Werner Ekau
Werner Ekau
retired, formerly Department Ecology, ZMT
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Effects of natural and human-induced hypoxia on coastal benthos
LA Levin, W Ekau, AJ Gooday, F Jorissen, JJ Middelburg, SWA Naqvi, ...
Biogeosciences 6 (10), 2063-2098, 2009
Natural and human-induced hypoxia and consequences for coastal areas: synthesis and future development
J Zhang, D Gilbert, A Gooday, L Levin, SWA Naqvi, JJ Middelburg, ...
Biogeosciences 7, 1443-1467, 2010
Impacts of hypoxia on the structure and processes in pelagic communities (zooplankton, macro-invertebrates and fish)
W Ekau, H Auel, HO Pörtner, D Gilbert
Biogeosciences 7 (5), 1669-1699, 2010
The coast and shelf of east and northeast Brazil and material transport
B Knoppers, W Ekau, AG Figueiredo
Geo-Marine Letters 19 (3), 171-178, 1999
A combined morphometric and phylogenetic analysis of an ecomorphological trend: pelagization in Antarctic fishes (Perciformes: Nototheniidae)
CP Klingenberg, W Ekau
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 59 (2), 143-177, 1996
An introduction to the pelagic system of the North-East and East Brazilian shelf
W Ekau, B Knoppers
Archive of Fishery and Marine Research 47 (2-3), 113-132, 1999
Demersal fish fauna of the Weddell Sea, Antarctica
W Ekau
Antarctic Science 2 (2), 129-137, 1990
Sea surface microlayer in a changing ocean–A perspective
O Wurl, W Ekau, WM Landing, CJ Zappa
Elem Sci Anth 5, 31, 2017
Diet of Weddell seals Leptonychotes weddellii at Vestkapp, eastern Weddell Sea (Antarctica), in relation to local food supply
J Plötz, W Ekau, PJH Reijnders
Marine Mammal Science 7 (2), 136-144, 1991
Ökomorphologie nototheniider Fische aus dem Weddellmeer, Antarktis= Ecomorphology of nototheniid fish from the Weddell Sea, Antarctica
W Ekau
Berichte zur Polarforschung (Reports on Polar Research) 51, 1988
Field evidence on the influence of seagrass landscapes on fish abundance in Bolinao, northern Philippines
JT Salita, W Ekau, U Saint-Paul
Marine Ecology Progress Series 247, 183-195, 2003
Midwater fish fauna of the Weddell Sea, Antarctica
G Hubold, W Ekau
How important are mangroves as a carbon source for decapod crustacean larvae in a tropical estuary?
R Schwamborn, W Ekau, M Voss, U Saint-Paul
Marine Ecology Progress Series 229, 195-205, 2002
Feeding patterns of post-larval and juvenile notothenioids in the southern Weddell Sea (Antarctica)
G Hubold, W Ekau
Polar Biology 10 (4), 255-260, 1990
Spatial and temporal distribution of Myrophis punctatus (Ophichthidae) and associated fish fauna in a northern Brazilian intertidal mangrove forest
M Barletta, U Saint-Paul, A Barletta-Bergan, W Ekau, D Schories
Hydrobiologia 426 (1), 65-74, 2000
The contribution of estuarine decapod larvae to marine zooplankton communities in North-East Brazil
R Schwamborn, W Ekau, AP Silva, TA Silva, U Saint-Paul
Archive of Fishery and Marine Research 47 (2/3), 167-182, 1999
Influence of oceanographic fronts and low oxygen on the distribution of ichthyoplankton in the Benguela and southern Angola currents
W Ekau, HM Verheye
African Journal of Marine Science 27 (3), 629-639, 2005
Composition and structure of the larval fish community related to environmental parameters in a tropical estuary impacted by climate change
H Sloterdijk, P Brehmer, O Sadio, H Müller, J Döring, W Ekau
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 197, 10-26, 2017
Notothenioid fishes from the Weddell Sea and their habitat, observed by underwater photography and television
W Ekau, J Gutt
Proc NIPR Symp Polar Biol 4, 36-49, 1991
Life strategies, energetics and growth characteristics of Calanoides carinatus (Copepoda) in the Angola-Benguela frontal region
HM Verheye, W Hagen, H Auel, W Ekau, N Loick, I Rheenen, P Wencke, ...
African Journal of Marine Science 27 (3), 641-651, 2005
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