Ramesh Shankar
Ramesh Shankar
Druga imenaRamesh Sankaranarayanan
Associate Professor of Information Systems, University of Connecticut
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na business.uconn.edu - Domača stran
Incorporating contextual information in recommender systems using a multidimensional approach
G Adomavicius, R Sankaranarayanan, S Sen, A Tuzhilin
ACM Transactions on Information systems (TOIS) 23 (1), 103-145, 2005
Blog, blogger, and the firm: Can negative employee posts lead to positive outcomes?
R Aggarwal, R Gopal, R Sankaranarayanan, PV Singh
Information Systems Research 23 (2), 306-322, 2012
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues in supply chain competition: should greenwashing be regulated?
HCB Lee, JM Cruz, R Shankar
Decision Sciences 49 (6), 1088-1115, 2018
On the brink: Predicting business failure with mobile location-based checkins
L Wang, R Gopal, R Shankar, J Pancras
Decision Support Systems 76, 3-13, 2015
Innovation and the durable goods monopolist: The optimality of frequent new-version releases
R Sankaranarayanan
Marketing Science 26 (6), 774-791, 2007
Competitive behavior-based price discrimination for software upgrades
A Mehra, R Bala, R Sankaranarayanan
Information Systems Research 23 (1), 60-74, 2012
Digital goods and markets: Emerging issues and challenges
S Bhattacharjee, RD Gopal, JR Marsden, R Sankaranarayanan
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS) 2 (2), 1-14, 2011
Platform-based information goods: The economics of exclusivity
R Mantena, R Sankaranarayanan, S Viswanathan
Decision Support Systems 50 (1), 79-92, 2010
Online keyword based advertising: Impact of ad impressions on own-channel and cross-channel click-through rates
R Gopal, X Li, R Sankaranarayanan
Decision Support Systems 52 (1), 1-8, 2011
Impact of Gamification on Perceptions of Word-of-Mouth Contributors and Actions of Word-of-Mouth Consumers
L Wang, K Gunasti, R Shankar, J Pancras, R Gopal
MIS Quarterly 44 (4), 1987-2011, 2020
Re-tuning the music industry: Can they re-attain business resonance?
S Bhattacharjee, RD Gopal, JR Marsden, R Sankaranarayanan
Communications of the ACM 52 (6), 136-140, 2009
Electronic markets, search costs, and firm boundaries
R Sankaranarayanan, A Sundararajan
Information Systems Research 21 (1), 154-169, 2010
Method and system for mobile asset management
C Kalish, R Sen, S Chen, BL DiMarzio, Q Wu, R Sankaranarayanan, ...
US Patent App. 12/421,764, 2010
To theme or not to theme: Can theme strength be the music industry's “killer app”?
S Bhattacharjee, R Gopal, JR Marsden, R Sankaranarayanan, R Telang
Decision Support Systems 48 (1), 141-149, 2009
Forecasting venue popularity on location‐based services using interpretable machine learning
L Wang, R Gopal, R Shankar, J Pancras
Production and Operations Management 31 (7), 2773-2788, 2022
An empirical analysis of consumer-unfriendly E-commerce terms of service agreements: Implications for customer satisfaction and business survival
A Chakraborty, R Shankar, JR Marsden
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 53, 101151, 2022
Invested or Indebted: Ex-ante and Ex-post Reciprocity in Online Knowledge Sharing Communities
H Li, R Shankar, J Stallaert
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 11 (1), 1-26, 2020
Exclusive licensing in complementary network industries
R Mantena, R Shankar, S Viswanathan
Available at SSRN 979330, 2007
The impact of gamification on word-of-mouth effectiveness: Evidence from foursquare
L Wang, K Gunasti, R Gopal, R Shankar, J Pancras
Information triage using prospective criteria
SA Macskassy, H Hirsh, F Provost, R Sankaranarayanan, V Dhar
Proceedings of User Modeling Workshop: Machine Learning, Information …, 2001
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