I Veres, N Ilies, A Hysa, V Spalević, ...
Remote Sensing 14 (22), 5822, 2022
A GIS based method for indexing the broad-leaved forest surfaces by their wildfire ignition probability and wildfire spreading capacity
A Hysa, FAT Başkaya
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 5, 71-84, 2019
Indexing the vegetated surfaces within WUI by their wildfire ignition and spreading capacity, a comparative case from developing metropolitan areas
A Hysa
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 63, 102434, 2021
Utilizing the available open-source remotely sensed data in assessing the wildfire ignition and spread capacities of vegetated surfaces in Romania
A Hysa, V Spalevic, B Dudic, S Roșca, A Kuriqi, Ș Bilașco, P Sestras
Remote Sensing 13 (14), 2737, 2021
Spatiotemporal dynamics of landscape transformation in Western Balkans’ metropolitan areas
I Hyka, A Hysa, S Dervishi, MK Solomun, A Kuriqi, DK Vishwakarma, ...
Land 11 (11), 1892, 2022
Assessment of the erosion and outflow intensity in the Rif region under different land use and land cover scenarios
A Ouallali, S Kader, Y Bammou, M Aqnouy, S Courba, M Beroho, H Briak, ...
Land 13 (2), 141, 2024
Testing NDVI, tree cover density and land cover type as fuel indicators in the wildfire spread capacity index (WSCI): case of Montenegro
H Artan, V Spalevic
Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 48 (4), 2368-2384, 2020
Multi-Criteria Inventory Of Burned Areas In Landscape Scale; Case Of Albania
A Hysa, E Zeka, S Dervishi
1. International Symposium: Knowledge FOr Resilient soCiEty K-FORCE 2017, 2017
GIS-based multi-criteria decision making for delineation of potential groundwater recharge zones for sustainable resource management in the Eastern Mediterranean: A case study
HG Abdo, DK Vishwakarma, K Alsafadi, AA Bindajam, J Mallick, ...
Applied Water Science 14 (7), 160, 2024
Landscape Fragmentation Assessment Utilizing the Matrix Green Toolbox and CORINE Land Cover Data
A Hysa, FA Türer Başkaya
JoDLA- Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture 1 (2-2017), 54-62, 2017
Counting fuel properties as input in the wildfire spreading capacities of vegetated surfaces: case of Albania
H Artan, Z Teqja
Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 48 (3), 1667-1682, 2020
Introducing the architectural, urban, and landscape challenges of Albania
A Hysa, OD Manahasa, F Naselli, E Manahasa, A Yunitsyna, S Dervishi
Current Challenges in Architecture and Urbanism in Albania, 1-15, 2021
Revealing the transversal continuum of natural landscapes in coastal zones-Case of the Turkish Mediterranean coast
A Hysa, FAT Başkaya
Ocean & Coastal Management 158, 103-115, 2018
Quantifying landscape fragmentation via effective mesh size landscape metric: case of Albania.
E Hasa, A Hysa, Z Teqja
Agriculture & Forestry/Poljoprivreda i šumarstv 67 (1), 2021
Land cover data as environmentally sensitive decision-making mediator in territorial and administrative reform
A Hysa, FA Türer Başkaya
Cogent Environmental Science 4 (1), 1505326, 2018
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