On the use of the Kozeny Carman equation to predict the hydraulic conductivity of soils RP Chapuis, M Aubertin Canadian Geotechnical Journal 40 (3), 616-628, 2003 | 673 | 2003 |
A model to predict the water retention curve from basic geotechnical properties M Aubertin, M Mbonimpa, B Bussière, RP Chapuis Canadian Geotechnical Journal 40 (6), 1104-1122, 2003 | 544 | 2003 |
Predicting the saturated hydraulic conductivity of sand and gravel using effective diameter and void ratio RP Chapuis Canadian geotechnical journal 41 (5), 787-795, 2004 | 539 | 2004 |
Predicting the saturated hydraulic conductivity of soils: a review RP Chapuis Bulletin of engineering geology and the environment 71, 401-434, 2012 | 463 | 2012 |
Phosphorus removal by electric arc furnace steel slag and serpentinite A Drizo, C Forget, RP Chapuis, Y Comeau Water research 40 (8), 1547-1554, 2006 | 359 | 2006 |
Phosphorus saturation potential: a parameter for estimating the longevity of constructed wetland systems A Drizo, Y Comeau, C Forget, RP Chapuis Environmental science & technology 36 (21), 4642-4648, 2002 | 344 | 2002 |
Practical pedotransfer functions for estimating the saturated hydraulic conductivity M Mbonimpa, M Aubertin, RP Chapuis, B Bussière Geotechnical & Geological Engineering 20, 235-259, 2002 | 312 | 2002 |
Sand–bentonite liners: predicting permeability from laboratory tests RP Chapuis Canadian Geotechnical Journal 27 (1), 47-57, 1990 | 304 | 1990 |
A predictive model for the water retention curve: application to tailings from hard-rock mines M Aubertin, JF Ricard, RP Chapuis Canadian Geotechnical Journal 35 (1), 55-69, 1998 | 268 | 1998 |
Hydraulic conductivity of homogenized tailings from hard rock mines M Aubertin, B Bussiere, RP Chapuis Canadian geotechnical journal 33 (3), 470-482, 1996 | 252 | 1996 |
The behavior of inclined covers used as oxygen barriers B Bussière, M Aubertin, RP Chapuis Canadian Geotechnical Journal 40 (3), 512-535, 2003 | 245 | 2003 |
Analyses of water diversion along inclined covers with capillary barrier effects M Aubertin, E Cifuentes, SA Apithy, B Bussière, J Molson, RP Chapuis Canadian Geotechnical Journal 46 (10), 1146-1164, 2009 | 177 | 2009 |
Similarity of internal stability criteria for granular soils RP Chapuis Canadian Geotechnical Journal 29 (4), 711-713, 1992 | 155 | 1992 |
The 2000 RM Hardy Lecture: Full-scale hydraulic performance of soil bentonite and compacted clay liners RP Chapuis Canadian Geotechnical Journal 39 (2), 417-439, 2002 | 150 | 2002 |
A simple method for determining the surface area of fine aggregates and fillers in bituminous mixtures RP Chapuis, PP Légaré ASTM International 1147, 177-186, 1992 | 146 | 1992 |
Laboratory permeability tests on sand: influence of the compaction method on anisotropy RP Chapuis, DE Gill, K Baass Canadian Geotechnical Journal 26 (4), 614-622, 1989 | 129 | 1989 |
Predicting the coefficient of permeability of soils using the Kozeny-Carman equation RP Chapuis, M Aubertin École polytechnique de Montréal, 2003 | 120 | 2003 |
Field experimental cells to evaluate the hydrogeological behaviour of oxygen barriers made of silty materials B Bussière, M Aubertin, M Mbonimpa, JW Molson, RP Chapuis Canadian Geotechnical Journal 44 (3), 245-265, 2007 | 119 | 2007 |
Estimation of hydraulic conductivity of an unconfined aquifer using cokriging of GPR and hydrostratigraphic data E Gloaguen, M Chouteau, D Marcotte, R Chapuis Journal of Applied Geophysics 47 (2), 135-152, 2001 | 119 | 2001 |
Shape factors for permeability tests in boreholes and piezometers RP Chapuis Groundwater 27 (5), 647-654, 1989 | 119 | 1989 |