Sepp Hartung
Sepp Hartung
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Parameterized algorithmics and computational experiments for finding 2-clubs
S Hartung, C Komusiewicz, A Nichterlein
International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation, 231-241, 2012
On the parameterized and approximation hardness of metric dimension
S Hartung, A Nichterlein
2013 IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity, 266-276, 2013
Incremental list coloring of graphs, parameterized by conservation
S Hartung, R Niedermeier
Theoretical Computer Science 494, 86-98, 2013
On structural parameterizations for the 2-club problem
S Hartung, C Komusiewicz, A Nichterlein, O Suchý
Discrete Applied Mathematics 185, 79-92, 2015
A multivariate complexity analysis of lobbying in multiple referenda
R Bredereck, J Chen, S Hartung, S Kratsch, R Niedermeier, O Suchy, ...
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 50, 409-446, 2014
Improved upper and lower bound heuristics for degree anonymization in social networks
S Hartung, C Hoffmann, A Nichterlein
Experimental Algorithms: 13th International Symposium, SEA 2014, Copenhagen …, 2014
A refined complexity analysis of degree anonymization in graphs
S Hartung, A Nichterlein, R Niedermeier, O Suchý
Information and Computation 243, 249-262, 2015
The complexity of degree anonymization by vertex addition
R Bredereck, V Froese, S Hartung, A Nichterlein, R Niedermeier, ...
Theoretical Computer Science 607, 16-34, 2015
The parameterized complexity of local search for TSP, more refined
J Guo, S Hartung, R Niedermeier, O Suchý
Algorithmica 67 (1), 89-110, 2013
Programming by optimisation meets parameterised algorithmics: A case study for cluster editing
S Hartung, HH Hoos
Learning and Intelligent Optimization: 9th International Conference, LION 9 …, 2015
Constant-factor approximations for capacitated arc routing without triangle inequality
R Van Bevern, S Hartung, A Nichterlein, M Sorge
Operations Research Letters 42 (4), 290-292, 2014
Linear-time computation of a linear problem kernel for dominating set on planar graphs
R Van Bevern, S Hartung, F Kammer, R Niedermeier, M Weller
International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation, 194-206, 2011
The complexity of finding a large subgraph under anonymity constraints
R Bredereck, S Hartung, A Nichterlein, GJ Woeginger
Algorithms and Computation: 24th International Symposium, ISAAC 2013, Hong …, 2013
Exact algorithms and experiments for hierarchical tree clustering
S Hartung, J Guo, C Komusiewicz, R Niedermeier, J Uhlmann
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 24 (1), 457-462, 2010
Finding large degree-anonymous subgraphs is hard
C Bazgan, R Bredereck, S Hartung, A Nichterlein, GJ Woeginger
Theoretical Computer Science 622, 90-110, 2016
NP-hardness and fixed-parameter tractability of realizing degree sequences with directed acyclic graphs
S Hartung, A Nichterlein
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 29 (4), 1931-1960, 2015
Fixed-parameter algorithms for DAG partitioning
R van Bevern, R Bredereck, M Chopin, S Hartung, F Hüffner, A Nichterlein, ...
Discrete Applied Mathematics 220, 134-160, 2017
Co-clustering under the maximum norm
L Bulteau, V Froese, S Hartung, R Niedermeier
Algorithms 9 (1), 17, 2016
The complexity of degree anonymization by graph contractions
S Hartung, N Talmon
International Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation …, 2015
Parameterized complexity of DAG partitioning
R Van Bevern, R Bredereck, M Chopin, S Hartung, F Hüffner, ...
Algorithms and Complexity: 8th International Conference, CIAC 2013 …, 2013
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