Thomas H. Gibson
Thomas H. Gibson
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Firedrake user manual
DA Ham, PHJ Kelly, L Mitchell, CJ Cotter, RC Kirby, K Sagiyama, ...
Imperial College London and University of Oxford and Baylor University and …, 2023
Slate: extending Firedrake's domain-specific abstraction to hybridized solvers for geoscience and beyond
TH Gibson, L Mitchell, DA Ham, CJ Cotter
Geoscientific model development 13 (2), 735-761, 2020
Higher-order compatible finite element schemes for the nonlinear rotating shallow water equations on the sphere
J Shipton, TH Gibson, CJ Cotter
Journal of Computational Physics 375, 1121-1137, 2018
Entropy stable discontinuous Galerkin methods for balance laws in non-conservative form: Applications to the Euler equations with gravity
M Waruszewski, JE Kozdon, LC Wilcox, TH Gibson, FX Giraldo
Journal of Computational Physics 468, 111507, 2022
Firedrake user manual. Imperial College London and University of Oxford and Baylor University and University of Washington
DA Ham, PHJ Kelly, L Mitchell, CJ Cotter, RC Kirby, K Sagiyama, ...
A compatible finite‐element discretisation for the moist compressible Euler equations
TM Bendall, TH Gibson, J Shipton, CJ Cotter, B Shipway
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 146 (732), 3187-3205, 2020
Large-eddy simulations with ClimateMachine v0. 2.0: a new open-source code for atmospheric simulations on GPUs and CPUs
A Sridhar, Y Tissaoui, S Marras, Z Shen, C Kawczynski, S Byrne, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 15 (15), 6259-6284, 2022
Compatible Finite Element Methods for Geophysical Flows: Automation and Implementation Using Firedrake
TH Gibson, ATT McRae, CJ Cotter, L Mitchell, DA Ham
Springer Nature, 2019
Firedrake User Manual, Imperial College London and University of Oxford and Baylor University and University of Washington, ed., 5 2023
DA Ham, PHJ Kelly, L Mitchell, CJ Cotter, RC Kirby, K Sagiyama, ...
Multigrid preconditioners for the hybridised discontinuous Galerkin discretisation of the shallow water equations
J Betteridge, TH Gibson, IG Graham, EH Müller
Journal of Computational Physics 426, 109948, 2021
The flux‐differencing discontinuous galerkin method applied to an idealized fully compressible nonhydrostatic dry atmosphere
AN Souza, J He, T Bischoff, M Waruszewski, L Novak, V Barra, T Gibson, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 15 (4), e2022MS003527, 2023
Experiments with the triangle algorithm for linear systems, 2-page Extended Abstract
T Gibson, B Kalantari
23nd annual fall workshop on computational geometry, City College of New York, 2013
TH Gibson, ATT McRae, CJ Cotter, L Mitchell, DA Ham, TH Gibson, ...
Compatible Finite Element Methods for Geophysical Flows: Automation and …, 2019
Hybridised multigrid preconditioners for a compatible finite‐element dynamical core
JD Betteridge, CJ Cotter, TH Gibson, MJ Griffith, T Melvin, EH Müller
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 149 (755), 2454-2476, 2023
Automating the generation of finite element dynamical cores with Firedrake
D Ham, L Mitchell, M Homolya, F Luporini, T Gibson, P Kelly, C Cotter, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 17987, 2017
Hybridizable compatible finite element discretizations for numerical weather prediction: Implementation and analysis
TH Gibson
Imperial College London, 2020
Compatible finite element methods and parallel-in-time schemes for numerical weather prediction.
J Shipton, C Cotter, T Bendall, T Gibson, L Mitchell, D Ham, B Wingate, ...
EGU2020, 2020
The effect of numerical parameters on eddies in oceanic overflows: A laboratory and numerical study
SM Reckinger, TH Gibson, FM Hohman, TJ Morrison, SJ Reckinger, ...
International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements …, 2019
Models in Three-Dimensions
TH Gibson, ATT McRae, CJ Cotter, L Mitchell, DA Ham, TH Gibson, ...
Compatible Finite Element Methods for Geophysical Flows: Automation and …, 2019
Finite Element Methods for Geophysical Flows
TH Gibson, ATT McRae, CJ Cotter, L Mitchell, DA Ham, TH Gibson, ...
Compatible Finite Element Methods for Geophysical Flows: Automation and …, 2019
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