Neamat Karimi
Neamat Karimi
Department of Water Resources Research, Water Research Institute, Tehran, Iran
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na wri.ac.ir
Historically unprecedented global glacier decline in the early 21st century
M Zemp, H Frey, I Gärtner-Roer, SU Nussbaumer, M Hoelzle, F Paul, ...
Journal of glaciology 61 (228), 745-762, 2015
Impacts of climate and synoptic fluctuations on dust storm activity over the Middle East
S Namdari, N Karimi, A Sorooshian, GH Mohammadi, S Sehatkashani
Atmospheric environment 173, 265-276, 2018
The Lake Urmia environmental disaster in Iran: A look at aerosol pollution
AH Mardi, A Khaghani, AB MacDonald, P Nguyen, N Karimi, P Heidary, ...
Science of The Total Environment 633, 42-49, 2018
Newly desertified regions in Iraq and its surrounding areas: Significant novel sources of global dust particles
A Moridnejad, N Karimi, PA Ariya
Journal of Arid Environments 116, 1-10, 2015
Comparison of dust source identification techniques over land in the Middle East region using MODIS data
N Karimi, A Moridnejad, S Golian, JM Vali Samani, D Karimi, S Javadi
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 38 (5), 586-599, 2012
Combining optical and thermal remote sensing data for mapping debris-covered glaciers (Alamkouh Glaciers, Iran)
N Karimi, A Farokhnia, L Karimi, M Eftekhari, H Ghalkhani
Cold Regions Science and Technology 71, 73-83, 2012
A new inventory for middle east dust source points
A Moridnejad, N Karimi, P A. Ariya
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 187 (9), 1-11, 2015
Numerical simulation of groundwater flow and aquifer-system compaction using simulation and InSAR technique: Saveh basin, Iran
F Jafari, S Javadi, G Golmohammadi, N Karimi, K Mohammadi
Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1-10, 2016
Deriving and evaluating bathymetry maps and stage curves for shallow lakes using remote sensing data
N Karimi, MH Bagheri, F Hooshyaripor, A Farokhnia, S Sheshangosht
Water Resources Management 30 (14), 5003-5020, 2016
Spatiotemporal analysis of dust patterns over Mesopotamia and their impact on Khuzestan province, Iran
M Daniali, N Karimi
Natural Hazards 97 (1), 259-281, 2019
Applying artificial neural networks to estimate suspended sediment concentrations along the southern coast of the Caspian Sea using MODIS images
A Moridnejad, H Abdollahi, SK Alavipanah, JMV Samani, O Moridnejad, ...
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 8, 891-901, 2015
Randolph glacier inventory–a dataset of global glacier outlines: Version 6.0: Technical report, global land ice measurements from space
A Arendt, A Bliss, T Bolch, JG Cogley, A Gardner, JO Hagen, R Hock, ...
RGI Consortium, 2017
High-resolution monitoring of debris-covered glacier mass budget and flow velocity using repeated UAV photogrammetry in Iran
N Karimi, S Sheshangosht, R Roozbahani
Geomorphology 389, 107855, 2021
Elevation changes of Alamkouh glacier in Iran since 1955, based on remote sensing data
N Karimi, A Farokhnia, S Shishangosht, M Elmi, M Eftekhari, H Ghalkhani
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 19, 45-58, 2012
Monitoring deforestation in Iran, Jangal-Abr Forest using multi-temporal satellite images and spectral mixture analysis method
N Karimi, S Golian, D Karimi
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 9, 1-16, 2016
Evaluation and modification of SARA high-resolution AOD retrieval algorithm during high dust loading conditions over bright desert surfaces
N Karimi, S Namdari, A Sorooshian, M Bilal, P Heidary
Atmospheric Pollution Research 10 (4), 1005-1014, 2019
Use of multitemporal satellite images to find some evidence for glacier changes in the Haft-Khan glacier, Iran
N Karimi, M Eftekhari, M Farajzadeh, S Namdari, A Moridnejad, D Karimi
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 8, 5879-5896, 2015
Evidence for accelerating glacier ice loss in the Takht’e Solaiman Mountains of Iran from 1955 to 2010
M Farajzadeh, N Karimi
Journal of Mountain Science 11 (1), 215-235, 2014
Shoreline change analysis of Urmia Lake using multi-temporal satellite images
N Karimi, MR Mobasheri
Eighteenth National Conference on Geomatics, 2011
Validation and calibration of FAO’s WaPOR product (actual evapotranspiration) in Iran using in-situ measurements
M Rahimpour, N Karimi, R Rouzbahani, M Eftekhari
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