Pierre Lambert
Pierre Lambert
Université libre de Bruxelles
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Non-contact handling in microassembly: Acoustical levitation
V Vandaele, P Lambert, A Delchambre
Precision engineering 29 (4), 491-505, 2005
Towards flexible medical instruments: Review of flexible fluidic actuators
A De Greef, P Lambert, A Delchambre
Precision engineering 33 (4), 311-321, 2009
Flexible medical devices: Review of controllable stiffness solutions
L Blanc, A Delchambre, P Lambert
Actuators 6 (3), 23, 2017
Cancer biomarker sensing using packaged plasmonic optical fiber gratings: Towards in vivo diagnosis
C Ribaut, M Loyez, JC Larrieu, S Chevineau, P Lambert, M Remmelink, ...
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 92, 449-456, 2017
Comparison between two capillary forces models
P Lambert, A Chau, A Delchambre, S Régnier
Langmuir 24 (7), 3157-3163, 2008
Capillary forces in microassembly: modeling, simulation, experiments, and case study
P Lambert
Springer Science & Business Media, 2007
Capillary force and rupture of funicular liquid bridges between three spherical bodies
JP Wang, E Gallo, B François, F Gabrieli, P Lambert
Powder Technology 305, 89-98, 2017
Fast IR-actuated shape-memory polymers using in situ silver nanoparticle-grafted cellulose nanocrystals
A Toncheva, F Khelifa, Y Paint, M Voue, P Lambert, P Dubois, JM Raquez
ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (35), 29933-29942, 2018
Equations for hydraulic conductivity estimation from particle size distribution: A dimensional analysis
JP Wang, B François, P Lambert
Water Resources Research 53 (9), 8127-8134, 2017
In situ cancer diagnosis through online plasmonics
M Loyez, JC Larrieu, S Chevineau, M Remmelink, D Leduc, B Bondue, ...
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 131, 104-112, 2019
A case study of surface tension gripping: the watch bearing
P Lambert, F Seigneur, S Koelemeijer, J Jacot
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 16 (7), 1267, 2006
Estimating water retention curves and strength properties of unsaturated sandy soils from basic soil gradation parameters
JP Wang, N Hu, B François, P Lambert
Water Resources Research 53 (7), 6069-6088, 2017
Surface tension-driven self-alignment
M Mastrangeli, Q Zhou, V Sariola, P Lambert
Soft Matter 13 (2), 304-327, 2017
On the cohesion of fluids and their adhesion to solids: Young's equation at the atomic scale
JC Fernandez-Toledano, TD Blake, P Lambert, J De Coninck
Advances in colloid and interface science 245, 102-107, 2017
A microrobotic platform actuated by thermocapillary flows for manipulation at the air-water interface
FN Piñan Basualdo, A Bolopion, M Gauthier, P Lambert
Science robotics 6 (52), eabd3557, 2021
Surface and contact forces models within the framework of microassembly
P Lambert, S Régnier
Journal of micromechatronics 3 (2), 123-158, 2004
Surface tension in microsystems
P Lambert
Engineering Below the Capillary Length, 2013
Parameters ruling capillary forces at the submillimetric scale
P Lambert, A Delchambre
Langmuir 21 (21), 9537-9543, 2005
Spectral analysis and experimental study of lateral capillary dynamics for flip-chip applications
P Lambert, M Mastrangeli, JB Valsamis, G Degrez
Microfluidics and nanofluidics 9, 797-807, 2010
Micromechanical modelling of erosion due to evaporation in a partially wet granular slope
F Gabrieli, P Lambert, S Cola, F Calvetti
International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics …, 2012
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