Pierre-Francois Van de Moortele
Pierre-Francois Van de Moortele
Associate Professor, CMRR, University of Minnesota
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na cmrr.umn.edu - Domača stran
MP2RAGE, a self bias-field corrected sequence for improved segmentation and T1-mapping at high field
JP Marques, T Kober, G Krueger, W van der Zwaag, PF Van de Moortele, ...
Neuroimage 49 (2), 1271-1281, 2010
Imaging unconscious semantic priming
S Dehaene, L Naccache, G Le Clec'H, E Koechlin, M Mueller, ...
Nature 395 (6702), 597-600, 1998
Pushing spatial and temporal resolution for functional and diffusion MRI in the Human Connectome Project
K Uğurbil, J Xu, EJ Auerbach, S Moeller, AT Vu, JM Duarte-Carvajalino, ...
Neuroimage 80, 80-104, 2013
Anatomical variability in the cortical representation of first and second language
S Dehaene, E Dupoux, J Mehler, L Cohen, E Paulesu, D Perani, ...
Neuroreport 8 (17), 3809-3815, 1997
Differential contributions of the left and right inferior parietal lobules to number processing
F Chochon, L Cohen, PF Van De Moortele, S Dehaene
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 11 (6), 617-630, 1999
Sustained negative BOLD, blood flow and oxygen consumption response and its coupling to the positive response in the human brain
A Shmuel, E Yacoub, J Pfeuffer, PF Van de Moortele, G Adriany, X Hu, ...
Neuron 36 (6), 1195-1210, 2002
Distinct basal ganglia territories are engaged in early and advanced motor sequence learning
S Lehéricy, H Benali, PF Van de Moortele, M Pélégrini-Issac, T Waechter, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (35), 12566-12571, 2005
Diffusion tensor fiber tracking shows distinct corticostriatal circuits in humans
S Lehéricy, M Ducros, PF Van De Moortele, C Francois, L Thivard, ...
Annals of neurology 55 (4), 522-529, 2004
B1 destructive interferences and spatial phase patterns at 7 T with a head transceiver array coil
PF Van de Moortele, C Akgun, G Adriany, S Moeller, J Ritter, CM Collins, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 54 (6), 1503-1518, 2005
Mirror-symmetric tonotopic maps in human primary auditory cortex
E Formisano, DS Kim, F Di Salle, PF Van de Moortele, K Ugurbil, ...
Neuron 40 (4), 859-869, 2003
Transmit and receive transmission line arrays for 7 Tesla parallel imaging
G Adriany, PF Van de Moortele, F Wiesinger, S Moeller, JP Strupp, ...
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the International …, 2005
Imaging brain function in humans at 7 Tesla
E Yacoub, A Shmuel, J Pfeuffer, PF Van De Moortele, G Adriany, ...
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the International …, 2001
Understanding dissociations in dyscalculia: a brain imaging study of the impact of number size on the cerebral networks for exact and approximate calculation
R Stanescu-Cosson, P Pinel, PF van de Moortele, D Le Bihan, L Cohen, ...
Brain 123 (11), 2240-2255, 2000
Effect of impaired recognition and expression of emotions on frontocingulate cortices: an fMRI study of men with alexithymia
S Berthoz, E Artiges, PF Van de Moortele, JB Poline, S Rouquette, ...
american Journal of Psychiatry 159 (6), 961-967, 2002
Local B1+ shimming for prostate imaging with transceiver arrays at 7T based on subject‐dependent transmit phase measurements
GJ Metzger, C Snyder, C Akgun, T Vaughan, K Ugurbil, ...
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the International …, 2008
9.4 T human MRI: preliminary results
T Vaughan, L DelaBarre, C Snyder, J Tian, C Akgun, D Shrivastava, W Liu, ...
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the International …, 2006
Late plasticity for language in a child’s non‐dominant hemisphere: A pre‐and post‐surgery fMRI study
L Hertz‐Pannier, C Chiron, I Jambaqué, V Renaux‐Kieffer, PFV Moortele, ...
Brain 125 (2), 361-372, 2002
Spin‐echo fMRI in humans using high spatial resolutions and high magnetic fields
E Yacoub, TQ Duong, PF Van De Moortele, M Lindquist, G Adriany, ...
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the International …, 2003
3-D diffusion tensor axonal tracking shows distinct SMA and pre-SMA projections to the human striatum
S Lehericy, M Ducros, A Krainik, C Francois, PF Van de Moortele, ...
Cerebral cortex 14 (12), 1302-1309, 2004
T1 weighted brain images at 7 Tesla unbiased for Proton Density, T2⁎ contrast and RF coil receive B1 sensitivity with simultaneous vessel visualization
PF Van de Moortele, EJ Auerbach, C Olman, E Yacoub, K Uğurbil, ...
Neuroimage 46 (2), 432-446, 2009
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