Selma Šabanović
PARO robot affects diverse interaction modalities in group sensory therapy for older adults with dementia
S Šabanović, CC Bennett, WL Chang, L Huber
2013 IEEE 13th international conference on rehabilitation robotics (ICORR), 1-6, 2013
Robots in society, society in robots: Mutual Shaping of Society and Technology as a Framework for Social Robot Design
S Šabanović
International Journal of Social Robotics 2 (4), 439-450, 2010
Human-robot interaction: An introduction
C Bartneck, T Belpaeme, F Eyssel, T Kanda, M Keijsers, S Šabanović
Cambridge University Press, 2024
Robots in the wild: Observing human-robot social interaction outside the lab
S Sabanovic, MP Michalowski, R Simmons
9th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, 2006., 596-601, 2006
A spatial model of engagement for a social robot
MP Michalowski, S Sabanovic, R Simmons
9th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, 2006., 762-767, 2006
Steps toward participatory design of social robots: mutual learning with older adults with depression
HR Lee, S Šabanović, WL Chang, S Nagata, J Piatt, C Bennett, D Hakken
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM/IEEE international conference on human-robot …, 2017
A dancing robot for rhythmic social interaction
MP Michalowski, S Sabanovic, H Kozima
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-robot …, 2007
Real-time, cloud-based object detection for unmanned aerial vehicles
J Lee, J Wang, D Crandall, S Šabanović, G Fox
2017 First IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC), 36-43, 2017
Inventing Japan’s ‘robotics culture’: The repeated assembly of science, technology, and culture in social robotics
S Šabanović
Social Studies of Science 44 (3), 342-367, 2014
Culturally variable preferences for robot design and use in South Korea, Turkey, and the United States
HR Lee, S Sabanović
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-robot …, 2014
The effect of monitoring by cameras and robots on the privacy enhancing behaviors of older adults
K Caine, S Šabanovic, M Carter
Proceedings of the seventh annual ACM/IEEE international conference on Human …, 2012
Use of seal-like robot PARO in sensory group therapy for older adults with dementia
WL Chang, S Šabanovic, L Huber
2013 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI …, 2013
A robot of my own: participatory design of socially assistive robots for independently living older adults diagnosed with depression
S Šabanović, WL Chang, CC Bennett, JA Piatt, D Hakken
Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Design for Aging: First …, 2015
Cross-cultural studies on subjective evaluation of a seal robot
T Shibata, K Wada, Y Ikeda, S Sabanovic
Advanced Robotics 23 (4), 443-458, 2009
Dragons, ladybugs, and softballs: Girls’ STEM engagement with human-centered robotics
A Gomoll, CE Hmelo-Silver, S Šabanović, M Francisco
Journal of Science Education and Technology 25 (6), 899-914, 2016
Interaction expands function: Social shaping of the therapeutic robot PARO in a nursing home
WL Chang, S Šabanović
Proceedings of the Tenth Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human …, 2015
Designing robots in the wild: In situ prototype evaluation for a break management robot
S Šabanović, SM Reeder, B Kechavarzi
Journal of Human-Robot Interaction 3 (1), 70-88, 2014
Cultural design of domestic robots: A study of user expectations in Korea and the United States
HR Lee, JY Sung, S Šabanović, J Han
2012 IEEE RO-MAN: The 21st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human …, 2012
Effects of robot-human versus robot-robot behavior and entitativity on anthropomorphism and willingness to interact
MR Fraune, BC Oisted, CE Sembrowski, KA Gates, MM Krupp, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 105, 106220, 2020
Rabble of robots effects: Number and type of robots modulates attitudes, emotions, and stereotypes
MR Fraune, S Sherrin, S Sabanović, ER Smith
Proceedings of the Tenth Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human …, 2015
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