María C. Diéguez
María C. Diéguez
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na comahue-conicet.gob.ar - Domača stran
Atmospheric mercury concentrations observed at ground-based monitoring sites globally distributed in the framework of the GMOS network
F Sprovieri, N Pirrone, M Bencardino, F D'amore, F Carbone, S Cinnirella, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16 (18), 11915-11935, 2016
Dust inputs and bacteria influence dissolved organic matter in clear alpine lakes
N Mladenov, R Sommaruga, R Morales-Baquero, I Laurion, L Camarero, ...
Nature communications 2 (1), 405, 2011
Structure and dynamics of food webs in Andean lakes
BE Modenutti, EG Balseiro, CP Queimaliños, DA Añón Suárez, ...
Lakes & Reservoirs: Research & Management 3 (3‐4), 179-186, 1998
Estado del conocimiento de humedales del norte patagónico (Argentina): aspectos relevantes e importancia para la conservación de la biodiversidad regional
MG Perotti, MC Diéguez, FG Jara
Revista chilena de historia natural 78 (4), 723-737, 2005
Multi-model study of mercury dispersion in the atmosphere: atmospheric processes and model evaluation
O Travnikov, H Angot, P Artaxo, M Bencardino, J Bieser, F d'Amore, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17 (8), 5271-5295, 2017
UV radiation as a potential driving force for zooplankton community structure in Patagonian lakes
MC Marinone, SM Marque, DA Suárez, MC Dieguez, P Pérez, ...
Photochemistry and Photobiology 82 (4), 962-971, 2006
Five-year records of mercury wet deposition flux at GMOS sites in the Northern and Southern hemispheres
F Sprovieri, N Pirrone, M Bencardino, F d'Amore, H Angot, C Barbante, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17 (4), 2689-2708, 2017
Climate-driven terrestrial inputs in ultraoligotrophic mountain streams of Andean Patagonia revealed through chromophoric and fluorescent dissolved organic matter
RD Garcia, M Reissig, CP Queimaliños, PE Garcia, MC Dieguez
Science of the Total Environment 521, 280-292, 2015
Optical characteristics of shallow lakes from the Pampa and Patagonia regions of Argentina
GL Pérez, A Torremorell, J Bustingorry, R Escaray, P Pérez, M Diéguez, ...
Limnologica 40 (1), 30-39, 2010
Characterisation and reactivity continuum of dissolved organic matter in forested headwater catchments of Andean Patagonia
RD Garcia, MC Diéguez, M Gerea, PE Garcia, M Reissig
Freshwater Biology 63 (9), 1049-1062, 2018
Interplay between climate and hydrogeomorphic features and their effect on the seasonal variation of dissolved organic matter in shallow temperate lakes of the Southern Andes …
C Soto Cardenas, M Gerea, PE Garcia, GL Pérez, MC Diéguez, ...
Ecohydrology 10 (7), e1872, 2017
Suppression of the rotifer Polyarthra remata by the omnivorous copepod Tropocyclops extensus: predation or competition
MC Diéguez, JJ Gilbert
Journal of Plankton Research 24 (4), 359-369, 2002
Linking landscape heterogeneity with lake dissolved organic matter properties assessed through absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopy: spatial and seasonal patterns in …
C Queimaliños, M Reissig, GL Pérez, CS Cárdenas, M Gerea, PE Garcia, ...
Science of the Total Environment 686, 223-235, 2019
Low crowding threshold for induction of sexual reproduction and diapause in a Patagonian rotifer
JJ Gilbert, MC Dieguez
Freshwater Biology 55 (8), 1705-1718, 2010
Colony size in Conochilus hippocrepis: defensive adaptation to predator size
M Diéguez, E Balseiro
Rotifera VIII: A Comparative Approach: Proceedings of the VIIIth …, 1998
Predation by Buenoa macrotibialis (Insecta, Hemiptera) on zooplankton: effect of light on selection and consumption of prey
MC Diéguez, JJ Gilbert
Journal of Plankton Research 25 (7), 759-769, 2003
Daphnia–rotifer interactions in Patagonian communities
MC Diéguez, JJ Gilbert
Hydrobiologia 662, 189-195, 2011
Influence of dissolved organic matter character on mercury incorporation by planktonic organisms: an experimental study using oligotrophic water from Patagonian lakes
MC Diéguez, CP Queimalinos, SR Guevara, M Marvin-DiPasquale, ...
Journal of Environmental Sciences 25 (10), 1980-1991, 2013
Influence of abiotic and biotic factors on morphological variation of Keratella cochlearis (Gosse) in a small Andean lake
M Diéguez, B Modenutti, C Queimaliños
Rotifera VIII: A Comparative Approach: Proceedings of the VIIIth …, 1998
Natural levels and photo-production rates of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in Andean Patagonian aquatic systems: Influence of the dissolved organic matter pool
PE García, C Queimaliños, MC Diéguez
Chemosphere 217, 550-557, 2019
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